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Korupolu, Madhukar, Rajaraman, Rajmohan.  2016.  Robust and Probabilistic Failure-Aware Placement. Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. :213–224.

Motivated by the growing complexity and heterogeneity of modern data centers, and the prevalence of commodity component failures, this paper studies the failure-aware placement problem of placing tasks of a parallel job on machines in the data center with the goal of increasing availability. We consider two models of failures: adversarial and probabilistic. In the adversarial model, each node has a weight (higher weight implying higher reliability) and the adversary can remove any subset of nodes of total weight at most a given bound W and our goal is to find a placement that incurs the least disruption against such an adversary. In the probabilistic model, each node has a probability of failure and we need to find a placement that maximizes the probability that at least K out of N tasks survive at any time. For adversarial failures, we first show that (i) the problems are in Σ2, the second level of the polynomial hierarchy, (ii) a basic variant, that we call RobustFAP, is co-NP-hard, and (iii) an all-or-nothing version of RobustFAP is Σ2-complete. We then give a PTAS for RobustFAP, a key ingredient of which is a solution that we design for a fractional version of RobustFAP. We then study fractional RobustFAP over hierarchies, denoted HierRobustFAP, and introduce a notion of hierarchical max-min fairness/ and a novel Generalized Spreading/ algorithm which is simultaneously optimal for all W. These generalize the classical notion of max-min fairness to work with nodes of differing capacities, differing reliability weights and hierarchical structures. Using randomized rounding, we extend this to give an algorithm for integral HierRobustFAP. For the probabilistic version, we first give an algorithm that achieves an additive ε approximation in the failure probability for the single level version, called ProbFAP, while giving up a (1 + ε) multiplicative factor in the number of failures. We then extend the result to the hierarchical version, HierProbFAP, achieving an ε additive approximation in failure probability while giving up an (L + ε) multiplicative factor in the number of failures, where \$L\$ is the number of levels in the hierarchy.

Kantarcioglu, Murat, Xi, Bowei.  2016.  Adversarial Data Mining: Big Data Meets Cyber Security. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1866–1867.

As more and more cyber security incident data ranging from systems logs to vulnerability scan results are collected, manually analyzing these collected data to detect important cyber security events become impossible. Hence, data mining techniques are becoming an essential tool for real-world cyber security applications. For example, a report from Gartner [gartner12] claims that "Information security is becoming a big data analytics problem, where massive amounts of data will be correlated, analyzed and mined for meaningful patterns". Of course, data mining/analytics is a means to an end where the ultimate goal is to provide cyber security analysts with prioritized actionable insights derived from big data. This raises the question, can we directly apply existing techniques to cyber security applications? One of the most important differences between data mining for cyber security and many other data mining applications is the existence of malicious adversaries that continuously adapt their behavior to hide their actions and to make the data mining models ineffective. Unfortunately, traditional data mining techniques are insufficient to handle such adversarial problems directly. The adversaries adapt to the data miner's reactions, and data mining algorithms constructed based on a training dataset degrades quickly. To address these concerns, over the last couple of years new and novel data mining techniques which is more resilient to such adversarial behavior are being developed in machine learning and data mining community. We believe that lessons learned as a part of this research direction would be beneficial for cyber security researchers who are increasingly applying machine learning and data mining techniques in practice. To give an overview of recent developments in adversarial data mining, in this three hour long tutorial, we introduce the foundations, the techniques, and the applications of adversarial data mining to cyber security applications. We first introduce various approaches proposed in the past to defend against active adversaries, such as a minimax approach to minimize the worst case error through a zero-sum game. We then discuss a game theoretic framework to model the sequential actions of the adversary and the data miner, while both parties try to maximize their utilities. We also introduce a modified support vector machine method and a relevance vector machine method to defend against active adversaries. Intrusion detection and malware detection are two important application areas for adversarial data mining models that will be discussed in details during the tutorial. Finally, we discuss some practical guidelines on how to use adversarial data mining ideas in generic cyber security applications and how to leverage existing big data management tools for building data mining algorithms for cyber security.

Al-Shaer, Ehab.  2016.  A Cyber Mutation: Metrics, Techniques and Future Directions. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense. :1–1.

