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Kumar, Rahul H, Subramanian, G Muthu.  2022.  Multi-Robot Security System based on Robot Operating System and Hybridized Blockchain Model. 2022 IEEE 3rd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT). :1–6.
Multi robot systems are defined as a collection of two or more robots that are capable of working autonomously while coordinating with each other. Three challenges emerge while designing any multi robot system. The robots have to coordinate their path planning or trajectory planning in order to avoid collision during the course of navigation, while collaborating tasks with other robots to achieve a specific end goal for the system. The other challenge, which is the focus of this paper, is the security of the entire multi robot system. Since robots have to coordinate with each other, any one of them being malicious due to any kind of security threat, can lead to a chain reaction that may compromise the entire system. Such security threats can be fatal if not dealt with immediately. This paper proposes the use of a Hybridized Blockchain Model (HBM) to identify such security threats and take necessary actions in real time so that the system does not encounter any catastrophic failure. The proposed security architecture uses ROS (Robot operating system) to decentralize the information collected by robot clients and HBM to monitor the clients and take necessary real time actions.
Markelon, Sam A., True, John.  2022.  The DecCert PKI: A Solution to Decentralized Identity Attestation and Zooko’s Triangle. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS). :74–82.
We propose DecCert, a decentralized public key infrastructure designed as a smart contract that solves the problem of identity attestation on public blockchains. Our system allows an individual to bind an identity to a public blockchain address. Once a claim of identity is made by an individual, other users can choose to verify the attested identity based on the evidence presented by an identity claim maker by staking cryptocurrency in the DecCert smart contract. Increasing levels of trust are naturally built based upon the amount staked and the duration the collateral is staked for. This mechanism replaces the usual utilization of digital signatures in a traditional hierarchical certificate authority model or the web of trust model to form a publicly verifiable decentralized stake of trust model. We also present a novel solution to the certificate revocation problem and implement our solution on the Ethereum blockchain. Further, we show that our design solves Zooko’s triangle as defined for public key infrastructure deployments.
Miyamae, Takeshi, Nishimaki, Satoru, Nakamura, Makoto, Fukuoka, Takeru, Morinaga, Masanobu.  2022.  Advanced Ledger: Supply Chain Management with Contribution Trails and Fair Reward Distribution. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain). :435—442.
We have several issues in most current supply chain management systems. Consumers want to spend money on environmentally friendly products, but they are seldomly informed of the environmental contributions of the suppliers. Meanwhile, each supplier seeks to recover the costs for the environmental contributions to re-invest them into further contributions. Instead, in most current supply chains, the reward for each supplier is not clearly defined and fairly distributed. To address these issues, we propose a supply-chain contribution management platform for fair reward distribution called ‘Advanced Ledger.’ This platform records suppliers' environ-mental contribution trails, receives rewards from consumers in exchange for trail-backed fungible tokens, and fairly distributes the rewards to each supplier based on the contribution trails. In this paper, we overview the architecture of Advanced Ledger and 11 technical features, including decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) based contribution verification, contribution concealment, negative-valued tokens, fair reward distribution, atomic rewarding, and layer-2 rewarding. We then study the requirements and candidates of the smart contract platforms for implementing Advanced Ledger. Finally, we introduce a use case called ‘ESG token’ built on the Advanced Ledger architecture.
Terzi, Sofia, Savvaidis, Charalampos, Sersemis, Athanasios, Votis, Konstantinos, Tzovaras, Dimitrios.  2021.  Decentralizing Identity Management and Vehicle Rights Delegation through Self-Sovereign Identities and Blockchain. 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). :1217–1223.
With smart vehicles interconnected with multiple systems and other entities, whether they are people or IoT devices, the importance of a digital identity for them has emerged. We present in this paper how a Self-Sovereign Identities combined with blockchain can provide a solution to this end, in order to decentralize the identity management and provide them with capabilities to identify the other entities they interact with. Such entities can be the owners of the vehicles, other drivers and workshops that act as service providers. Two use cases are examined along with the interactions between the participants, to demonstrate how a decentralized identity management solution can take care of the necessary authentication and authorization processes. Finally, we test the system and provide the measurements to prove its feasibility in real-life deployments.
Liu, Yizhong, Xia, Yu, Liu, Jianwei, Hei, Yiming.  2021.  A Secure and Decentralized Reconfiguration Protocol For Sharding Blockchains. 2021 7th IEEE Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). :111–116.
