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Chen, Kai, Wu, Hongjun, Xu, Cheng, Ma, Nan, Dai, Songyin, Liu, Hongzhe.  2022.  An Intelligent Vehicle Data Security System based on Blockchain for Smart City. 2022 International Conference on Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence (VRHCIAI). :227–231.
With the development of urbanization, the number of vehicles is gradually increasing, and vehicles are gradually developing in the direction of intelligence. How to ensure that the data of intelligent vehicles is not tampered in the process of transmission to the cloud is the key problem of current research. Therefore, we have established a data security transmission system based on blockchain. First, we collect and filter vehicle data locally, and then use blockchain technology to transmit key data. Through the smart contract, the key data is automatically and accurately transmitted to the surrounding node vehicles, and the vehicles transmit data to each other to form a transaction and spread to the whole network. The node data is verified through the node data consensus protocol of intelligent vehicle data security transmission system, and written into the block to form a blockchain. Finally, the vehicle user can query the transaction record through the vehicle address. The results show that we can safely and accurately transmit and query vehicle data in the blockchain database.
Zalozhnev, Alexey Yu., Ginz, Vasily N., Loktionov, Anatoly Eu..  2022.  Intelligent System and Human-Computer Interaction for Personal Data Cyber Security in Medicaid Enterprises. 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET). :1–4.
Intelligent Systems for Personal Data Cyber Security is a critical component of the Personal Information Management of Medicaid Enterprises. Intelligent Systems for Personal Data Cyber Security combines components of Cyber Security Systems with Human-Computer Interaction. It also uses the technology and principles applied to the Internet of Things. The use of software-hardware concepts and solutions presented in this report is, in the authors’ opinion, some step in the working-out of the Intelligent Systems for Personal Data Cyber Security in Medicaid Enterprises. These concepts may also be useful for developers of these types of systems.
Albatoosh, Ahmed H., Shuja'a, Mohamed Ibrahim, Al-Nedawe, Basman M..  2022.  Effectiveness Improvement of Offset Pulse Position Modulation System Using Reed-Solomon Codes. 2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). :1—5.
Currently, the pulse position modulation (PPM) schemes are suffering from bandwidth application where the line rate is double that of the initial data rate. Thus, the offset pulse position modulation (OPPM) has been suggested to rectify this concern. Several attempts to improve the OPPM can be found in the open literature. This study focuses on the utilization of Reed Solomon (RS) codes to enhance the forward error correction (FEC) bit error rate, which is not yet explored. The performance of errors of the uncoded OPPM was compared to the one used by RS coded OPPM using the number of photons per pulse, the transmission's efficacy, and bandwidth growth. The results demonstrate that employing FEC coding would increase the system's error performance especially when the RS is operating at its finest settings. Specifically, when operating with a capacity that is equivalent to or even more 0.7, the OPPM with RS code outperforms the uncoded OPPM where the OPPM with MLSD needs only 1.2×103 photons per pulse with an ideal coding rate of about 3/4.
Giri, Sarwesh, Singh, Gurchetan, Kumar, Babul, Singh, Mehakpreet, Vashisht, Deepanker, Sharma, Sonu, Jain, Prince.  2022.  Emotion Detection with Facial Feature Recognition Using CNN & OpenCV. 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). :230—232.
Emotion Detection through Facial feature recognition is an active domain of research in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). Humans are able to share multiple emotions and feelings through their facial gestures and body language. In this project, in order to detect the live emotions from the human facial gesture, we will be using an algorithm that allows the computer to automatically detect the facial recognition of human emotions with the help of Convolution Neural Network (CNN) and OpenCV. Ultimately, Emotion Detection is an integration of obtained information from multiple patterns. If computers will be able to understand more of human emotions, then it will mutually reduce the gap between humans and computers. In this research paper, we will demonstrate an effective way to detect emotions like neutral, happy, sad, surprise, angry, fear, and disgust from the frontal facial expression of the human in front of the live webcam.
Xia, Tieniu.  2022.  Embedded Basketball Motion Detection Video Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Deep Learning. 2022 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Robot Systems (AIARS). :143–146.

