Visible to the public A Competency Model to Help Selecting the Information Security Method for Platforms of Communication by Visible Light (VLC)

TitleA Competency Model to Help Selecting the Information Security Method for Platforms of Communication by Visible Light (VLC)
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSerey, J., Ternero, R., Soto, I., Quezada, L.
Conference Name2017 First South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVLC)
Keywordsalternative methods, Analytical models, Bayesian Nets, business communication, business context, Communication by Visible Light (VLC), competency model, Data models, decision making, free-space optical communication, Informatics, Information security, information security method, light emitting diodes, Metrics, pubcrawl, research project, resilience, Resiliency, right security problems, Scalability, security, security criteria, security information, security of data, TOPSIS and The Game Theory, visible light communication, Visible Light Communications Security, VLC
AbstractIt is challenging in Security information and Platforms of Communication by Visible Light (VLC), solutions are made to manage the right Security problems. Several solutions have been developed and evolved constantly to meet complex and ever-changing business needs in the world. In the business context, people who are responsible for a project or an organization undergo professional and emotional stress. This research project has developed a new model which can help decision makers evaluating these alternative methods in relation to articulating different types of Security problems, formulating Security criteria, and simulating expectations of adopting the chosen method for Platforms of Communication by Visible Light (VLC).
Citation Keyserey_competency_2017