Most present reconfiguration methods in sharding blockchains rely on a secure randomness, whose generation might be complicated. Besides, a reference committee is usually in charge of the reconfiguration, making the process not decentralized. To address the above issues, this paper proposes a secure and decentralized shard reconfiguration protocol, which allows each shard to complete the selection and confirmation of its own shard members in turn. The PoW mining puzzle is calculated using the public key hash value in the member list confirmed by the last shard. Through the mining and shard member list commitment process, each shard can update its members safely and efficiently once in a while. Furthermore, it is proved that our protocol satisfies the safety, consistency, liveness, and decentralization properties. The honest member proportion in each confirmed shard member list is guaranteed to exceed a certain safety threshold, and all honest nodes have an identical view on the list. The reconfiguration is ensured to make progress, and each node has the same right to participate in the process. Our secure and decentralized shard reconfiguration protocol could be applied to all committee-based sharding blockchains.
Aiyar, Kamalani, Halgamuge, Malka N., Mohammad, Azeem.  2021.  Probability Distribution Model to Analyze the Trade-off between Scalability and Security of Sharding-Based Blockchain Networks. 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC). :1–6.
Sharding is considered to be the most promising solution to overcome and to improve the scalability limitations of blockchain networks. By doing this, the transaction throughput increases, at the same time compromises the security of blockchain networks. In this paper, a probability distribution model is proposed to analyze this trade-off between scalability and security of sharding-based blockchain networks. For this purpose hypergeometric distribution and Chebyshev's Inequality are mainly used. The upper bounds of hypergeometric distributed transaction processing and failure probabilities for shards are mainly evaluated. The model validation is accomplished with Class A (Omniledger, Elastico, Harmony, and Zilliqa), and Class B (RapidChain) sharding protocols. This validation shows that Class B protocols have a better performance compared to Class A protocols. The proposed model observes the transaction processing and failure probabilities are increased when shard size is reduced or the number of shards increased in sharding-based blockchain networks. This trade-off between the scalability and the security decides on the shard size of the blockchain network based on the real-world application and the blockchain platform. This explains the scalability trilemma in blockchain networks claiming that decentralization, scalability, and security cannot be met at primary grounds. In conclusion, this paper presents a comprehensive analysis providing essential directions to develop sharding protocols in the future to enhance the performance and the best-cost benefit of sharing-based blockchains by improving the scalability and the security at the same time.
Ashwini, S D, Patil, Annapurna P, Shetty, Savita K.  2021.  Moving Towards Blockchain-Based Solution for Ensuring Secure Storage of Medical Images. 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON). :1—5.
Over the last few years, the world has been moving towards digital healthcare, where harnessing medical data distributed across multiple healthcare providers is essential to achieving personalized treatments. Though the efficiency and speed of the diagnosis process have increased due to the digitalization of healthcare data, it is at constant risk of cyberattacks. Medical images, in particular, seem to have become a regular victim of hackers, due to which there is a need to find a feasible solution for storing them securely. This work proposes a blockchain-based framework that leverages the InterPlanetary File system (IPFS) to provide decentralized storage for medical images. Our proposed blockchain storage model is implemented in the IPFS distributed file-sharing system, where each image is stored on IPFS, and its corresponding unique content-addressed hash is stored in the blockchain. The proposed model ensures the security of the medical images without any third-party dependency and eliminates the obstacles that arise due to centralized storage.
Baofu, Han, Hui, Li, Chuansi, Wei.  2021.  Blockchain-Based Distributed Data Integrity Auditing Scheme. 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA). :143–149.
Cloud storage technology enables users to outsource local data to cloud service provider (CSP). In spite of its copious advantages, how to ensure the integrity of data has always been a significant issue. A variety of provable data possession (PDP) scheme have been proposed for cloud storage scenarios. However, the participation of centralized trusted third-party auditor (TPA) in most of the previous work has brought new security risks, because the TPA is prone to the single point of failure. Furthermore, the existing schemes do not consider the fair arbitration and lack an effective method to punish the malicious behavior. To address the above challenges, we propose a novel blockchain-based decentralized data integrity auditing scheme without the need for a centralized TPA. By using smart contract technique, our scheme supports automatic compensation mechanism. DO and CSP must first pay a certain amount of ether for the smart contract as deposit. The CSP gets the corresponding storage fee if the integrity auditing is passed. Otherwise, the CSP not only gets no fee but has to compensate DO whose data integrity is destroyed. Security analysis shows that the proposed scheme can resist a variety of attacks. Also, we implement our scheme on the platform of Ethereum to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our scheme.