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, video target tracking is widely used in the fields of intelligent video surveillance, intelligent transportation, intelligent human-computer interaction and intelligent medical diagnosis. Deep learning has achieved remarkable results in the field of computer vision. The development of deep learning not only breaks through many problems that are difficult to be solved by traditional algorithms, improves the computer's cognitive level of images and videos, but also promotes the progress of related technologies in the field of computer vision. This paper combines the deep learning algorithm and target tracking algorithm to carry out relevant experiments on basketball motion detection video, hoping that the experimental results can be helpful to basketball motion detection video target tracking.

Gori, Monica, Volpe, Gualtiero, Cappagli, Giulia, Volta, Erica, Cuturi, Luigi F..  2021.  Embodied multisensory training for learning in primary school children. 2021 {IEEE} {International} {Conference} on {Development} and {Learning} ({ICDL}). :1–7.
Recent scientific results show that audio feedback associated with body movements can be fundamental during the development to learn new spatial concepts [1], [2]. Within the weDraw project [3], [4], we have investigated how this link can be useful to learn mathematical concepts. Here we present a study investigating how mathematical skills changes after multisensory training based on human-computer interaction (RobotAngle and BodyFraction activities). We show that embodied angle and fractions exploration associated with audio and visual feedback can be used in typical children to improve cognition of spatial mathematical concepts. We finally present the exploitation of our results: an online, optimized version of one of the tested activity to be used at school. The training result suggests that audio and visual feedback associated with body movements is informative for spatial learning and reinforces the idea that spatial representation development is based on sensory-motor interactions.
Georgieva-Trifonova, Tsvetanka.  2022.  Research on Filtering Feature Selection Methods for E-Mail Spam Detection by Applying K-NN Classifier. 2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). :1–4.
In the present paper, the application of filtering methods to select features when detecting email spam using the K-NN classifier is examined. The experiments include computation of the accuracy and F-measure of the e-mail texts classification with different methods for feature selection, different number of selected features and two ways to find the distance between dataset examples when executing K-NN classifier - Euclidean distance and cosine similarity. The obtained results are summarized and analyzed.
Babel, Franziska, Baumann, Martin.  2022.  Designing Psychological Conflict Resolution Strategies for Autonomous Service Robots. 2022 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). :1146–1148.
As autonomous service robots will become increasingly ubiquitous in our daily lives, human-robot conflicts will become more likely when humans and robots share the same spaces and resources. This thesis investigates the conflict resolution of robots and humans in everyday conflicts in the domestic and public context. Hereby, the acceptability, trustworthiness, and effectiveness of verbal and non-verbal strategies for the robot to solve the conflict in its favor are evaluated. Based on the assumption of the Media Equation and CASA paradigm that people interact with computers as social actors, robot conflict resolution strategies from social psychology and human-machine interaction were derived. The effectiveness, acceptability, and trustworthiness of those strategies were evaluated in online, virtual reality, and laboratory experiments. Future work includes determining the psychological processes of human-robot conflict resolution in further experimental studies.
Mukalazi, Arafat, Boyaci, Ali.  2022.  The Internet of Things: a domain-specific security requirement classification. 2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). :1—8.
Worldwide, societies are rapidly becoming more connected, owing primarily to the growing number of intelligent things and smart applications (e.g, smart automobiles, smart wearable devices, etc.) These have occurred in tandem with the Internet Of Things, a new method of connecting the physical and virtual worlds. It is a new promising paradigm whereby every ‘thing’ can connect to anything via the Internet. However, with IoT systems being deployed even on large-scale, security concerns arise amongst other challenges. Hence the need to allocate appropriate protection of resources. The realization of secure IoT systems could only be accomplished with a comprehensive understanding of the particular needs of a specific system. How-ever, this paradigm lacks a proper and exhaustive classification of security requirements. This paper presents an approach towards understanding and classifying the security requirements of IoT devices. This effort is expected to play a role in designing cost-efficient and purposefully secured future IoT systems. During the coming up with and the classification of the requirements, We present a variety of set-ups and define possible attacks and threats within the scope of IoT. Considering the nature of IoT and security weaknesses as manifestations of unrealized security requirements, We put together possible attacks and threats in categories, assessed the existent IoT security requirements as seen in literature, added more in accordance with the applied domain of the IoT and then classified the security requirements. An IoT system can be secure, scalable, and flexible by following the proposed security requirement classification.
Milov, Oleksandr, Khvostenko, Vladyslav, Natalia, Voropay, Korol, Olha, Zviertseva, Nataliia.  2022.  Situational Control of Cyber Security in Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems. 2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). :1–6.

