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Singh, M., Singh, P., Kumar, P..  2020.  An Analytical Study on Cross-Site Scripting. 2020 International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA). :1—6.
Cross-Site Scripting, also called as XSS, is a type of injection where malicious scripts are injected into trusted websites. When malicious code, usually in the form of browser side script, is injected using a web application to a different end user, an XSS attack is said to have taken place. Flaws which allows success to this attack is remarkably widespread and occurs anywhere a web application handles the user input without validating or encoding it. A study carried out by Symantic states that more than 50% of the websites are vulnerable to the XSS attack. Security engineers of Microsoft coined the term "Cross-Site Scripting" in January of the year 2000. But even if was coined in the year 2000, XSS vulnerabilities have been reported and exploited since the beginning of 1990's, whose prey have been all the (then) tech-giants such as Twitter, Myspace, Orkut, Facebook and YouTube. Hence the name "Cross-Site" Scripting. This attack could be combined with other attacks such as phishing attack to make it more lethal but it usually isn't necessary, since it is already extremely difficult to deal with from a user perspective because in many cases it looks very legitimate as it's leveraging attacks against our banks, our shopping websites and not some fake malicious website.
Hou, Xin-Yu, Zhao, Xiao-Lin, Wu, Mei-Jing, Ma, Rui, Chen, Yu-Peng.  2018.  A Dynamic Detection Technique for XSS Vulnerabilities. 2018 4th Annual International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers (ICNISC). :34–43.

This paper studies the principle of vulnerability generation and mechanism of cross-site scripting attack, designs a dynamic cross-site scripting vulnerabilities detection technique based on existing theories of black box vulnerabilities detection. The dynamic detection process contains five steps: crawler, feature construct, attacks simulation, results detection and report generation. Crawling strategy in crawler module and constructing algorithm in feature construct module are key points of this detection process. Finally, according to the detection technique proposed in this paper, a detection tool is accomplished in Linux using python language to detect web applications. Experiments were launched to verify the results and compare with the test results of other existing tools, analyze the usability, advantages and disadvantages of the detection method above, confirm the feasibility of applying dynamic detection technique to cross-site scripting vulnerabilities detection.

Zubarev, Dmytro, Skarga-Bandurova, Inna.  2019.  Cross-Site Scripting for Graphic Data: Vulnerabilities and Prevention. 2019 10th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT). :154–160.

In this paper, we present an overview of the problems associated with the cross-site scripting (XSS) in the graphical content of web applications. The brief analysis of vulnerabilities for graphical files and factors responsible for making SVG images vulnerable to XSS attacks are discussed. XML treatment methods and their practical testing are performed. As a result, the set of rules for protecting the graphic content of the websites and prevent XSS vulnerabilities are proposed.

Pan, J., Mao, X..  2017.  Detecting DOM-Sourced Cross-Site Scripting in Browser Extensions. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME). :24–34.

In recent years, with the advances in JavaScript engines and the adoption of HTML5 APIs, web applications begin to show a tendency to shift their functionality from the server side towards the client side, resulting in dense and complex interactions with HTML documents using the Document Object Model (DOM). As a consequence, client-side vulnerabilities become more and more prevalent. In this paper, we focus on DOM-sourced Cross-site Scripting (XSS), which is a kind of severe but not well-studied vulnerability appearing in browser extensions. Comparing with conventional DOM-based XSS, a new attack surface is introduced by DOM-sourced XSS where the DOM could become a vulnerable source as well besides common sources such as URLs and form inputs. To discover such vulnerability, we propose a detecting framework employing hybrid analysis with two phases. The first phase is the lightweight static analysis consisting of a text filter and an abstract syntax tree parser, which produces potential vulnerable candidates. The second phase is the dynamic symbolic execution with an additional component named shadow DOM, generating a document as a proof-of-concept exploit. In our large-scale real-world experiment, 58 previously unknown DOM-sourced XSS vulnerabilities were discovered in user scripts of the popular browser extension Greasemonkey.