Zhu, L., Chen, C., Su, Z., Chen, W., Li, T., Yu, Z..  2020.  BBS: Micro-Architecture Benchmarking Blockchain Systems through Machine Learning and Fuzzy Set. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA). :411–423.
Due to the decentralization, irreversibility, and traceability, blockchain has attracted significant attention and has been deployed in many critical industries such as banking and logistics. However, the micro-architecture characteristics of blockchain programs still remain unclear. What's worse, the large number of micro-architecture events make understanding the characteristics extremely difficult. We even lack a systematic approach to identify the important events to focus on. In this paper, we propose a novel benchmarking methodology dubbed BBS to characterize blockchain programs at micro-architecture level. The key is to leverage fuzzy set theory to identify important micro-architecture events after the significance of them is quantified by a machine learning based approach. The important events for single programs are employed to characterize the programs while the common important events for multiple programs form an importance vector which is used to measure the similarity between benchmarks. We leverage BBS to characterize seven and six benchmarks from Blockbench and Caliper, respectively. The results show that BBS can reveal interesting findings. Moreover, by leveraging the importance characterization results, we improve that the transaction throughput of Smallbank from Fabric by 70% while reduce the transaction latency by 55%. In addition, we find that three of seven and two of six benchmarks from Blockbench and Caliper are redundant, respectively.
Kuperberg, M..  2020.  Towards Enabling Deletion in Append-Only Blockchains to Support Data Growth Management and GDPR Compliance. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain). :393–400.
Conventional blockchain implementations with append-only semantics do not support deleting or overwriting data in confirmed blocks. However, many industry-relevant use cases require the ability to delete data, especially when personally identifiable information is stored or when data growth has to be constrained. Existing attempts to reconcile these contradictions compromise on core qualities of the blockchain paradigm, as they include backdoor-like approaches such as central authorities with elevated rights or usage of specialized chameleon hash algorithms in chaining of the blocks. The contribution of this paper is a novel architecture for the blockchain ledger and consensus, which uses a tree of context chains with simultaneous validity. A context chain captures the transactions of a closed group of entities and persons, thus structuring blocks in a precisely defined way. The resulting context isolation enables consensus-steered deletion of an entire context without side effects to other contexts. We show how this architecture supports truncation, data rollover and separation of concerns, how the GDPR regulations can be fulfilled by this architecture and how it differs from sidechains and state channels.
Wang, Zan-Jun, Lin, Ching-Hua Vivian, Yuan, Yang-Hao, Huang, Ching-Chun Jim.  2019.  Decentralized Data Marketplace to Enable Trusted Machine Economy. 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE). :246–250.
Transacting IoT data must be different in many from traditional approaches in order to build much-needed trust in data marketplaces, trust that will be the key to their sustainability. Data generated internally to an organization is usually not enough to remain competitive, enhance customer experiences, or improve strategic decision-making. In this paper, we propose a decentralized and trustless architecture through the posting of trade records while including the transaction process on distributed ledgers. This approach can efficiently enhance the degree of transparency, as all contract-oriented interactions will be written on-chain. Storage via an end-to-end encrypted message channel allows transmitting and accessing trusted data streams over distributed ledgers regardless of the size or cost of the device, while simultaneously making a verifiable Auth-compliant request to the platform. Furthermore, the platform will complete matching, trading and refunding processes with-out human intervention, and it also protects the rights of data providers and consumers through trading policies which apply revolutionary game theory to the machine economy.
Yousuf, Soha, Svetinovic, Davor.  2019.  Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management: Preliminary Study. 2019 Sixth International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS). :537–538.

Despite significant research, the supply chain management challenges still have a long way to go with respect to solving the issues such as management of product supply information, product lifecycle, transport history, etc. Given the recent rise of blockchain technology in various industrial sectors, our work explores the issues prevalent in each stage of the supply chain and checks their candidacy for the implementation using blockchain technology. The analysis is performed in terms of the characteristics of trust and decentralization with respect to forming a generalized framework. The main contribution of this work is to create a conceptual overview of the areas where blockchain integrates with supply chain management in order to benefit further research and development.

