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Kuang, Randy, Perepechaenko, Maria.  2022.  Digital Signature Performance of a New Quantum Safe Multivariate Polynomial Public Key Algorithm. 2022 7th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS). :419—424.
We discuss the performance of a new quantumsafe multivariate digital signature scheme proposed recently, called the Multivariate Polynomial Public Key Digital Signature (MPPK DS) scheme. Leveraging MPPK KEM or key exchange mechanism, the MPPK DS scheme is established using modular exponentiation with a randomly chosen secret base from a prime field. The security of the MPPK DS algorithm largely benefits from a generalized safe prime associated with the said field and the Euler totient function. We can achieve NIST security levels I, III, and V over a 64-bit prime field, with relatively small public key sizes of 128 bytes, 192 bytes, and 256 bytes for security levels I, III, and V, respectively. The signature sizes are 80 bytes for level I, 120 bytes for level III, and 160 bytes for level V. The MPPK DS scheme offers probabilistic procedures for signing and verification. That is, for each given signing message, a signer can randomly pick a base integer to be used for modular exponentiation with a private key, and a verifier can verify the signature with the digital message, based on the verification relationship, using any randomly selected noise variables. The verification process can be repeated as many times as the verifier wishes for different noise values, however, for a true honest signature, the verification will always pass. This probabilistic feature largely restricts an adversary to perform spoofing attacks. In this paper, we conduct some performance analyses by implementing MPPK DS in Java. We compare its performance with benchmark performances of NIST PQC Round 3 finalists: Rainbow, Dilithium, and Falcon. Overall, the MPPK DS scheme demonstrates equivalent or better performance, and much smaller public key, as well as signature sizes, compared to the three NIST PQC Round 3 finalists.
S, Bakkialakshmi V., Sudalaimuthu, T..  2022.  Dynamic Cat-Boost Enabled Keystroke Analysis for User Stress Level Detection. 2022 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering Solutions (CISES). :556–560.
The impact of digital gadgets is enormous in the current Internet world because of the easy accessibility, flexibility and time-saving benefits for the consumers. The number of computer users is increasing every year. Meanwhile, the time spent and the computers also increased. Computer users browse the internet for various information gathering and stay on the internet for a long time without control. Nowadays working people from home also spend time with the smart devices, computers, and laptops, for a longer duration to complete professional work, personal work etc. the proposed study focused on deriving the impact factors of Smartphones by analyzing the keystroke dynamics Based on the usage pattern of keystrokes the system evaluates the stress level detection using machine learning techniques. In the proposed study keyboard users are intended for testing purposes. Volunteers of 200 members are collectively involved in generating the test dataset. They are allowed to sit for a certain frame of time to use the laptop in the meanwhile the keystroke of the Mouse and keyboard are recorded. The system reads the dataset and trains the model using the Dynamic Cat-Boost algorithm (DCB), which acts as the classification model. The evaluation metrics are framed by calculating Euclidean distance (ED), Manhattan Distance (MahD), Mahalanobis distance (MD) etc. Quantitative measures of DCB are framed through Accuracy, precision and F1Score.
Jia, Yaoqi, Tople, Shruti, Moataz, Tarik, Gong, Deli, Saxena, Prateek, Liang, Zhenkai.  2020.  Robust P2P Primitives Using SGX Enclaves. 2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :1185–1186.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems such as BitTorrent and Bitcoin are susceptible to serious attacks from byzantine nodes that join as peers. Due to well-known impossibility results for designing P2P primitives in unrestricted byzantine settings, research has explored many adversarial models with additional assumptions, ranging from mild (such as pre-established PKI) to strong (such as the existence of common random coins). One such widely-studied model is the general-omission model, which yields simple protocols with good efficiency, but has been considered impractical or unrealizable since it artificially limits the adversary only to omitting messages.In this work, we study the setting of a synchronous network wherein peer nodes have CPUs equipped with a recent trusted computing mechanism called Intel SGX. In this model, we observe that the byzantine adversary reduces to the adversary in the general-omission model. As a first result, we show that by leveraging SGX features, we eliminate any source of advantage for a byzantine adversary beyond that gained by omitting messages, making the general-omission model realizable. Our evaluation of 1000 nodes running on 40 DeterLab machines confirms theoretical efficiency claim.
