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Rojali, Rasjid, Zulfany Erlisa, Matthew, Justin Cliff.  2022.  Implementation of Rail Fence Cipher and Myszkowski Algorithms and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256) for Security and Detecting Digital Image Originality. 2022 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS). :207—212.
The use of digital images is increasingly widespread currently. There is a need for security in digital photos. Cryptography is a technique that can be applied to secure data. In addition to safety, data integrity also needs to be considered to anticipate the image being manipulated. The hash function is a technique that can be used to determine data authentication. In this study, the Rail Fence Cipher and Myszkowski algorithms were used for the encryption and decryption of digital images, as the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256) algorithm. Rail Fence Cipher Algorithm is a transposition algorithm that is quite simple but still vulnerable. It is combined with the Myszkowski Algorithm, which has a high level of complexity with a simple key. Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256) is a hash function that accepts an input limit of fewer than 2∧64 bits and produces a fixed hash value of 256 bits. The tested images vary based on image resolution and can be encrypted and decrypted well, with an average MSE value of 4171.16 and an average PSNR value of 11.96 dB. The hash value created is also unique. Keywords—Cryptography, Hash Function, Rail Fence Cipher, Myszkowski, SHA-256, Digital image.
Vadlamudi, Sailaja, Sam, Jenifer.  2022.  Unified Payments Interface – Preserving the Data Privacy of Consumers. 2022 International Conference on Cyber Resilience (ICCR). :1—6.
With the advent of ease of access to the internet and an increase in digital literacy among citizens, digitization of the banking sector has throttled. Countries are now aiming for a cashless society. The introduction of a Unified Payment Interface (UPI) by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) in April 2016 is a game-changer for cashless models. UPI payment model is currently considered the world’s most advanced payment system, and we see many countries adopting this cashless payment mode. With the increase in its popularity, there arises the increased need to strengthen the security posture of the payment solution. In this work, we explore the privacy challenges in the existing data flow of UPI models and propose approaches to preserve the privacy of customers using the Unified Payments Interface.
Gong, Taiyuan, Zhu, Li.  2022.  Edge Intelligence-based Obstacle Intrusion Detection in Railway Transportation. GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :2981—2986.
Train operation is highly influenced by the rail track state and the surrounding environment. An abnormal obstacle on the rail track will pose a severe threat to the safe operation of urban rail transit. The existing general obstacle detection approaches do not consider the specific urban rail environment and requirements. In this paper, we propose an edge intelligence (EI)-based obstacle intrusion detection system to detect accurate obstacle intrusion in real-time. A two-stage lightweight deep learning model is designed to detect obstacle intrusion and obtain the distance from the train to the obstacle. Edge computing (EC) and 5G are used to conduct the detection model and improve the real-time detection performance. A multi-agent reinforcement learning-based offloading and service migration model is formulated to optimize the edge computing resource. Experimental results show that the two-stage intrusion detection model with the reinforcement learning (RL)-based edge resource optimization model can achieve higher detection accuracy and real-time performance compared to traditional methods.
Wang, Ning.  2022.  Resilience Analysis of Urban Rail Transit Network Under Large Passenger Flow. 2022 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security Companion (QRS-C). :444–446.
Public transportation is an important system of urban passenger transport. The purpose of this article is to explore the impact of network resilience when each station of urban rail transit network was attacked by large passenger flow. Based on the capacity load model, we propose a load redistribution mechanism to simulate the passenger flow propagation after being attacked by large passenger flow. Then, taking Xi'an's rail network as an example, we study the resilience variety of the network after a node is attacked by large passenger flow. Through some attack experiments, the feasibility of the model for studying the resilience of the rail transit system is finally verified.
ISSN: 2693-9371
M, Gayathri, Gomathy, C..  2022.  Fuzzy based Trusted Communication in Vehicular Ad hoc Network. 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT). :1—4.
Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is an emerging technology that is used to provide communication between vehicle users. VANET provides communication between one vehicle node to another vehicle node, vehicle to the roadside unit, vehicle to pedestrian, and even vehicle to rail users. Communication between nodes should be very secure and confidential, Since VANET communicates through wireless mode, a malicious node may enter inside the communication zone to hack, inject false messages, and interrupt the communication. A strong protocol is necessary to detect malicious nodes and authenticate the VANET user to protect them from malicious attacks. In this paper, a fuzzy-based trust authentication scheme is used to detect malicious nodes with the Mamdani fuzzy Inference system. The parameter estimation, rules have been framed using MATLAB Mamdani Fuzzy Inference system to select a genuine node for data transmission.
Le, Son N., Srinivasan, Sudarshan K., Smith, Scott C..  2020.  Exploiting Dual-Rail Register Invariants for Equivalence Verification of NCL Circuits. 2020 IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). :21–24.
Equivalence checking is one of the most scalable and useful verification techniques in industry. NULL Convention Logic (NCL) circuits utilize dual-rail signals (i.e., two wires to represent one bit of DATA), where the wires are inverses of each other during a DATA wavefront. In this paper, a technique that exploits this invariant at NCL register boundaries is proposed to improve the efficiency of equivalence verification of NCL circuits.
Guo, H., Shen, X., Goh, W. L., Zhou, L..  2018.  Data Analysis for Anomaly Detection to Secure Rail Network. 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation (ICIRT). :1–5.
The security, safety and reliability of rail systems are of the utmost importance. In order to better detect and prevent anomalies, it is necessary to accurately study and analyze the network traffic and abnormal behaviors, as well as to detect and alert any anomalies if happened. This paper focuses on data analysis for anomaly detection with Wireshark and packet analysis system. An alert function is also developed to provide an alert when abnormality happens. Rail network traffic data have been captured and analyzed so that their network features are obtained and used to detect the abnormality. To improve efficiency, a packet analysis system is introduced to receive the network flow and analyze data automatically. The provision of two detection methods, i.e., the Wireshark detection and the packet analysis system together with the alert function will facilitate the timely detection of abnormality and triggering of alert in the rail network.
Yu, Jianguo, Tian, Pei, Feng, Haonan, Xiao, Yan.  2018.  Research and Design of Subway BAS Intrusion Detection Expert System. 2018 IEEE 3rd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). :152–156.
The information security of urban rail transit system faces great challenges. As a subsystem of the subway, BAS is short for Building Automation System, which is used to monitor and manage subway equipment and environment, also facing the same problem. Based on the characteristics of BAS, this paper designed a targeted intrusion detection expert system. This paper focuses on the design of knowledge base and the inference engine of intrusion detection system based on expert system. This study laid the foundation for the research on information security of the entire rail transit system.
Baykara, M., Güçlü, S..  2018.  Applications for detecting XSS attacks on different web platforms. 2018 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS). :1–6.