After decades of cyber warfare, it is well-known that the static and predictable behavior of cyber configuration provides a great advantage to adversaries to plan and launch their attack successfully. At the same time, as cyber attacks are getting highly stealthy and more sophisticated, their detection and mitigation become much harder and expensive. We developed a new foundation for moving target defense (MTD) based on cyber mutation, as a new concept in cybersecurity to reverse this asymmetry in cyber warfare by embedding agility into cyber systems. Cyber mutation enables cyber systems to automatically change its configuration parameters in unpredictable, safe and adaptive manner in order to proactively achieve one or more of the following MTD goals: (1) deceiving attackers from reaching their goals, (2) disrupting their plans via changing adversarial behaviors, and (3) deterring adversaries by prohibitively increasing the attack effort and cost. In this talk, we will present the formal foundations, metrics and framework for developing effective cyber mutation techniques. The talk will also review several examples of developed techniques including Random Host Mutation, Random Rout Mutation, fingerprinting mutation, and mutable virtual networks. The talk will also address the evaluation and lessons learned for advancing the future research in this area.

Maleki, Hoda, Valizadeh, Saeed, Koch, William, Bestavros, Azer, van Dijk, Marten.  2016.  Markov Modeling of Moving Target Defense Games. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense. :81–92.

We introduce a Markov-model-based framework for Moving Target Defense (MTD) analysis. The framework allows modeling of a broad range of MTD strategies, provides general theorems about how the probability of a successful adversary defeating an MTD strategy is related to the amount of time/cost spent by the adversary, and shows how a multilevel composition of MTD strategies can be analyzed by a straightforward combination of the analysis for each one of these strategies. Within the proposed framework we define the concept of security capacity which measures the strength or effectiveness of an MTD strategy: the security capacity depends on MTD specific parameters and more general system parameters. We apply our framework to two concrete MTD strategies.

Huang, Zhenqi, Wang, Yu, Mitra, Sayan, Dullerud, Geir.  2016.  Controller Synthesis for Linear Dynamical Systems with Adversaries. Proceedings of the Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security. :53–62.

We present a controller synthesis algorithm for a reach-avoid problem in the presence of adversaries. Our model of the adversary abstractly captures typical malicious attacks envisioned on cyber-physical systems such as sensor spoofing, controller corruption, and actuator intrusion. After formulating the problem in a general setting, we present a sound and complete algorithm for the case with linear dynamics and an adversary with a budget on the total L2-norm of its actions. The algorithm relies on a result from linear control theory that enables us to decompose and compute the reachable states of the system in terms of a symbolic simulation of the adversary-free dynamics and the total uncertainty induced by the adversary. With this decomposition, the synthesis problem eliminates the universal quantifier on the adversary's choices and the symbolic controller actions can be effectively solved using an SMT solver. The constraints induced by the adversary are computed by solving second-order cone programmings. The algorithm is later extended to synthesize state-dependent controller and to generate attacks for the adversary. We present preliminary experimental results that show the effectiveness of this approach on several example problems.

Zheng, Yao, Schulz, Matthias, Lou, Wenjing, Hou, Y. Thomas, Hollick, Matthias.  2016.  Profiling the Strength of Physical-Layer Security: A Study in Orthogonal Blinding. Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. :21–30.

Physical layer security for wireless communication is broadly considered as a promising approach to protect data confidentiality against eavesdroppers. However, despite its ample theoretical foundation, the transition to practical implementations of physical-layer security still lacks success. A close inspection of proven vulnerable physical-layer security designs reveals that the flaws are usually overlooked when the scheme is only evaluated against an inferior, single-antenna eavesdropper. Meanwhile, the attacks exposing vulnerabilities often lack theoretical justification. To reduce the gap between theory and practice, we posit that a physical-layer security scheme must be studied under multiple adversarial models to fully grasp its security strength. In this regard, we evaluate a specific physical-layer security scheme, i.e. orthogonal blinding, under multiple eavesdropper settings. We further propose a practical "ciphertext-only attack" that allows eavesdroppers to recover the original message by exploiting the low entropy fields in wireless packets. By means of simulation, we are able to reduce the symbol error rate at an eavesdropper below 1% using only the eavesdropper's receiving data and a general knowledge about the format of the wireless packets.