The design of attacks for cyber physical systems is critical to assess CPS resilience at design time and run-time, and to generate rich datasets from testbeds for research. Attacks against cyber physical systems distinguish themselves from IT attacks in that the main objective is to harm the physical system. Therefore, both cyber and physical system knowledge are needed to design such attacks. The current practice to generate attacks either focuses on the cyber part of the system using IT cyber security existing body of knowledge, or uses heuristics to inject attacks that could potentially harm the physical process. In this paper, we present a systematic approach to automatically generate integrity attacks from the CPS safety and control specifications, without knowledge of the physical system or its dynamics. The generated attacks violate the system operational and safety requirements, hence present a genuine test for system resilience. We present an algorithm to automate the malware payload development. Several examples are given throughout the paper to illustrate the proposed approach.
Due to the increasing complexity of design process, outsourcing, and use of third-party blocks, it becomes harder and harder to prevent Trojan insertion and other malicious design modifications. In this paper, we propose to deploy security invariant as carried proof to prevent and detect Trojans and malicious attacks and to ensure the security of hardware design. Non-interference with down-grading policy is checked for confidentiality. Contrary to existing approaches by type checking, we develop a method to model-check a simple safety property on a composed machine. Down-grading is handled in a better way in model-checking and the effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated on various Verilog benchmarks.