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Ghafoor, K. Z., Kong, L., Sadiq, A. S., Doukha, Z., Shareef, F. M..  2018.  Trust-aware routing protocol for mobile crowdsensing environments. IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :82–87.
Link quality, trust management and energy efficiency are considered as main factors that affect the performance and lifetime of Mobile CrowdSensing (MCS). Routing packets toward the sink node can be a daunting task if aforementioned factors are considered. Correspondingly, routing packets by considering only shortest path or residual energy lead to suboptimal data forwarding. To this end, we propose a Fuzzy logic based Routing (FR) solution that incorporates social behaviour of human beings, link quality, and node quality to make the optimal routing decision. FR leverages friendship mechanism for trust management, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) to assure good link quality node selection, and residual energy for long lasting sensor lifetime. Extensive simulations show that the FR solution outperforms the existing approaches in terms of network lifetime and packet delivery ratio.
Ippisch, A., Graffi, K..  2017.  Infrastructure Mode Based Opportunistic Networks on Android Devices. 2017 IEEE 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA). :454–461.

Opportunistic Networks are delay-tolerant mobile networks with intermittent node contacts in which data is transferred with the store-carry-forward principle. Owners of smartphones and smart objects form such networks due to their social behaviour. Opportunistic Networking can be used in remote areas with no access to the Internet, to establish communication after disasters, in emergency situations or to bypass censorship, but also in parallel to familiar networking. In this work, we create a mobile network application that connects Android devices over Wi-Fi, offers identification and encryption, and gathers information for routing in the network. The network application is constructed in such a way that third party applications can use the network application as network layer to send and receive data packets. We create secure and reliable connections while maintaining a high transmission speed, and with the gathered information about the network we offer knowledge for state of the art routing protocols. We conduct tests on connectivity, transmission range and speed, battery life and encryption speed and show a proof of concept for routing in the network.