Anand, Shajina, Raja, Gunasekaran, Anand, Gokul, Chauhdary, Sajjad Hussain, Bashir, Ali Kashif.  2019.  Mirage: A Protocol for Decentralized and Secured Communication of IoT Devices. 2019 IEEE 10th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON). :1074–1080.
Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly emerging as the manifestation of the networked society vision. But its centralized architecture will lead to a single point of failure. On the other hand, it will be difficult to handle communications in the near future considering the rapid growth of IoT devices. Along with its popularity, IoT suffers from a lot of vulnerabilities, which IoT developers are constantly working to mitigate. This paper proposes a new protocol called Mirage which can be used for secure and decentralized communication of IoT devices. This protocol is built based on security principles. Out of which Mirage mainly focuses on authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation. In this protocol, devices are authenticated via secret keys known only to the parties involved in the communication. These secret keys are not static and will be constantly changing for every communication. For ensuring integrity, an intermediary is asked to exchange the hash of the messages. As the intermediary nodes are lending their computing and networking powers, they should be rewarded. To ensure non-repudiation, instead of going for trusted third parties, blockchain technology is used. Every node in the network needs to spend a mirage token for sending a message. Mirage tokens will be provided only to those nodes, who help in exchanging the hashes as a reward. In the end, a decentralized network of IoT devices is formed where every node contribute to the security of the network.
Acharjamayum, Irani, Patgiri, Ripon, Devi, Dhruwajita.  2018.  Blockchain: A Tale of Peer to Peer Security. 2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :609-617.

The underlying or core technology of Bitcoin cryptocurrency has become a blessing for human being in this era. Everything is gradually changing to digitization in this today's epoch. Bitcoin creates virtual money using Blockchain that's become popular over the world. Blockchain is a shared public ledger, and it includes all transactions which are confirmed. It is almost impossible to crack the hidden information in the blocks of the Blockchain. However, there are certain security and technical challenges like scalability, privacy leakage, selfish mining, etc. which hampers the wide application of Blockchain. In this paper, we briefly discuss this emerging technology namely Blockchain. In addition, we extrapolate in-depth insight on Blockchain technology.

Tenorio-Fornés, Antonio, Hassan, Samer, Pavón, Juan.  2018.  Open Peer-to-Peer Systems over Blockchain and IPFS: An Agent Oriented Framework. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems. :19-24.

In recent years, the increasing concerns around the centralized cloud web services (e.g. privacy, governance, surveillance, security) have triggered the emergence of new distributed technologies, such as IPFS or the Blockchain. These innovations have tackled technical challenges that were unresolved until their appearance. Existing models of peer-to-peer systems need a revision to cover the spectrum of potential systems that can be now implemented as peer-to-peer systems. This work presents a framework to build these systems. It uses an agent-oriented approach in an open environment where agents have only partial information of the system data. The proposal covers data access, data discovery and data trust in peer-to-peer systems where different actors may interact. Moreover, the framework proposes a distributed architecture for these open systems, and provides guidelines to decide in which cases Blockchain technology may be required, or when other technologies may be sufficient.

Kalinin, Maxim, Krundyshev, Vasiliy, Zegzhda, Peter, Belenko, Viacheslav.  2017.  Network Security Architectures for VANET. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. :73–79.
In recent years, cyber security oriented research is paying much close attention on Vehicular Adhoc NETworks (VANETs). However, existing vehicular networks do not meet current security requirements. Typically for dynamic networks, maximal decentralization and rapidly changing topology of moving hosts form a number of security issues associated with ensuring access control of hosts, security policy enforcement, and resistance of the routing methods. To solve these problems generally, the paper reviews SDN (software defined networks) based network security architectures of VANET. The following tasks are solved in our work: composing of network security architectures for SDN-VANET (architecture with the central control and shared security servers, decentralized (zoned) architecture, hierarchical architecture); implementation of these architectures in virtual modeling environment; and experimental study of effectiveness of the suggested architectures. With large-scale vehicular networks, architectures with multiple SDN controllers are most effective. In small networks, the architecture with the central control also significantly outperforms the traditional VANET architecture. For the suggested architectures, three control modes are discussed in the paper: central, distributed and hybrid modes. Unlike common architectures, all of the proposed security architectures allow us to establish a security policy in m2m-networks and increase resistance capabilities of self-organizing networks.