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Kar, N., Aman, M. A. A. A., Mandal, K., Bhattacharya, B..  2017.  Chaos-based video steganography. 2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT). :482–487.

In this paper a novel data hiding method has been proposed which is based on Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register and Tinkerbell 2D chaotic map. So far, the major work in Steganography using chaotic map has been confined to image steganography where significant restrictions are there to increase payload. In our work, 2D chaotic map and NLFSR are used to developed a video steganography mechanism where data will be embedded in the segregated frames. This will increase the data hiding limit exponentially. Also, embedding position of each frame will be different from others frames which will increase the overall security of the proposed mechanism. We have achieved this randomized data hiding points by using a chaotic map. Basically, Chaotic theory which is non-linear dynamics physics is using in this era in the field of Cryptography and Steganography and because of this theory, little bit changes in initial condition makes the output totally different. So, it is very hard to get embedding position of data without knowing the initial value of the chaotic map.