The features of socio-cyber-physical systems are presented, which dictate the need to revise traditional management methods and transform the management system in such a way that it takes into account the presence of a person both in the control object and in the control loop. The use of situational control mechanisms is proposed. The features of this approach and its comparison with existing methods of situational awareness are presented. The comparison has demonstrated wider possibilities and scope for managing socio-cyber-physical systems. It is recommended to consider a wider class of types of relations that exist in socio-cyber-physical systems. It is indicated that such consideration can be based on the use of pseudo-physical logics considered in situational control. It is pointed out that it is necessary to design a classifier of situations (primarily in cyberspace), instead of traditional classifiers of threats and intruders.

Omman, Bini, Eldho, Shallet Mary T.  2022.  Speech Emotion Recognition Using Bagged Support Vector Machines. 2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication, Security and Intelligent Systems (IC3SIS). :1—4.
Speech emotion popularity is one of the quite promising and thrilling issues in the area of human computer interaction. It has been studied and analysed over several decades. It’s miles the technique of classifying or identifying emotions embedded inside the speech signal.Current challenges related to the speech emotion recognition when a single estimator is used is difficult to build and train using HMM and neural networks,Low detection accuracy,High computational power and time.In this work we executed emotion category on corpora — the berlin emodb, and the ryerson audio-visible database of emotional speech and track (Ravdess). A mixture of spectral capabilities was extracted from them which changed into further processed and reduced to the specified function set. When compared to single estimators, ensemble learning has been shown to provide superior overall performance. We endorse a bagged ensemble model which consist of support vector machines with a gaussian kernel as a possible set of rules for the hassle handy. Inside the paper, ensemble studying algorithms constitute a dominant and state-of-the-art approach for acquiring maximum overall performance.
Yu, Jialin, Cristea, Alexandra I., Harit, Anoushka, Sun, Zhongtian, Aduragba, Olanrewaju Tahir, Shi, Lei, Moubayed, Noura Al.  2022.  INTERACTION: A Generative XAI Framework for Natural Language Inference Explanations. 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1—8.
XAI with natural language processing aims to produce human-readable explanations as evidence for AI decision-making, which addresses explainability and transparency. However, from an HCI perspective, the current approaches only focus on delivering a single explanation, which fails to account for the diversity of human thoughts and experiences in language. This paper thus addresses this gap, by proposing a generative XAI framework, INTERACTION (explain aNd predicT thEn queRy with contextuAl CondiTional varIational autO-eNcoder). Our novel framework presents explanation in two steps: (step one) Explanation and Label Prediction; and (step two) Diverse Evidence Generation. We conduct intensive experiments with the Transformer architecture on a benchmark dataset, e-SNLI [1]. Our method achieves competitive or better performance against state-of-the-art baseline models on explanation generation (up to 4.7% gain in BLEU) and prediction (up to 4.4% gain in accuracy) in step one; it can also generate multiple diverse explanations in step two.
Bardia, Vivek, Kumar, C.R.S..  2017.  Process trees & service chains can serve us to mitigate zero day attacks better. 2017 International Conference on Data Management, Analytics and Innovation (ICDMAI). :280—284.
With technology at our fingertips waiting to be exploited, the past decade saw the revolutionizing Human Computer Interactions. The ease with which a user could interact was the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of a sales team. Human Computer Interactions have many underlying parameters like Data Visualization and Presentation as some to deal with. With the race, on for better and faster presentations, evolved many frameworks to be widely used by all software developers. As the need grew for user friendly applications, more and more software professionals were lured into the front-end sophistication domain. Application frameworks have evolved to such an extent that with just a few clicks and feeding values as per requirements we are able to produce a commercially usable application in a few minutes. These frameworks generate quantum lines of codes in minutes which leaves a contrail of bugs to be discovered in the future. We have also succumbed to the benchmarking in Software Quality Metrics and have made ourselves comfortable with buggy software's to be rectified in future. The exponential evolution in the cyber domain has also attracted attackers equally. Average human awareness and knowledge has also improved in the cyber domain due to the prolonged exposure to technology for over three decades. As the attack sophistication grows and zero day attacks become more popular than ever, the suffering end users only receive remedial measures in spite of the latest Antivirus, Intrusion Detection and Protection Systems installed. We designed a software to display the complete services and applications running in users Operating System in the easiest perceivable manner aided by Computer Graphics and Data Visualization techniques. We further designed a study by empowering the fence sitter users with tools to actively participate in protecting themselves from threats. The designed threats had impressions from the complete threat canvas in some form or other restricted to systems functioning. Network threats and any sort of packet transfer to and from the system in form of threat was kept out of the scope of this experiment. We discovered that end users had a good idea of their working environment which can be used exponentially enhances machine learning for zero day threats and segment the unmarked the vast threat landscape faster for a more reliable output.
Bardia, Vivek, Kumar, CRS.  2017.  End Users Can Mitigate Zero Day Attacks Faster. 2017 IEEE 7th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC). :935—938.
