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Anashkin, Yegor V., Zhukova, Marina N..  2021.  About the System of Profiling User Actions Based on the Behavior Model. 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). :191—195.
The paper considers the issue of increasing the level of trust to the user of the information system by applying profiling actions. The authors have developed the model of user behavior, which allows to identify the user by his actions in the operating system. The model uses a user's characteristic metric instead of binary identification. The user's characteristic demonstrates the degree to which the current actions of the user corresponding to the user's behavior model. To calculate the user's characteristic, several formulas have been proposed. The authors propose to implement the developed behavior model into the access control model. For this purpose, the authors create the prototype of the user action profiling system for Windows family operating systems. This system should control access to protected resources by analyzing user behavior. The authors performed a series of tests with this system. This allowed to evaluate the accuracy of the system based on the proposed behavior model. Test results showed the type I errors. Therefore, the authors invented and described a polymodel approach to profiling actions. Potentially, the polymodel approach should solve the problem of the accuracy of the user action profiling system.
Shih, Chi-Huang, Lin, Cheng-Jian, Wei, Ta-Sen, Liu, Peng-Ta, Shih, Ching-Yu.  2021.  Behavior Analysis based on Local Object Tracking and its Bed-exit Application. 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII). :101–104.
Human behavior analysis is the process that consists of activity monitoring and behavior recognition and has become the core component of intelligent applications such as security surveillance and fall detection. Generally, the techniques involved in behavior recognition include sensor and vision-based processing. During the process, the activity information is typically required to ensure a good recognition performance. On the other hand, the privacy issue attracts much attention and requires a limited range of activity monitoring accordingly. We study behavior analysis for such privacy-oriented applications. A local object tracking (LOT) technique based on an infrared sensor array is developed in a limited monitoring range and is further realized to a practical bed-exit system in the clinical test environment. The experimental results show a correct recognition rate of 99% for 6 bedside activities. In addition, 89% of participants in a satisfaction survey agree on its effectiveness.
Walker, Aaron, Sengupta, Shamik.  2020.  Malware Family Fingerprinting Through Behavioral Analysis. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). :1–5.
Signature-based malware detection is not always effective at detecting polymorphic variants of known malware. Malware signatures are devised to counter known threats, which also limits efficacy against new forms of malware. However, existing signatures do present the ability to classify malware based upon known malicious behavior which occurs on a victim computer. In this paper we present a method of classifying malware by family type through behavioral analysis, where the frequency of system function calls is used to fingerprint the actions of specific malware families. This in turn allows us to demonstrate a machine learning classifier which is capable of distinguishing malware by family affiliation with high accuracy.
Bhat, P., Batakurki, M., Chari, M..  2020.  Classifier with Deep Deviation Detection in PoE-IoT Devices. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT). :1–3.
With the rapid growth in diversity of PoE-IoT devices and concept of "Edge intelligence", PoE-IoT security and behavior analysis is the major concern. These PoE-IoT devices lack visibility when the entire network infrastructure is taken into account. The IoT devices are prone to have design faults in their security capabilities. The entire network may be put to risk by attacks on vulnerable IoT devices or malware might get introduced into IoT devices even by routine operations such as firmware upgrade. There have been various approaches based on machine learning(ML) to classify PoE-IoT devices based on network traffic characteristics such as Deep Packet Inspection(DPI). In this paper, we propose a novel method for PoE-IoT classification where ML algorithm, Decision Tree is used. In addition to classification, this method provides useful insights to the network deployment, based on the deviations detected. These insights can further be used for shaping policies, troubleshooting and behavior analysis of PoE-IoT devices.
Tseng, Shao-Yen, Li, Haoqi, Baucom, Brian, Georgiou, Panayiotis.  2018.  "Honey, I Learned to Talk": Multimodal Fusion for Behavior Analysis. Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. :239–243.
In this work we analyze the importance of lexical and acoustic modalities in behavioral expression and perception. We demonstrate that this importance relates to the amount of therapy, and hence communication training, that a person received. It also exhibits some relationship to gender. We proceed to provide an analysis on couple therapy data by splitting the data into clusters based on gender or stage in therapy. Our analysis demonstrates the significant difference between optimal modality weights per cluster and relationship to therapy stage. Given this finding we propose the use of communication-skill aware fusion models to account for these differences in modality importance. The fusion models operate on partitions of the data according to the gender of the speaker or the therapy stage of the couple. We show that while most multimodal fusion methods can improve mean absolute error of behavioral estimates, the best results are given by a model that considers the degree of communication training among the interlocutors.
Zhang, J., Zheng, L., Gong, L., Gu, Z..  2018.  A Survey on Security of Cloud Environment: Threats, Solutions, and Innovation. 2018 IEEE Third International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC). :910–916.

