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Romdhane, R. B., Hammami, H., Hamdi, M., Kim, T..  2019.  At the cross roads of lattice-based and homomorphic encryption to secure data aggregation in smart grid. 2019 15th International Wireless Communications Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). :1067—1072.

Various research efforts have focused on the problem of customer privacy protection in the smart grid arising from the large deployment of smart energy meters. In fact, the deployed smart meters distribute accurate profiles of home energy use, which can reflect the consumers' behaviour. This paper proposes a privacy-preserving lattice-based homomorphic aggregation scheme. In this approach, the smart household appliances perform the data aggregation while the smart meter works as relay node. Its role is to authenticate the exchanged messages between the home area network appliances and the related gateway. Security analysis show that our scheme guarantees consumer privacy and messages confidentiality and integrity in addition to its robustness against several attacks. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed approach in terms of communication complexity.

LV, Zhining, HU, Ziheng, NING, Baifeng, DING, Lifu, Yan, Gangfeng, SHI, Xiasheng.  2019.  Non-intrusive Runtime Monitoring for Power System Intelligent Terminal Based on Improved Deep Belief Networks (I-DBN). 2019 4th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE). :361–365.
Power system intelligent terminal equipment is widely used in real-time monitoring, data acquisition, power management, power distribution and other tasks of smart grid. The power system intelligent terminal can obtain various information of users and power companies in the power grid, but there is still a lack of protection means for the connection and communication process of the terminal components. In this paper, a novel method based on improved deep belief network(IDBN) is proposed to accomplish the business-level security monitoring and attack detection of power system terminal. A non-intrusive business-level monitoring platform for power system terminals is established, which uses energy metering intelligent terminals as an example for non-intrusive data collection. Based on this platform, the I-DBN extracts the spatial and temporal attack characteristics of the external monitoring data of the system. Some fault conditions and cyber attacks of the model have been simulated to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed detection method and the results show excellent performance. The method and platform proposed in this paper can be extended to other services in the power industry, providing a theoretical basis and implementation method for realizing the security monitoring of power system intelligent terminals from the business level.
Kumar, Sanjeev, Kumar, Harsh, Gunnam, Ganesh Reddy.  2019.  Security Integrity of Data Collection from Smart Electric Meter under a Cyber Attack. 2019 2nd International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS). :9–13.
Cyber security has been a top concern for electric power companies deploying smart meters and smart grid technology. Despite the well-known advantages of smart grid technology and the smart meters, it is not yet very clear how and to what extent, the Cyber attacks can hamper the operation of the smart meters, and remote data collections regarding the power usage from the customer sites. To understand these questions, we conducted experiments in a controlled lab environment of our cyber security lab to test a commercial grade smart meter. In this paper, we present results of our investigation for a commercial grade smart meter and measure the operation integrity of the smart meter under cyber-attack conditions.
Niu, Xiangyu, Li, Jiangnan, Sun, Jinyuan, Tomsovic, Kevin.  2019.  Dynamic Detection of False Data Injection Attack in Smart Grid using Deep Learning. 2019 IEEE Power Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1–6.
Modern advances in sensor, computing, and communication technologies enable various smart grid applications. The heavy dependence on communication technology has highlighted the vulnerability of the electricity grid to false data injection (FDI) attacks that can bypass bad data detection mechanisms. Existing mitigation in the power system either focus on redundant measurements or protect a set of basic measurements. These methods make specific assumptions about FDI attacks, which are often restrictive and inadequate to deal with modern cyber threats. In the proposed approach, a deep learning based framework is used to detect injected data measurement. Our time-series anomaly detector adopts a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network. To effectively estimate system variables, our approach observes both data measurements and network level features to jointly learn system states. The proposed system is tested on IEEE 39-bus system. Experimental analysis shows that the deep learning algorithm can identify anomalies which cannot be detected by traditional state estimation bad data detection.
Sahu, Abhijeet, Goulart, Ana.  2019.  Implementation of a C-UNB Module for NS-3 and Validation for DLMS-COSEM Application Layer Protocol. 2019 IEEE ComSoc International Communications Quality and Reliability Workshop (CQR). :1-6.