The past decade has shown us the power of cyber space and we getting dependent on the same. The exponential evolution in the domain has attracted attackers and defenders of technology equally. This inevitable domain has led to the increase in average human awareness and knowledge too. As we see the attack sophistication grow the protectors have always been a step ahead mitigating the attacks. A study of the various Threat Detection, Protection and Mitigation Systems revealed to us a common similarity wherein users have been totally ignored or the systems rely heavily on the user inputs for its correct functioning. Compiling the above we designed a study wherein user inputs were taken in addition to independent Detection and Prevention systems to identify and mitigate the risks. This approach led us to a conclusion that involvement of users exponentially enhances machine learning and segments the data sets faster for a more reliable output.
Scotti, Vincenzo, Tedesco, Roberto, Sbattella, Licia.  2021.  A Modular Data-Driven Architecture for Empathetic Conversational Agents. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp). :365–368.
Empathy is a fundamental mechanism of human interactions. As such, it should be an integral part of Human-Computer Interaction systems to make them more relatable. With this work, we focused on conversational scenarios where integrating empathy is crucial to perceive the computer like a human. As a result, we derived the high-level architecture of an Empathetic Conversational Agent we are willing to implement. We relied on theories about artificial empathy to derive the function approximating this mechanism and selected the conversational aspects to control for an empathetic interaction. In particular, we designed a core empathetic controller manages the empathetic responses, predicting, at each turn, the high-level content of the response. The derived architecture integrates empathy in a task-agnostic manner; hence we can employ it in multiple scenarios by changing the objective of the controller.
Sun, Lanxin, Dai, JunBo, Shen, Xunbing.  2021.  Facial emotion recognition based on LDA and Facial Landmark Detection. 2021 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (ICAIE). :64—67.
Emotion recognition in the field of human-computer interaction refers to that the computer has the corresponding perceptual ability to predict the emotional state of human beings in advance by observing human expressions, behaviors and emotions, so as to ensure that computers can communicate emotionally with humans. The main research work of this paper is to extract facial image features by using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Facial Landmark Detection after grayscale processing and cropping, and then compare the accuracy after emotion recognition and classification to determine which feature extraction method is more effective. The test results show that the accuracy rate of emotion recognition in face images can reach 73.9% by using LDA method, and 84.5% by using Facial Landmark Detection method. Therefore, facial landmarks can be used to identify emotion in face images more accurately.
Silva, J. Sá, Saldanha, Ruben, Pereira, Vasco, Raposo, Duarte, Boavida, Fernando, Rodrigues, André, Abreu, Madalena.  2019.  WeDoCare: A System for Vulnerable Social Groups. 2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). :1053–1059.
One of the biggest problems in the current society is people's safety. Safety measures and mechanisms are especially important in the case of vulnerable social groups, such as migrants, homeless, and victims of domestic and/or sexual violence. In order to cope with this problem, we witness an increasing number of personal alarm systems in the market, most of them based on panic buttons. Nevertheless, none of them has got widespread acceptance mainly because of limited Human-Computer Interaction. In the context of this work, we developed an innovative mobile application that recognizes an attack through speech and gesture recognition. This paper describes such a system and presents its features, some of them based on the emerging concept of Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-physical Systems and new concepts of Human-Computer Interaction.
Gasimov, Vagif A., Mammadov, Jabir I..  2021.  Image encryption algorithm using DNA pseudo-symbols and chaotic map. 2021 3rd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). :1—5.
There have been developed image encryption algorithm using chaotic map and DNA pseudo-symbols sequence gained on the basis of real DNA symbols. In the suggested algorithm, the address for the selecting of DNA symbols sequence from Gene Bank, encoding rule of the DNA symbols, also the initial parameters of the chaotic map are determined on the secret key basis. Image pixels modification is based on the numerical values of the chaotic points sets coordinates obtained with the chaos play description of the DNA pseudo-symbols and the transference of pixels is based on displacement table constructed with the chaotic map.
Hamdi, Mustafa Maad, Yussen, Yuser Anas, Mustafa, Ahmed Shamil.  2021.  Integrity and Authentications for service security in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs): A Review. 2021 3rd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). :1–7.
A main type of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) and essential infrastructure to provide a wide range of safety applications to passengers in vehicles (VANET) are established. VANETs are more popular today as they connect to a variety of invisible services. VANET protection is crucial as its potential use must not endanger the safety and privacy of its users. The safety of these VANETs is essential to safe and efficient safety systems and facilities and uncertainty continues and research in this field continues to grow rapidly. We will explain the characteristics and problems of VANETs in this paper. Also, all threats and attacks that affect integrity and authentication in VANETs will be defined. Description of researchers' work was consequently addressed as the table with the problems of the suggested method and objective.
Foroughi, F., Hadipour, H., Shafiee, A. M..  2020.  High-Performance Monitoring Sensors for Home Computer Users Security Profiling. 2020 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA). :1—7.

