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Ko, Wilson K.H., Wu, Yan, Tee, Keng Peng.  2016.  LAP: A Human-in-the-loop Adaptation Approach for Industrial Robots. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human Agent Interaction. :313–319.

In the last few years, a shift from mass production to mass customisation is observed in the industry. Easily reprogrammable robots that can perform a wide variety of tasks are desired to keep up with the trend of mass customisation while saving costs and development time. Learning by Demonstration (LfD) is an easy way to program the robots in an intuitive manner and provides a solution to this problem. In this work, we discuss and evaluate LAP, a three-stage LfD method that conforms to the criteria for the high-mix-low-volume (HMLV) industrial settings. The algorithm learns a trajectory in the task space after which small segments can be adapted on-the-fly by using a human-in-the-loop approach. The human operator acts as a high-level adaptation, correction and evaluation mechanism to guide the robot. This way, no sensors or complex feedback algorithms are needed to improve robot behaviour, so errors and inaccuracies induced by these subsystems are avoided. After the system performs at a satisfactory level after the adaptation, the operator will be removed from the loop. The robot will then proceed in a feed-forward fashion to optimise for speed. We demonstrate this method by simulating an industrial painting application. A KUKA LBR iiwa is taught how to draw an eight figure which is reshaped by the operator during adaptation.

Wu, Wenfei, Zhang, Ying, Banerjee, Sujata.  2016.  Automatic Synthesis of NF Models by Program Analysis. Proceedings of the 15th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks. :29–35.

Network functions (NFs), like firewall, NAT, IDS, have been widely deployed in today’s modern networks. However, currently there is no standard specification or modeling language that can accurately describe the complexity and diversity of different NFs. Recently there have been research efforts to propose NF models. However, they are often generated manually and thus error-prone. This paper proposes a method to automatically synthesize NF models via program analysis. We develop a tool called NFactor, which conducts code refactoring and program slicing on NF source code, in order to generate its forwarding model. We demonstrate its usefulness on two NFs and evaluate its correctness. A few applications of NFactor are described, including network verification.

Zhang, Peng, Li, Hao, Hu, Chengchen, Hu, Liujia, Xiong, Lei, Wang, Ruilong, Zhang, Yuemei.  2016.  Mind the Gap: Monitoring the Control-Data Plane Consistency in Software Defined Networks. Proceedings of the 12th International on Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies. :19–33.

How to debug large networks is always a challenging task. Software Defined Network (SDN) offers a centralized con- trol platform where operators can statically verify network policies, instead of checking configuration files device-by-device. While such a static verification is useful, it is still not enough: due to data plane faults, packets may not be forwarded according to control plane policies, resulting in network faults at runtime. To address this issue, we present VeriDP, a tool that can continuously monitor what we call control-data plane consistency, defined as the consistency between control plane policies and data plane forwarding behaviors. We prototype VeriDP with small modifications of both hardware and software SDN switches, and show that it can achieve a verification speed of 3 μs per packet, with a false negative rate as low as 0.1%, for the Stanford backbone and Internet2 topologies. In addition, when verification fails, VeriDP can localize faulty switches with a probability as high as 96% for fat tree topologies.

Nikravesh, Ashkan, Hong, David Ke, Chen, Qi Alfred, Madhyastha, Harsha V., Mao, Z. Morley.  2016.  QoE Inference Without Application Control. Proceedings of the 2016 Workshop on QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks. :19–24.
Network quality-of-service (QoS) does not always directly translate to users' quality-of-experience (QoE), e.g., changes in a video streaming app's frame rate in reaction to changes in packet loss rate depend on various factors such as the adaptation strategy used by the app and the app's use of forward error correction (FEC) codes. Therefore, knowledge of user QoE is desirable in several scenarios that have traditionally operated on QoS information. Examples include traffic management by ISPs and resource allocation by the operating system (OS). However, today, entities such as ISPs and OSes that implement these optimizations typically do not have a convenient way of obtaining input from applications on user QoE. To address this problem, we propose offline generation of per-application models mapping application-independent QoS metrics to corresponding application-specific QoE metrics, thereby enabling entities (such as ISPs and OSes) that can observe a user's network traffic to infer the user's QoE, in the absence of direct input. In this paper, we describe how such models can be generated and present our results from two popular video applications with significantly different QoE metrics. We also showcase the use of these models for ISPs to perform QoE-aware traffic management and for the OS to offer an efficient QoE diagnosis service.