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Chen, Xiaofeng, Wei, Zunbo, Jia, Xiangjuan, Zheng, Peiyu, Han, Mengwei, Yang, Xiaohu.  2022.  Current Status and Prospects of Blockchain Security Standardization. 2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud)/2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Edge Computing and Scalable Cloud (EdgeCom). :24–29.
In recent years, blockchain technology has become one of the key technical innovation fields in the world. From the simple Bitcoin that can only be transferred at first to the blockchain application ecology that is now blooming, blockchain is gradually building a credible internet of value. However, with the continuous development and application of blockchain, even the blockchain based on cryptography is facing a series of network security problems and has caused great property losses to participants. Therefore, studying blockchain security and accelerating standardization of blockchain security have become the top priority to ensure the orderly and healthy development of blockchain technology. This paper briefly introduces the scope of blockchain security from the perspective of network security, sorts out some existing standards related to blockchain security, and gives some suggestions to promote the development and application of blockchain security standardization.
ISSN: 2693-8928
Yanrong, Wen.  2021.  Research of the Innovative Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Education in the New Ecology of Education. 2021 2nd International Conference on Education, Knowledge and Information Management (ICEKIM). :468—473.
The development of artificial intelligence will certainly fundamentally change the pattern of human work. With the promotion of top-level strategies, vocational education can only develop sustainably by integrating with science and technology. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that studies the basic theories, methods and techniques of how to apply computer hardware and software to simulate certain intelligent human behaviors. Artificial intelligence applied to vocational education mainly focuses on resource network technology and integrated distributed intelligent system, which organically integrates various different expert systems (ES), management information systems (MIS), intelligent networks, decision support systems (DSS), databases, numerical computing packages and graphics processing programs to solve complex problems. Artificial intelligence will certainly empower vocational education and give rise to a vocational education revolution. In the process of continuous improvement of AI, it is a more practical approach to apply various already mature AI technologies to vocational education practice. Establishing an intelligent vocational education ecology enables traditional education and AI to complement each other's advantages and jointly promote the healthy and sustainable development of vocational education ecology.
Atkinson, Simon Reay, Walker, David, Beaulne, Kevin, Hossain, Liaquat.  2012.  Cyber – Transparencies, Assurance and Deterrence. 2012 International Conference on Cyber Security. :119–126.
Cyber-has often been considered as a coordination and control, as opposed to collaborative influence, media. This conceptual-design paper, uniquely, builds upon a number of entangled, cross disciplinary research strands – integrating engineering and conflict studies – and a detailed literature review to propose a new paradigm of assurance and deterrence models. We consider an ontology for Cyber-sûréte, which combines both the social trusts necessary for [knowledge &, information] assurance such as collaboration by social influence (CSI) and the technological controls and rules for secure information management referred as coordination by rule and control (CRC). We posit Cyber-sûréte as enabling both a 'safe-to-fail' ecology (in which learning, testing and adaptation can take place) within a fail-safe supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA type) system, e.g. in a nuclear power plant. Building upon traditional state-based threat analysis, we consider Warning Time and the Threat equation with relation to policies for managing Cyber-Deterrence. We examine how the goods of Cyber-might be galvanised so as to encourage virtuous behaviour and deter and / or dissuade ne'er-do-wells through multiple transparencies. We consider how the Deterrence-escalator may be managed by identifying both weak influence and strong control signals so as to create a more benign and responsive cyber-ecology, in which strengths can be exploited and weaknesses identified. Finally, we consider declaratory / mutual transparencies as opposed to legalistic / controlled transparency.
Lier, B. van.  2017.  The industrial internet of things and cyber security: An ecological and systemic perspective on security in digital industrial ecosystems. 2017 21st International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC). :641–647.

All over the world, objects are increasingly connected in networks such as the Industrial Internet of Things. Interconnections, intercommunications and interactions are driving the development of an entirely new whole in the form of the Industrial Internet of Things. Communication and interaction are the norm both for separate components, such as cyber-physical systems, and for the functioning of the system as a whole. This new whole can be likened to a natural ecosystem where the process of homeostasis ensures the stability and security of the whole. Components of such an industrial ecosystem, or even an industrial ecosystem as a whole, are increasingly targeted by cyber attacks. Such attacks not only threaten the functioning of one or multiple components, they also constitute a threat to the functioning of the new whole. General systems theory can offer a scientific framework for the development of measures to improve the security and stability of both separate components and the new whole.