Today, maintaining the security of the web application is of great importance. Sites Intermediate Script (XSS) is a security flaw that can affect web applications. This error allows an attacker to add their own malicious code to HTML pages that are displayed to the user. Upon execution of the malicious code, the behavior of the system or website can be completely changed. The XSS security vulnerability is used by attackers to steal the resources of a web browser such as cookies, identity information, etc. by adding malicious Java Script code to the victim's web applications. Attackers can use this feature to force a malicious code worker into a Web browser of a user, since Web browsers support the execution of embedded commands on web pages to enable dynamic web pages. This work has been proposed as a technique to detect and prevent manipulation that may occur in web sites, and thus to prevent the attack of Site Intermediate Script (XSS) attacks. Ayrica has developed four different languages that detect XSS explanations with Asp.NET, PHP, PHP and Ruby languages, and the differences in the detection of XSS attacks in environments provided by different programming languages.

Kumar, S., Johari, R., Singh, L., Gupta, K..  2017.  SCLCT: Secured cross language cipher technique. 2017 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA). :545–550.

Cryptography is the fascinating science that deals with constructing and destructing the secret codes. The evolving digitization in this modern era possesses cryptography as one of its backbones to perform the transactions with confidentiality and security wherever the authentication is required. With the modern technology that has evolved, the use of codes has exploded, enriching cryptology and empowering citizens. One of the most important things that encryption provides anyone using any kind of computing device is `privacy'. There is no way to have true privacy with strong security, the method with which we are dealing with is to make the cipher text more robust to be by-passed. In current work, the well known and renowned Caesar cipher and Rail fence cipher techniques are combined with a cross language cipher technique and the detailed comparative analysis amongst them is carried out. The simulations have been carried out on Eclipse Juno version IDE for executions and Java, an open source language has been used to implement these said techniques.