The number of sensors and embedded devices in an urban area can be on the order of thousands. New low-power wide area (LPWA) wireless network technologies have been proposed to support this large number of asynchronous, low-bandwidth devices. Among them, the Cooperative UltraNarrowband (C-UNB) is a clean-slate cellular network technology to connect these devices to a remote site or data collection server. C-UNB employs small bandwidth channels, and a lightweight random access protocol. In this paper, a new application is investigated - the use of C-UNB wireless networks to support the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), in order to facilitate the communication between smart meters and utilities. To this end, we adapted a mathematical model for C-UNB, and implemented a network simulation module in NS-3 to represent C-UNB's physical and medium access control layer. For the application layer, we implemented the DLMS-COSEM protocol, or Device Language Message Specification - Companion Specification for Energy Metering. Details of the simulation module are presented and we conclude that it supports the results of the mathematical model.

Yin, Z., Dou, S., Bai, H., Hou, Y..  2019.  Light-Weighted Security Access Scheme of Broadband Power Line Communications for Multi-Source Information Collection. 2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). :1087–1090.

With the continuously development of smart meter-reading technologies for decades, remote information collection of electricity, water, gas and heat meters have been realized. Due to the difference of electrical interfaces and communication protocols among various types of meters, communication modes of meter terminals are not so compatible, it is difficult to realize communication optimization of electricity, water, gas and heat meters information collection services. In addition, with the development of power consumption information acquisition system, the number of acquisition terminals soars greatly and the data of terminal access is highly concurrent. Therefore, the risk of security access is increasing. This paper presents a light-weighted security access scheme of power line communication based on multi-source data acquisition of electricity, water, gas and heat meters, which separates multi-source data acquisition services and achieve services security isolation and channel security isolation. The communication reliability and security of the meter-reading service of "electricity, water, gas and heat" will be improved and the integrated meter service will be realized reliably.

Subasi, A., Al-Marwani, K., Alghamdi, R., Kwairanga, A., Qaisar, S. M., Al-Nory, M., Rambo, K. A..  2018.  Intrusion Detection in Smart Grid Using Data Mining Techniques. 2018 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC). :1-6.

The rapid growth of population and industrialization has given rise to the way for the use of technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT). Innovations in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) carries with it many challenges to our privacy's expectations and security. In Smart environments there are uses of security devices and smart appliances, sensors and energy meters. New requirements in security and privacy are driven by the massive growth of devices numbers that are connected to IoT which increases concerns in security and privacy. The most ubiquitous threats to the security of the smart grids (SG) ascended from infrastructural physical damages, destroying data, malwares, DoS, and intrusions. Intrusion detection comprehends illegitimate access to information and attacks which creates physical disruption in the availability of servers. This work proposes an intrusion detection system using data mining techniques for intrusion detection in smart grid environment. The results showed that the proposed random forest method with a total classification accuracy of 98.94 %, F-measure of 0.989, area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0.999, and kappa value of 0.9865 outperforms over other classification methods. In addition, the feasibility of our method has been successfully demonstrated by comparing other classification techniques such as ANN, k-NN, SVM and Rotation Forest.

Diovu, R. C., Agee, J. T..  2017.  A cloud-based openflow firewall for mitigation against DDoS attacks in smart grid AMI networks. 2017 IEEE PES PowerAfrica. :28–33.

Recent architectures for the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) have incorporated several back-end systems that handle billing and other smart grid control operations. The non-availability of metering data when needed or the untimely delivery of data needed for control operations will undermine the activities of these back-end systems. Unfortunately, there are concerns that cyber attacks such as distributed denial of service (DDoS) will manifest in magnitude and complexity in a smart grid AMI network. Such attacks will range from a delay in the availability of end user's metering data to complete denial in the case of a grounded network. This paper proposes a cloud-based (IaaS) firewall for the mitigation of DDoS attacks in a smart grid AMI network. The proposed firewall has the ability of not only mitigating the effects of DDoS attack but can prevent the attack before they are launched. Our proposed firewall system leverages on cloud computing technology which has an added advantage of reducing the burden of data computations and storage for smart grid AMI back-end systems. The openflow firewall proposed in this study is a better security solution with regards to the traditional on-premises DoS solutions which cannot cope with the wide range of new attacks targeting the smart grid AMI network infrastructure. Simulation results generated from the study show that our model can guarantee the availability of metering/control data and could be used to improve the QoS of the smart grid AMI network under a DDoS attack scenario.