The identification of transmission sections is used to improve the efficiency of monitoring the operation of the power grid. In order to test the validity of transmission sections identified, an assessment process is necessary. In addition, Transmission betweenness, an index for finding the key transmission lines in the power grid, should also be verified. In this paper, chain attack is assumed to check the weak links in the grid, thus verifying the transmission betweenness implemented for the system. Moreover, the line outage distribution factors (LODFs) are used to quantify the change of power flow when the leading line in transmission sections breaks down, so that the validity of transmission sections can be proved. Case studies based on IEEE 39 and IEEE 118 -bus system proved the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Physical consequences to power systems of false data injection cyber-attacks are considered. Prior work has shown that the worst-case consequences of such an attack can be determined using a bi-level optimization problem, wherein an attack is chosen to maximize the physical power flow on a target line subsequent to re-dispatch. This problem can be solved as a mixed-integer linear program, but it is difficult to scale to large systems due to numerical challenges. Three new computationally efficient algorithms to solve this problem are presented. These algorithms provide lower and upper bounds on the system vulnerability measured as the maximum power flow subsequent to an attack. Using these techniques, vulnerability assessments are conducted for IEEE 118-bus system and Polish system with 2383 buses.