Complex CPS such as UAS got rapid development these years, but also became vulnerable to GPS spoofing, packets injection, buffer-overflow and other malicious attacks. Ensuring the behaviors of UAS always keeping secure no matter how the environment changes, would be a prospective direction for UAS security. This paper aims at presenting a reactive synthesis-based approach to implement the automatic generation of secure UAS controller. First, we study the operating mechanism of UAS and construct a high-Ievel model consisting of actuator and monitor. Besides, we analyze the security threats of UAS from the perspective of hardware, software and data transmission, and then extract the corresponding specifications of security properties with LTL formulas. Based on the UAS model and security specifications, the controller can be constructed by GR(1) synthesis algorithm, which is a two-player game process between UAV and Environment. Finally, we expand the function of LTLMoP platform to construct the automatons for controller in multi-robots system, which provides secure behavior strategies under several typical UAS attack scenarios.
The development of Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork (VANET) has brought many conveniences to human beings, but also brings a very prominent security problem. The traditional solution to the security problem is based on centralized approach which requires a trusted central entity which exists a single point of failure problem. Moreover, there is no approach of technical level to ensure security of data. Therefore, this paper proposes a security architecture of VANET based on blockchain and mobile edge computing. The architecture includes three layers, namely perception layer, edge computing layer and service layer. The perception layer ensures the security of VANET data in the transmission process through the blockchain technology. The edge computing layer provides computing resources and edge cloud services to the perception layer. The service layer uses the combination of traditional cloud storage and blockchain to ensure the security of data.
As one of the next generation network architectures, Named Data Networking(NDN) which features location-independent addressing and content caching makes it more suitable to be deployed into Vehicular Ad-hoc Network(VANET). However, a new attack pattern is found when NDN and VANET combine. This new attack is Interest Packet Popple Broadcast Diffusion Attack (PBDA). There is no mitigation strategies to mitigate PBDA. In this paper a mitigation strategies called RVMS based on node reputation value (RV) is proposed to detect malicious nodes. The node calculates the neighbor node RV by direct and indirect RV evaluation and uses Markov chain predict the current RV state of the neighbor node according to its historical RV. The RV state is used to decide whether to discard the interest packet. Finally, the effectiveness of the RVMS is verified through modeling and experiment. The experimental results show that the RVMS can mitigate PBDA.
Named Data Networking (NDN) is a future Internet architecture, NDN forwarding strategy is a hot research topic in MANET. At present, there are two categories of forwarding strategies in NDN. One is the blind forwarding(BF), the other is the aware forwarding(AF). Data packet return by the way that one came forwarding strategy(DRF) as one of the BF strategy may fail for the interruptions of the path that are caused by the mobility of nodes. Consumer need to wait until the interest packet times out to request the data packet again. To solve the insufficient of DRF, in this paper a Forwarding Strategy, called FN based on Neighbor-aware is proposed for NDN MANET. The node maintains the neighbor information and the request information of neighbor nodes. In the phase of data packet response, in order to improve request satisfaction rate, node specifies the next hop node; Meanwhile, in order to reduce packet loss rate, node assists the last hop node to forward packet to the specific node. The simulation results show that compared with DRF and greedy forwarding(GF) strategy, FN can improve request satisfaction rate when node density is high.
Channel state information (CSI) has been recently shown to be useful in performing security attacks in public WiFi environments. By analyzing how CSI is affected by the finger motions, CSI-based attacks can effectively reconstruct text-based passwords and locking patterns. This paper presents WiGuard, a novel system to protect sensitive on-screen gestures in a public place. Our approach carefully exploits the WiFi channel interference to introduce noise into the attacker's CSI measurement to reduce the success rate of the attack. Our approach automatically detects when a CSI-based attack happens. We evaluate our approach by applying it to protect text-based passwords and pattern locks on mobile devices. Experimental results show that our approach is able to reduce the success rate of CSI attacks from 92% to 42% for text-based passwords and from 82% to 22% for pattern lock.
Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, widely used for its perceived anonymity property, and has surged in popularity in recent years. Bitcoin publishes the complete transaction history in a public ledger, under pseudonyms of users. This is an alternative way to prevent double-spending attack instead of central authority. Therefore, if pseudonyms of users are attached to their identities in real world, the anonymity of Bitcoin will be a serious vulnerability. It is necessary to enhance anonymity of Bitcoin by a coin mixing service or other modifications in Bitcoin protocol. But in a coin mixing service, the relationship among input and output addresses is not hidden from the mixing service provider. So the mixing server still has the ability to track the transaction records of Bitcoin users. To solve this problem, We present a new coin mixing scheme to ensure that the relationship between input and output addresses of any users is invisible for the mixing server. We make use of a ring signature algorithm to ensure that the mixing server can't distinguish specific transaction from all these addresses. The ring signature ensures that a signature is signed by one of its users in the ring and doesn't leak any information about who signed it. Furthermore, the scheme is fully compatible with existing Bitcoin protocol and easily to scale for large amount of users.