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Ajorpaz, Samira Mirbagher, Moghimi, Daniel, Collins, Jeffrey Neal, Pokam, Gilles, Abu-Ghazaleh, Nael, Tullsen, Dean.  2022.  EVAX: Towards a Practical, Pro-active & Adaptive Architecture for High Performance & Security. 2022 55th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO). :1218—1236.
This paper provides an end-to-end solution to defend against known microarchitectural attacks such as speculative execution attacks, fault-injection attacks, covert and side channel attacks, and unknown or evasive versions of these attacks. Current defenses are attack specific and can have unacceptably high performance overhead. We propose an approach that reduces the overhead of state-of-art defenses by over 95%, by applying defenses only when attacks are detected. Many current proposed mitigations are not practical for deployment; for example, InvisiSpec has 27% overhead and Fencing has 74% overhead while protecting against only Spectre attacks. Other mitigations carry similar performance penalties. We reduce the overhead for InvisiSpec to 1.26% and for Fencing to 3.45% offering performance and security for not only spectre attacks but other known transient attacks as well, including the dangerous class of LVI and Rowhammer attacks, as well as covering a large set of future evasive and zero-day attacks. Critical to our approach is an accurate detector that is not fooled by evasive attacks and that can generalize to novel zero-day attacks. We use a novel Generative framework, Evasion Vaccination (EVAX) for training ML models and engineering new security-centric performance counters. EVAX significantly increases sensitivity to detect and classify attacks in time for mitigation to be deployed with low false positives (4 FPs in every 1M instructions in our experiments). Such performance enables efficient and timely mitigations, enabling the processor to automatically switch between performance and security as needed.
Taylor, Michael A., Larson, Eric C., Thornton, Mitchell A..  2021.  Rapid Ransomware Detection through Side Channel Exploitation. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :47–54.
A new method for the detection of ransomware in an infected host is described and evaluated. The method utilizes data streams from on-board sensors to fingerprint the initiation of a ransomware infection. These sensor streams, which are common in modern computing systems, are used as a side channel for understanding the state of the system. It is shown that ransomware detection can be achieved in a rapid manner and that the use of slight, yet distinguishable changes in the physical state of a system as derived from a machine learning predictive model is an effective technique. A feature vector, consisting of various sensor outputs, is coupled with a detection criteria to predict the binary state of ransomware present versus normal operation. An advantage of this approach is that previously unknown or zero-day version s of ransomware are vulnerable to this detection method since no apriori knowledge of the malware characteristics are required. Experiments are carried out with a variety of different system loads and with different encryption methods used during a ransomware attack. Two test systems were utilized with one having a relatively low amount of available sensor data and the other having a relatively high amount of available sensor data. The average time for attack detection in the "sensor-rich" system was 7.79 seconds with an average Matthews correlation coefficient of 0.8905 for binary system state predictions regardless of encryption method and system load. The model flagged all attacks tested.
Soares, Luigi, Pereira, Fernando Magno Quintãn.  2021.  Memory-Safe Elimination of Side Channels. 2021 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO). :200—210.
A program is said to be isochronous if its running time does not depend on classified information. The programming languages literature contains much work that transforms programs to ensure isochronicity. The current state-of-the-art approach is a code transformation technique due to Wu et al., published in 2018. That technique has an important virtue: it ensures that the transformed program runs exactly the same set of operations, regardless of inputs. However, in this paper we demonstrate that it has also a shortcoming: it might add out-of-bounds memory accesses into programs that were originally memory sound. From this observation, we show how to deliver the same runtime guarantees that Wu et al. provide, in a memory-safe way. In addition to being safer, our LLVM-based implementation is more efficient than its original inspiration, achieving shorter repairing times, and producing code that is smaller and faster.
Liu, Xiaoyang, Zhu, Ziyuan.  2020.  pcSVF: An Evaluation of Side-Channel Vulnerability of Port Contention. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1813–1819.
The threats from side-channel attacks to modern processors has become a serious problem, especially under the enhancement of the microarchitecture characteristics with multicore and resource sharing. Therefore, the research and measurement of the vulnerability of the side-channel attack of the system is of great significance for computer designers. Most of the current evaluation methods proposed by researchers are only for typical cache side-channel attacks. In this paper, we propose a method to measure systems' vulnerability to side-channel attacks caused by port contention called pcSVF. We collected the traces of the victim and attacker and computed the correlation coefficient between them, thus we can measure the vulnerability of the system against side-channel attack. Then we analyzed the effectiveness of the method through the results under different system defense schemes.
Chowdhuryy, M. H. Islam, Liu, H., Yao, F..  2020.  BranchSpec: Information Leakage Attacks Exploiting Speculative Branch Instruction Executions. 2020 IEEE 38th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). :529–536.
