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Zhou, Y., Zeng, Z..  2019.  Info-Retrieval with Relevance Feedback using Hybrid Learning Scheme for RS Image. 2019 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). :135—138.

Relevance feedback can be considered as a learning problem. It has been extensively used to improve the performance of retrieval multimedia information. In this paper, after the relevance feedback upon content-based image retrieval (CBIR) discussed, a hybrid learning scheme on multi-target retrieval (MTR) with relevance feedback was proposed. Suppose the symbolic image database (SID) of object-level with combined image metadata and feature model was constructed. During the interactive query for remote sensing image, we calculate the similarity metric so as to get the relevant image sets from the image library. For the purpose of further improvement of the precision of image retrieval, a hybrid learning scheme parameter also need to be chosen. As a result, the idea of our hybrid learning scheme contains an exception maximization algorithm (EMA) used for retrieving the most relevant images from SID and an algorithm called supported vector machine (SVM) with relevance feedback used for learning the feedback information substantially. Experimental results show that our hybrid learning scheme with relevance feedback on MTR can improve the performance and accuracy compared the basic algorithms.

Li, S., Wang, B..  2017.  A Method for Hybrid Bayesian Network Structure Learning from Massive Data Using MapReduce. 2017 ieee 3rd international conference on big data security on cloud (bigdatasecurity), ieee international conference on high performance and smart computing (hpsc), and ieee international conference on intelligent data and security (ids). :272–276.
Bayesian Network is the popular and important data mining model for representing uncertain knowledge. For large scale data it is often too costly to learn the accurate structure. To resolve this problem, much work has been done on migrating the structure learning algorithms to the MapReduce framework. In this paper, we introduce a distributed hybrid structure learning algorithm by combining the advantages of constraint-based and score-and-search-based algorithms. By reusing the intermediate results of MapReduce, the algorithm greatly simplified the computing work and got good results in both efficiency and accuracy.