The development of technologies makes it possible to increase the power of information processing systems, but the modernization of processors brings not only an increase in performance but also an increase in the number of errors and vulnerabilities that can allow an attacker to attack the system and gain access to confidential information. White-Box cryptography allows (due to its structure) not only monitoring possible changes but also protects the processed data even with full access of the attacker to the environment. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) due to its properties, is becoming stronger and stronger in our lives, as it allows you to get strong encryption at a lower cost of processing your own algorithm. This allows you to reduce the load on the system and increase its performance.
Cloud-based payments, virtual car keys, and digital rights management are examples of consumer electronics applications that use secure software. White-box implementations of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) are important building blocks of secure software systems, and the attack of Billet, Gilbert, and Ech-Chatbi (BGE) is a well-known attack on such implementations. A drawback from the adversary’s or security tester’s perspective is that manual reverse engineering of the implementation is required before the BGE attack can be applied. This paper presents a method to automate the BGE attack on a class of white-box AES implementations with a specific type of external encoding. The new method was implemented and applied successfully to a CHES 2016 capture the flag challenge.
Advances in technology have led not only to increased security and privacy but also to new channels of information leakage. New leak channels have resulted in the emergence of increased relevance of various types of attacks. One such attacks are Side-Channel Attacks, i.e. attacks aimed to find vulnerabilities in the practical component of the algorithm. However, with the development of these types of attacks, methods of protection against them have also appeared. One of such methods is White-Box Cryptography.
Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) provide hardware support to isolate the execution of sensitive operations on mobile phones for improved security. However, they are not always available to use for application developers. To provide a consistent user experience to those who have and do not have a TEE-enabled device, we could get help from Open-TEE, an open-source GlobalPlatform (GP)-compliant software TEE emulator. However, Open-TEE does not offer any of the security properties hardware TEEs have. In this paper, we propose WhiteBox-TEE which integrates white-box cryptography with Open-TEE to provide better security while still remaining complaint with GP TEE specifications. We discuss the architecture, provisioning mechanism, implementation highlights, security properties and performance issues of WhiteBox-TEE and propose possible revisions to TEE specifications to have better use of white-box cryptography in software-only TEEs.
The economic progress of the Internet of Things (IoT) is phenomenal. Applications range from checking the alignment of some components during a manufacturing process, monitoring of transportation and pedestrian levels to enhance driving and walking path, remotely observing terminally ill patients by means of medical devices such as implanted devices and infusion pumps, and so on. To provide security, encrypting the data becomes an indispensable requirement, and symmetric encryptions algorithms are becoming a crucial implementation in the resource constrained environments. Typical symmetric encryption algorithms like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) showcases an assumption that end points of communications are secured and that the encryption key being securely stored. However, devices might be physically unprotected, and attackers may have access to the memory while the data is still encrypted. It is essential to reserve the key in such a way that an attacker finds it hard to extract it. At present, techniques like White-Box cryptography has been utilized in these circumstances. But it has been reported that applying White-Box cryptography in IoT devices have resulted in other security issues like the adversary having access to the intermediate values, and the practical implementations leading to Code lifting attacks and differential attacks. In this paper, a solution is presented to overcome these problems by demonstrating the need of White-Box Cryptography to enhance the security by utilizing the cipher block chaining (CBC) mode.
Digital forensic investigators today are faced with numerous problems when recovering footprints of criminal activity that involve the use of computer systems. Investigators need the ability to recover evidence in a forensically sound manner, even when criminals actively work to alter the integrity, veracity, and provenance of data, applications and software that are used to support illicit activities. In many ways, operating systems (OS) can be strengthened from a technological viewpoint to support verifiable, accurate, and consistent recovery of system data when needed for forensic collection efforts. In this paper, we extend the ideas for forensic-friendly OS design by proposing the use of a practical form of computing on encrypted data (CED) and computing with encrypted functions (CEF) which builds upon prior work on component encryption (in circuits) and white-box cryptography (in software). We conduct experiments on sample programs to provide analysis of the approach based on security and efficiency, illustrating how component encryption can strengthen key OS functions and improve tamper-resistance to anti-forensic activities. We analyze the tradeoff space for use of the algorithm in a holistic approach that provides additional security and comparable properties to fully homomorphic encryption (FHE).