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Karmakar, K. K., Varadharajan, V., Tupakula, U., Hitchens, M..  2020.  Towards a Dynamic Policy Enhanced Integrated Security Architecture for SDN Infrastructure. NOMS 2020 - 2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. :1—9.

Enterprise networks are increasingly moving towards Software Defined Networking, which is becoming a major trend in the networking arena. With the increased popularity of SDN, there is a greater need for security measures for protecting the enterprise networks. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of an integrated security architecture for SDN based enterprise networks. The integrated security architecture uses a policy-based approach to coordinate different security mechanisms to detect and counteract a range of security attacks in the SDN. A distinguishing characteristic of the proposed architecture is its ability to deal with dynamic changes in the security attacks as well as changes in trust associated with the network devices in the infrastructure. The adaptability of the proposed architecture to dynamic changes is achieved by having feedback between the various security components/mechanisms in the architecture and managing them using a dynamic policy framework. The paper describes the prototype implementation of the proposed architecture and presents security and performance analysis for different attack scenarios. We believe that the proposed integrated security architecture provides a significant step towards achieving a secure SDN for enterprises.

Huang, S., Chuang, T., Huang, S., Ban, T..  2019.  Malicious URL Linkage Analysis and Common Pattern Discovery. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :3172—3179.

Malicious domain names are consistently changing. It is challenging to keep blacklists of malicious domain names up-to-date because of the time lag between its creation and detection. Even if a website is clean itself, it does not necessarily mean that it won't be used as a pivot point to redirect users to malicious destinations. To address this issue, this paper demonstrates how to use linkage analysis and open-source threat intelligence to visualize the relationship of malicious domain names whilst verifying their categories, i.e., drive-by download, unwanted software etc. Featured by a graph-based model that could present the inter-connectivity of malicious domain names in a dynamic fashion, the proposed approach proved to be helpful for revealing the group patterns of different kinds of malicious domain names. When applied to analyze a blacklisted set of URLs in a real enterprise network, it showed better effectiveness than traditional methods and yielded a clearer view of the common patterns in the data.

Serey, J., Ternero, R., Soto, I., Quezada, L..  2017.  A Competency Model to Help Selecting the Information Security Method for Platforms of Communication by Visible Light (VLC). 2017 First South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVLC). :1–6.
It is challenging in Security information and Platforms of Communication by Visible Light (VLC), solutions are made to manage the right Security problems. Several solutions have been developed and evolved constantly to meet complex and ever-changing business needs in the world. In the business context, people who are responsible for a project or an organization undergo professional and emotional stress. This research project has developed a new model which can help decision makers evaluating these alternative methods in relation to articulating different types of Security problems, formulating Security criteria, and simulating expectations of adopting the chosen method for Platforms of Communication by Visible Light (VLC).
Shabalin, A. M., Kaliberda, E. A..  2017.  The organization of arrangements set to ensure enterprise IPV6 network secure work by modern switching equipment tools (using the example of a network attack on a default gateway). 2017 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Dynamics). :1–8.

The article issue is the enterprise information protection within the internet of things concept. The aim of research is to develop arrangements set to ensure secure enterprise IPv6 network operating. The object of research is the enterprise IPv6 network. The subject of research is modern switching equipment as a tool to ensure network protection. The research task is to prioritize functioning of switches in production and corporation enterprise networks, to develop a network host protection algorithm, to test the developed algorithm on the Cisco Packet Tracer 7 software emulator. The result of research is the proposed approach to IPv6-network security based on analysis of modern switches functionality, developed and tested enterprise network host protection algorithm under IPv6-protocol with an automated network SLAAC-configuration control, a set of arrangements for resisting default enterprise gateway attacks, using ACL, VLAN, SEND, RA Guard security technology, which allows creating sufficiently high level of networks security.