Recognising user's risky behaviours in real-time is an important element of providing appropriate solutions and recommending suitable actions for responding to cybersecurity threats. Employing user modelling and machine learning can make this process automated by requires high-performance intelligent agent to create the user security profile. User profiling is the process of producing a profile of the user from historical information and past details. This research tries to identify the monitoring factors and suggests a novel observation solution to create high-performance sensors to generate the user security profile for a home user concerning the user's privacy. This observer agent helps to create a decision-making model that influences the user's decision following real-time threats or risky behaviours.

Grundy, J..  2020.  Human-centric Software Engineering for Next Generation Cloud- and Edge-based Smart Living Applications. 2020 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID). :1—10.

Humans are a key part of software development, including customers, designers, coders, testers and end users. In this keynote talk I explain why incorporating human-centric issues into software engineering for next-generation applications is critical. I use several examples from our recent and current work on handling human-centric issues when engineering various `smart living' cloud- and edge-based software systems. This includes using human-centric, domain-specific visual models for non-technical experts to specify and generate data analysis applications; personality impact on aspects of software activities; incorporating end user emotions into software requirements engineering for smart homes; incorporating human usage patterns into emerging edge computing applications; visualising smart city-related data; reporting diverse software usability defects; and human-centric security and privacy requirements for smart living systems. I assess the usefulness of these approaches, highlight some outstanding research challenges, and briefly discuss our current work on new human-centric approaches to software engineering for smart living applications.

Distler, V., Lallemand, C., Koenig, V..  2020.  Making Encryption Feel Secure: Investigating how Descriptions of Encryption Impact Perceived Security. 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS PW). :220—229.