Ray, Oliver, Moyle, Steve.  2021.  Towards expert-guided elucidation of cyber attacks through interactive inductive logic programming. 2021 13th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE). :1—7.
This paper proposes a logic-based machine learning approach called Acuity which is designed to facilitate user-guided elucidation of novel phenomena from evidence sparsely distributed across large volumes of linked relational data. The work builds on systems from the field of Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) by introducing a suite of new techniques for interacting with domain experts and data sources in a way that allows complex logical reasoning to be strategically exploited on large real-world databases through intuitive hypothesis-shaping and data-caching functionality. We propose two methods for rebutting or shaping candidate hypotheses and two methods for querying or importing relevant data from multiple sources. The benefits of Acuity are illustrated in a proof-of-principle case study involving a retrospective analysis of the CryptoWall ransomware attack using data from a cyber security testbed comprising a small business network and an infected laptop.
Jadhav, Mohit, Kulkarni, Nupur, Walhekar, Omkar.  2021.  Doodling Based CAPTCHA Authentication System. 2021 Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON). :1—5.
CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a widely used challenge-measures to distinguish humans and computer automated programs apart. Several existing CAPTCHAs are reliable for normal users, whereas visually impaired users face a lot of problems with the CAPTCHA authentication process. CAPTCHAs such as Google reCAPTCHA alternatively provides audio CAPTCHA, but many users find it difficult to decipher due to noise, language barrier, and accent of the audio of the CAPTCHA. Existing CAPTCHA systems lack user satisfaction on smartphones thus limiting its use. Our proposed system potentially solves the problem faced by visually impaired users during the process of CAPTCHA authentication. Also, our system makes the authentication process generic across users as well as platforms.
Matsumoto, Marin, Oguchi, Masato.  2021.  Speeding Up Encryption on IoT Devices Using Homomorphic Encryption. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP). :270–275.
What do we need to do to protect our personal information? IoT devices such as smartphones, smart watches, and home appliances are widespread. Encryption is required not only to prevent eavesdropping on communications but also to prevent information leakage from cloud services due to unauthorized access. Therefore, attention is being paid to fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) that allows addition and multiplication between ciphertexts. However, FHE with this convenient function has a drawback that the encryption requires huge volume of calculation and the ciphertext is large. Therefore, if FHE is used on a device with limited computational resources such as an IoT device, the load on the IoT device will be too heavy. In this research, we propose a system that can safely and effectively utilize data without imposing a load on IoT devices. In this system, somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE), which is a lightweight cryptosystem compared with FHE, is combined with FHE. The results of the experiment confirmed that the load on the IoT device can be reduced to approximately 1/1400 compared to load of the system from previous research.
Agarkhed, Jayashree, Pawar, Geetha.  2021.  Efficient Security Model for Pervasive Computing Using Multi-Layer Neural Network. 2021 Fourth International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT). :1–6.

In new technological world pervasive computing plays the important role in data computing and communication. The pervasive computing provides the mobile environment for decentralized computational services at anywhere, anytime at any context and location. Pervasive computing is flexible and makes portable devices and computing surrounded us as part of our daily life. Devices like Laptop, Smartphones, PDAs, and any other portable devices can constitute the pervasive environment. These devices in pervasive environments are worldwide and can receive various communications including audio visual services. The users and the system in this pervasive environment face the challenges of user trust, data privacy and user and device node identity. To give the feasible determination for these challenges. This paper aims to propose a dynamic learning in pervasive computing environment refer the challenges proposed efficient security model (ESM) for trustworthy and untrustworthy attackers. ESM model also compared with existing generic models; it also provides better accuracy rate than existing models.