With the extensive application of cloud computing technology developing, security is of paramount importance in Cloud Computing. In the cloud computing environment, surveys have been provided on several intrusion detection techniques for detecting intrusions. We will summarize some literature surveys of various attack taxonomy, which might cause various threats in cloud environment. Such as attacks in virtual machines, attacks on virtual machine monitor, and attacks in tenant network. Besides, we review massive existing solutions proposed in the literature, such as misuse detection techniques, behavior analysis of network traffic, behavior analysis of programs, virtual machine introspection (VMI) techniques, etc. In addition, we have summarized some innovations in the field of cloud security, such as CloudVMI, data mining techniques, artificial intelligence, and block chain technology, etc. At the same time, our team designed and implemented the prototype system of CloudI (Cloud Introspection). CloudI has characteristics of high security, high performance, high expandability and multiple functions.

Rieke, R., Seidemann, M., Talla, E. K., Zelle, D., Seeger, B..  2017.  Behavior Analysis for Safety and Security in Automotive Systems. 2017 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP). :381–385.

The connection of automotive systems with other systems such as road-side units, other vehicles, and various servers in the Internet opens up new ways for attackers to remotely access safety relevant subsystems within connected cars. The security of connected cars and the whole vehicular ecosystem is thus of utmost importance for consumer trust and acceptance of this emerging technology. This paper describes an approach for on-board detection of unanticipated sequences of events in order to identify suspicious activities. The results show that this approach is fast enough for in-vehicle application at runtime. Several behavior models and synchronization strategies are analyzed in order to narrow down suspicious sequences of events to be sent in a privacy respecting way to a global security operations center for further in-depth analysis.

De La Peña Montero, Fabian, Hariri, Salim.  2017.  Autonomic and Integrated Management for Proactive Cyber Security (AIM-PSC). Companion Proceedings of the10th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. :107–112.

The complexity, multiplicity, and impact of cyber-attacks have been increasing at an alarming rate despite the significant research and development investment in cyber security products and tools. The current techniques to detect and protect cyber infrastructures from these smart and sophisticated attacks are mainly characterized as being ad hoc, manual intensive, and too slow. We present in this paper AIM-PSC that is developed jointly by researchers at AVIRTEK and The University of Arizona Center for Cloud and Autonomic Computing that is inspired by biological systems, which can efficiently handle complexity, dynamism and uncertainty. In AIM-PSC system, an online monitoring and multi-level analysis are used to analyze the anomalous behaviors of networks, software systems and applications. By combining the results of different types of analysis using a statistical decision fusion approach we can accurately detect any types of cyber-attacks with high detection and low false alarm rates and proactively respond with corrective actions to mitigate their impacts and stop their propagation.

Salman, A., Elhajj, I.H., Chehab, A., Kayssi, A..  2014.  DAIDS: An Architecture for Modular Mobile IDS. Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2014 28th International Conference on. :328-333.

The popularity of mobile devices and the enormous number of third party mobile applications in the market have naturally lead to several vulnerabilities being identified and abused. This is coupled with the immaturity of intrusion detection system (IDS) technology targeting mobile devices. In this paper we propose a modular host-based IDS framework for mobile devices that uses behavior analysis to profile applications on the Android platform. Anomaly detection can then be used to categorize malicious behavior and alert users. The proposed system accommodates different detection algorithms, and is being tested at a major telecom operator in North America. This paper highlights the architecture, findings, and lessons learned.