Recent studies on attacks exploiting processor hardware vulnerabilities have raised significant concern for information security. Particularly, transient execution attacks such as Spectre augment microarchitectural side channels with speculative executions that lead to exfiltration of secretive data not intended to be accessed. Many prior works have demonstrated the manipulation of branch predictors for triggering speculative executions, and thereafter leaking sensitive information through processor microarchitectural components. In this paper, we present a new class of microarchitectural attack, called BranchSpec, that performs information leakage by exploiting state changes of branch predictors in speculative path. Our key observation is that, branch instruction executions in speculative path alter the states of branch pattern history, which are not restored even after the speculatively executed branches are eventually squashed. Unfortunately, this enables adversaries to harness branch predictors as the transmitting medium in transient execution attacks. More importantly, as compared to existing speculative attacks (e.g., Spectre), BranchSpec can take advantage of much simpler code patterns in victim's code base, making the impact of such exploitation potentially even more severe. To demonstrate this security vulnerability, we have implemented two variants of BranchSpec attacks: a side channel where a malicious spy process infers cross-boundary secrets via victim's speculatively executed nested branches, and a covert channel that communicates secrets through intentionally perturbing the branch pattern history structure via speculative branch executions. Our evaluation on Intel Skylake- and Coffee Lake-based processors reveals that these information leakage attacks are highly accurate and successful. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to reveal the information leakage threat due to speculative state update in branch predictor. Our studies further broaden the attack surface of processor microarchitecture, and highlight the needs for branch prediction mechanisms that are secure in transient executions.
Monaco, John V..  2019.  Feasibility of a Keystroke Timing Attack on Search Engines with Autocomplete. 2019 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :212–217.
Many websites induce the browser to send network traffic in response to user input events. This includes websites with autocomplete, a popular feature on search engines that anticipates the user's query while they are typing. Websites with this functionality require HTTP requests to be made as the query input field changes, such as when the user presses a key. The browser responds to input events by generating network traffic to retrieve the search predictions. The traffic emitted by the client can expose the timings of keyboard input events which may lead to a keylogging side channel attack whereby the query is revealed through packet inter-arrival times. We investigate the feasibility of such an attack on several popular search engines by characterizing the behavior of each website and measuring information leakage at the network level. Three out of the five search engines we measure preserve the mutual information between keystrokes and timings to within 1% of what it is on the host. We describe the ways in which two search engines mitigate this vulnerability with minimal effects on usability.
Yan, Yan, Oswald, Elisabeth.  2019.  Examining the Practical Side Channel Resilience of ARX-Boxes. Proceedings of the 16th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers. :373–379.
Implementations of ARX ciphers are hoped to have some intrinsic side channel resilience owing to the specific choice of cipher components: modular addition (A), rotation (R) and exclusive-or (X). Previous work has contributed to this understanding by developing theory regarding the side channel resilience of components (pioneered by the early works of Prouff) as well as some more recent practical investigations by Biryukov et al. that focused on lightweight cipher constructions. We add to this work by specifically studying ARX-boxes both mathematically as well as practically. Our results show that previous works' reliance on the simplistic assumption that intermediates independently leak (their Hamming weight) has led to the incorrect conclusion that the modular addition is necessarily the best target and that ARX constructions are therefore harder to attack in practice: we show that on an ARM M0, the best practical target is the exclusive or and attacks succeed with only tens of traces.
Yan, Mengjia, Gopireddy, Bhargava, Shull, Thomas, Torrellas, Josep.  2017.  Secure Hierarchy-Aware Cache Replacement Policy (SHARP): Defending Against Cache-Based Side Channel Atacks. Proceedings of the 44th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture. :347–360.
In cache-based side channel attacks, a spy that shares a cache with a victim probes cache locations to extract information on the victim's access patterns. For example, in evict+reload, the spy repeatedly evicts and then reloads a probe address, checking if the victim has accessed the address in between the two operations. While there are many proposals to combat these cache attacks, they all have limitations: they either hurt performance, require programmer intervention, or can only defend against some types of attacks. This paper makes the following observation for an environment with an inclusive cache hierarchy: when the spy evicts the probe address from the shared cache, the address will also be evicted from the private cache of the victim process, creating an inclusion victim. Consequently, to disable cache attacks, this paper proposes to alter the line replacement algorithm of the shared cache, to prevent a process from creating inclusion victims in the caches of cores running other processes. By enforcing this rule, the spy cannot evict the probe address from the shared cache and, hence, cannot glimpse any information on the victim's access patterns. We call our proposal SHARP (Secure Hierarchy-Aware cache Replacement Policy). SHARP efficiently defends against all existing cross-core shared-cache attacks, needs only minimal hardware modifications, and requires no code modifications. We implement SHARP in a cycle-level full-system simulator. We show that it protects against real-world attacks, and that it introduces negligible average performance degradation.