Ahmad Riduan, Nuraqilah Haidah, Feresa Mohd Foozy, Cik, Hamid, Isredza Rahmi A, Shamala, Palaniappan, Othman, Nur Fadzilah.  2021.  Data Wiping Tool: ByteEditor Technique. 2021 3rd International Cyber Resilience Conference (CRC). :1–6.
This Wiping Tool is an anti-forensic tool that is built to wipe data permanently from laptop's storage. This tool is capable to ensure the data from being recovered with any recovery tools. The objective of building this wiping tool is to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the data from unauthorized access. People tend to delete the file in normal way, however, the file face the risk of being recovered. Hence, the integrity and confidentiality of the deleted file cannot be protected. Through wiping tools, the files are overwritten with random strings to make the files no longer readable. Thus, the integrity and the confidentiality of the file can be protected. Regarding wiping tools, nowadays, lots of wiping tools face issue such as data breach because the wiping tools are unable to delete the data permanently from the devices. This situation might affect their main function and a threat to their users. Hence, a new wiping tool is developed to overcome the problem. A new wiping tool named Data Wiping tool is applying two wiping techniques. The first technique is Randomized Data while the next one is enhancing wiping technique, known as ByteEditor. ByteEditor is a combination of two different techniques, byte editing and byte deletion. With the implementation of Object-Oriented methodology, this wiping tool is built. This methodology consists of analyzing, designing, implementation and testing. The tool is analyzed and compared with other wiping tools before the designing of the tool start. Once the designing is done, implementation phase take place. The code of the tool is created using Visual Studio 2010 with C\# language and being tested their functionality to ensure the developed tool meet the objectives of the project. This tool is believed able to contribute to the development of wiping tools and able to solve problems related to other wiping tools.
Vykopal, Jan, Čeleda, Pavel, Seda, Pavel, Švábenský, Valdemar, Tovarňák, Daniel.  2021.  Scalable Learning Environments for Teaching Cybersecurity Hands-on. 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). :1—9.
This Innovative Practice full paper describes a technical innovation for scalable teaching of cybersecurity hands-on classes using interactive learning environments. Hands-on experience significantly improves the practical skills of learners. However, the preparation and delivery of hands-on classes usually do not scale. Teaching even small groups of students requires a substantial effort to prepare the class environment and practical assignments. Further issues are associated with teaching large classes, providing feedback, and analyzing learning gains. We present our research effort and practical experience in designing and using learning environments that scale up hands-on cybersecurity classes. The environments support virtual networks with full-fledged operating systems and devices that emulate realworld systems. The classes are organized as simultaneous training sessions with cybersecurity assignments and learners' assessment. For big classes, with the goal of developing learners' skills and providing formative assessment, we run the environment locally, either in a computer lab or at learners' own desktops or laptops. For classes that exercise the developed skills and feature summative assessment, we use an on-premises cloud environment. Our approach is unique in supporting both types of deployment. The environment is described as code using open and standard formats, defining individual hosts and their networking, configuration of the hosts, and tasks that the students have to solve. The environment can be repeatedly created for different classes on a massive scale or for each student on-demand. Moreover, the approach enables learning analytics and educational data mining of learners' interactions with the environment. These analyses inform the instructor about the student's progress during the class and enable the learner to reflect on a finished training. Thanks to this, we can improve the student class experience and motivation for further learning. Using the presented environments KYPO Cyber Range Platform and Cyber Sandbox Creator, we delivered the classes on-site or remotely for various target groups of learners (K-12, university students, and professional learners). The learners value the realistic nature of the environments that enable exercising theoretical concepts and tools. The instructors value time-efficiency when preparing and deploying the hands-on activities. Engineering and computing educators can freely use our software, which we have released under an open-source license. We also provide detailed documentation and exemplary hands-on training to help other educators adopt our teaching innovations and enable sharing of reusable components within the community.
Shen, Cheng, Liu, Tian, Huang, Jun, Tan, Rui.  2021.  When LoRa Meets EMR: Electromagnetic Covert Channels Can Be Super Resilient. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1304–1317.