When communication about security to end users is ineffective, people frequently misinterpret the protection offered by a system. The discrepancy between the security users perceive a system to have and the actual system state can lead to potentially risky behaviors. It is thus crucial to understand how security perceptions are shaped by interface elements such as text-based descriptions of encryption. This article addresses the question of how encryption should be described to non-experts in a way that enhances perceived security. We tested the following within-subject variables in an online experiment (N=309): a) how to best word encryption, b) whether encryption should be described with a focus on the process or outcome, or both c) whether the objective of encryption should be mentioned d) when mentioning the objective of encryption, how to best describe it e) whether a hash should be displayed to the user. We also investigated the role of context (between subjects). The verbs "encrypt" and "secure" performed comparatively well at enhancing perceived security. Overall, participants stated that they felt more secure not knowing about the objective of encryption. When it is necessary to state the objective, positive wording of the objective of encryption worked best. We discuss implications and why using these results to design for perceived lack of security might be of interest as well. This leads us to discuss ethical concerns, and we give guidelines for the design of user interfaces where encryption should be communicated to end users.

John, A., MC, A., Ajayan, A. S., Sanoop, S., Kumar, V. R..  2020.  Real-Time Facial Emotion Recognition System With Improved Preprocessing and Feature Extraction. 2020 Third International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT). :1328—1333.

Human emotion recognition plays a vital role in interpersonal communication and human-machine interaction domain. Emotions are expressed through speech, hand gestures and by the movements of other body parts and through facial expression. Facial emotions are one of the most important factors in human communication that help us to understand, what the other person is trying to communicate. People understand only one-third of the message verbally, and two-third of it is through non-verbal means. There are many face emotion recognition (FER) systems present right now, but in real-life scenarios, they do not perform efficiently. Though there are many which claim to be a near-perfect system and to achieve the results in favourable and optimal conditions. The wide variety of expressions shown by people and the diversity in facial features of different people will not aid in the process of coming up with a system that is definite in nature. Hence developing a reliable system without any flaws showed by the existing systems is a challenging task. This paper aims to build an enhanced system that can analyse the exact facial expression of a user at that particular time and generate the corresponding emotion. Datasets like JAFFE and FER2013 were used for performance analysis. Pre-processing methods like facial landmark and HOG were incorporated into a convolutional neural network (CNN), and this has achieved good accuracy when compared with the already existing models.

Oğuz, K., Korkmaz, İ, Korkmaz, B., Akkaya, G., Alıcı, C., Kılıç, E..  2020.  Effect of Age and Gender on Facial Emotion Recognition. 2020 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU). :1—6.

New research fields and applications on human computer interaction will emerge based on the recognition of emotions on faces. With such aim, our study evaluates the features extracted from faces to recognize emotions. To increase the success rate of these features, we have run several tests to demonstrate how age and gender affect the results. The artificial neural networks were trained by the apparent regions on the face such as eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, and jawline and then the networks are tested with different age and gender groups. According to the results, faces of older people have a lower performance rate of emotion recognition. Then, age and gender based groups are created manually, and we show that performance rates of facial emotion recognition have increased for the networks that are trained using these particular groups.

Khan, A., Chefranov, A. G..  2020.  A Captcha-Based Graphical Password With Strong Password Space and Usability Study. 2020 International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering (ICECCE). :1—6.

Security for authentication is required to give a superlative secure users' personal information. This paper presents a model of the Graphical password scheme under the impact of security and ease of use for user authentication. We integrate the concept of recognition with re-called and cued-recall based schemes to offer superior security compared to existing schemes. Click Symbols (CS) Alphabet combine into one entity: Alphanumeric (A) and Visual (V) symbols (CS-AV) is Captcha-based password scheme, we integrate it with recall-based n ×n grid points, where a user can draw the shape or pattern by the intersection of the grid points as a way to enter a graphical password. Next scheme, the combination of CS-AV with grid cells allows very large password space ( 2.4 ×104 bits of entropy) and provides reasonable usability results by determining an empirical study of memorable password space. Proposed schemes support most applicable platform for input devices and promising strong resistance to shoulder surfing attacks on a mobile device which can be occurred during unlocking (pattern) the smartphone.