Due to the low power of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), EM convert channel has been widely considered as a short-range attack that can be easily mitigated by shielding. This paper overturns this common belief by demonstrating how covert EM signals leaked from typical laptops, desktops and servers are decoded from hundreds of meters away, or penetrate aggressive shield previously considered as sufficient to ensure emission security. We achieve this by designing EMLoRa – a super resilient EM covert channel that exploits memory as a LoRa-like radio. EMLoRa represents the first attempt of designing an EM covert channel using state-of-the-art spread spectrum technology. It tackles a set of unique challenges, such as handling complex spectral characteristics of EMR, tolerating signal distortions caused by CPU contention, and preventing adversarial detectors from demodulating covert signals. Experiment results show that EMLoRa boosts communication range by 20x and improves attenuation resilience by up to 53 dB when compared with prior EM covert channels at the same bit rate. By achieving this, EMLoRa allows an attacker to circumvent security perimeter, breach Faraday cage, and localize air-gapped devices in a wide area using just a small number of inexpensive sensors. To countermeasure EMLoRa, we further explore the feasibility of uncovering EMLoRa's signal using energy- and CNN-based detectors. Experiments show that both detectors suffer limited range, allowing EMLoRa to gain a significant range advantage. Our results call for further research on the countermeasure against spread spectrum-based EM covert channels.
Guri, Mordechai.  2021.  LANTENNA: Exfiltrating Data from Air-Gapped Networks via Ethernet Cables Emission. 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). :745–754.
In this paper we present LANTENNA - a new type of an electromagnetic attack allowing adversaries to leak sensitive data from isolated, air-gapped networks. Malicious code in air-gapped computers gathers sensitive data and then encodes it over radio waves emanated from Ethernet cables. A nearby receiving device can intercept the signals wirelessly, decodes the data and sends it to the attacker. We discuss the exiltration techniques, examine the covert channel characteristics, and provide implementation details. Notably, the malicious code can run in an ordinary user mode process, and can successfully operates from within a virtual machine. We evaluate the covert channel in different scenarios and present a set of of countermeasures. Our experiments show that with the LANTENNA attack, data can be exfiltrated from air-gapped computers to a distance of several meters away.
Jungum, Nevin Vunka, Mohamudally, Nawaz, Nissanke, Nimal.  2020.  Device Selection Decision Making using Multi-Criteria for Offloading Application Mobile Codes. 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). :326–331.
With fast growing research in the area of application partitioning for offloading, determining which devices to prioritize over the other for mobile code offloading is fundamental. Multiple methods can be adopted using both single-criterion and multiple-criteria strategies. Due to the characteristics of pervasive environments, whereby devices having different computing capability, different level of privacy and security and the mobility nature in such environment makes the decision-making process complex. To this end, this paper proposes a method using a combination of the method Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to calculate weights criteria of participating devices. Next the fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is considered to sort in order of priority the participating devices, hence facilitating the decision to opt for which participating device first. An evaluation of the method is also presented.
Mishra, Menaka, Upadhyay, A.K..  2019.  Need of Private and Public Sector Information Security. 2019 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science Engineering (Confluence). :168—173.

In this research paper author surveys the need of data protection from intelligent systems in the private and public sectors. For this, she identifies that the Smart Information Security Intel processes needs to be the suggestive key policy for both sectors of governance either public or private. The information is very sensitive for any organization. When the government offices are concerned, information needs to be abstracted and encapsulated so that there is no information stealing. For this purposes, the art of skill set and new optimized technology needs to be stationed. Author identifies that digital bar-coded air port like security using conveyor belts and digital bar-coded conveyor boxes to scan switched ON articles like internet of things needs to be placed. As otherwise, there can potentially be data, articles or information stealing from the operational sites where access is unauthorized. Such activities shall need to be scrutinized, minutely. The biometric such as fingerprints, iris, voice and face recognition pattern updates in the virtual data tables must be taken to keep data entry-exit log up to-date. The information technicians of the sentinel systems must help catch the anomalies in the professional working time in private and public sectors if there is red flag as indicator. The author in this research paper shall discuss in detail what we shall station, how we shall station and what all measures we might need to undertake to safeguard the stealing of sensitive information from the organizations like administration buildings, government buildings, educational schools, hospitals, courts, private buildings, banks and all other offices nation-wide. The TO-BE new processes shall make the AS-IS office system more information secured, data protected and personnel security stronger.

Jin, Yong, Tomoishi, Masahiko.  2019.  Encrypted QR Code Based Optical Challenge-Response Authentication by Mobile Devices for Mounting Concealed File System. 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 2:676–681.
Nowadays mobile devices have become the majority terminals used by people for social activities so that carrying business data and private information in them have become normal. Accordingly, the risk of data related cyber attacks has become one of the most critical security concerns. The main purpose of this work is to mitigate the risk of data breaches and damages caused by malware and the lost of mobile devices. In this paper, we propose an encrypted QR code based optical challenge-response authentication by mobile devices for mounting concealed file systems. The concealed file system is basically invisible to the users unless being successfully mounted. The proposed authentication scheme practically applies cryptography and QR code technologies to challenge-response scheme in order to secure the concealed file system. The key contribution of this work is to clarify a possibility of a mounting authentication scheme involving two mobile devices using a special optical communication way (QR code exchanges) which can be realizable without involving any network accesses. We implemented a prototype system and based on the preliminary feature evaluations results we confirmed that encrypted QR code based optical challenge-response is possible between a laptop and a smart phone and it can be applied to authentication for mounting concealed file systems.
Lee, K., Reardon, C., Fink, J..  2018.  Augmented Reality in Human-Robot Cooperative Search. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR). :1–1.

Robots operating alongside humans in field environments have the potential to greatly increase the situational awareness of their human teammates. A significant challenge, however, is the efficient conveyance of what the robot perceives to the human in order to achieve improved situational awareness. We believe augmented reality (AR), which allows a human to simultaneously perceive the real world and digital information situated virtually in the real world, has the potential to address this issue. We propose to demonstrate that augmented reality can be used to enable human-robot cooperative search, where the robot can both share search results and assist the human teammate in navigating to a search target.

Zhang, J., Tang, Z., Li, R., Chen, X., Gong, X., Fang, D., Wang, Z..  2017.  Protect Sensitive Information against Channel State Information Based Attacks. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). 2:203–210.

Channel state information (CSI) has been recently shown to be useful in performing security attacks in public WiFi environments. By analyzing how CSI is affected by the finger motions, CSI-based attacks can effectively reconstruct text-based passwords and locking patterns. This paper presents WiGuard, a novel system to protect sensitive on-screen gestures in a public place. Our approach carefully exploits the WiFi channel interference to introduce noise into the attacker's CSI measurement to reduce the success rate of the attack. Our approach automatically detects when a CSI-based attack happens. We evaluate our approach by applying it to protect text-based passwords and pattern locks on mobile devices. Experimental results show that our approach is able to reduce the success rate of CSI attacks from 92% to 42% for text-based passwords and from 82% to 22% for pattern lock.

Hu, P., Pathak, P. H., Shen, Y., Jin, H., Mohapatra, P..  2017.  PCASA: Proximity Based Continuous and Secure Authentication of Personal Devices. 2017 14th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON). :1–9.
User's personal portable devices such as smartphone, tablet and laptop require continuous authentication of the user to prevent against illegitimate access to the device and personal data. Current authentication techniques require users to enter password or scan fingerprint, making frequent access to the devices inconvenient. In this work, we propose to exploit user's on-body wearable devices to detect their proximity from her portable devices, and use the proximity for continuous authentication of the portable devices. We present PCASA which utilizes acoustic communication for secure proximity estimation with sub-meter level accuracy. PCASA uses Differential Pulse Position Modulation scheme that modulates data through varying the silence period between acoustic pulses to ensure energy efficiency even when authentication operation is being performed once every second. It yields an secure and accurate distance estimation even when user is mobile by utilizing Doppler effect for mobility speed estimation. We evaluate PCASA using smartphone and smartwatches, and show that it supports up to 34 hours of continuous authentication with a fully charged battery.