Ransomware emerged in recent years as one of the most significant cyber threats facing both individuals and organizations, inflicting global damage costs that are estimated upwards of $1 billion in 2016 alone [23]. The increase in the scale and impact of recent ransomware attacks highlights the need of finding effective countermeasures. We present AntiBotics - a novel system for application authentication-based file access control. AntiBotics enforces a file access-control policy by presenting periodic identification/authorization challenges.
We implemented AntiBotics for Windows. Our experimental evaluation shows that contemporary ransomware programs are unable to encrypt any of the files protected by AntiBotics and that the daily rate of challenges it presents to users is very low. We discuss possible ways in which future ransomware may attempt to attack AntiBotics and explain how these attacks can be thwarted.
This paper presents an assessment of continuous verification using linguistic style as a cognitive biometric. In stylometry, it is widely known that linguistic style is highly characteristic of authorship using representations that capture authorial style at character, lexical, syntactic, and semantic levels. In this work, we provide a contrast to previous efforts by implementing a one-class classification problem using Isolation Forests. Our approach demonstrates the usefulness of this classifier for accurately verifying the genuine user, and yields recognition accuracy exceeding 98% using very small training samples of 50 and 100-character blocks.
Mobile devices offer a convenient way of accessing our digital lives and many of those devices hold sensitive data that needs protecting. Mobile and wireless communications networks, combined with cloud computing as Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), have emerged as a new way to provide a rich computational environment for mobile users, and business opportunities for cloud providers and network operators. It is the convenience of the cloud service and the ability to sync across multiple platforms/devices that has become the attraction to cloud computing. However, privacy, security and trust issues may still be a barrier that impedes the adoption of MCC by some undecided potential users. Those users still need to be convinced of the security of mobile devices, wireless networks and cloud computing. This paper is the result of a comprehensive review of one typical secure measure-authentication methodology research, spanning a period of five years from 2012–2017. MCC capabilities for sharing distributed resources is discussed. Authentication in MCC is divided in to two categories and the advantages of one category over its counterpart are presented, in the process of attempting to identify the most secure authentication scheme.
Biometrics are widely used for authentication in several domains, services and applications. However, only very few systems succeed in effectively combining highly secure user authentication with an adequate privacy protection of the biometric templates, due to the difficulty associated with jointly providing good authentication performance, unlinkability and irreversibility to biometric templates. This thwarts the use of biometrics in remote authentication scenarios, despite the advantages that this kind of architectures provides. We propose a user-specific approach for decoupling the biometrics from their binary representation before using biometric protection schemes based on fuzzy extractors. This allows for more reliable, flexible, irreversible and unlinkable protected biometric templates. With the proposed biometrics decoupling procedures, biometric metadata, that does not allow to recover the original biometric template, is generated. However, different biometric metadata that are generated starting from the same biometric template remain statistically linkable, therefore we propose to additionally protect these using a second authentication factor (e.g., knowledge or possession based). We demonstrate the potential of this approach within a two-factor authentication protocol for remote biometric authentication in mobile scenarios.
In recent years, behavioral biometrics have become a popular approach to support continuous authentication systems. Most generally, a continuous authentication system can make two types of errors: false rejects and false accepts. Based on this, the most commonly reported metrics to evaluate systems are the False Reject Rate (FRR) and False Accept Rate (FAR). However, most papers only report the mean of these measures with little attention paid to their distribution. This is problematic as systematic errors allow attackers to perpetually escape detection while random errors are less severe. Using 16 biometric datasets we show that these systematic errors are very common in the wild. We show that some biometrics (such as eye movements) are particularly prone to systematic errors, while others (such as touchscreen inputs) show more even error distributions. Our results also show that the inclusion of some distinctive features lowers average error rates but significantly increases the prevalence of systematic errors. As such, blind optimization of the mean EER (through feature engineering or selection) can sometimes lead to lower security. Following this result we propose the Gini Coefficient (GC) as an additional metric to accurately capture different error distributions. We demonstrate the usefulness of this measure both to compare different systems and to guide researchers during feature selection. In addition to the selection of features and classifiers, some non- functional machine learning methodologies also affect error rates. The most notable examples of this are the selection of training data and the attacker model used to develop the negative class. 13 out of the 25 papers we analyzed either include imposter data in the negative class or randomly sample training data from the entire dataset, with a further 6 not giving any information on the methodology used. Using real-world data we show that both of these decisions lead to significant underestimation of error rates by 63% and 81%, respectively. This is an alarming result, as it suggests that researchers are either unaware of the magnitude of these effects or might even be purposefully attempting to over-optimize their EER without actually improving the system.
Insider misuse has become a major risk for many organizations. One of the most common forms of misuses is data leakage. Such threats have turned into a real challenge to overcome and mitigate. Whilst prevention is important, incidents will inevitably occur and as such attribution of the leakage is key to ensuring appropriate recourse. Although digital forensics capability has grown rapidly in the process of analyzing the digital evidences, a key barrier is often being able to associate the evidence back to an individual who leaked the data. Stolen credentials and the Trojan defense are two commonly cited arguments used to complicate the issue of attribution. Furthermore, the use of a digital certificate or user ID would only associate to the account not to the individual. This paper proposes a more proactive model whereby a user's biometric information is transparently captured (during normal interactions) and embedding within the digital objects they interact with (thereby providing a direct link between the last user using any document or object). An investigation into the possibility of embedding individuals' biometric signals into image files is presented, with a particular focus upon the ability to recover the biometric information under varying degrees of modification attack. The experimental results show that even when the watermarked object is significantly modified (e.g. only 25% of the image is available) it is still possible to recover those embedded biometric information.
This paper describes biometric-based cryptographic techniques for providing confidential communications and strong, mutual and multifactor authentication on the Internet of Things. The described security techniques support the goals of universal access when users are allowed to select from multiple choice alternatives to authenticate their identities. By using a Biometric Authenticated Key Exchange (BAKE) protocol, user credentials are protected against phishing and Man-in-the-Middle attacks. Forward secrecy is achieved using a Diffie-Hellman key establishment scheme with fresh random values each time the BAKE protocol is operated. Confidentiality is achieved using lightweight cryptographic algorithms that are well suited for implementation in resource constrained environments, those limited by processing speed, limited memory and power availability. Lightweight cryptography can offer strong confidentiality solutions that are practical to implement in Internet of Things systems, where efficient execution, and small memory requirements and code size are required.
In contrast to electronic travel documents (e.g. ePassports), the standardisation of breeder documents (e.g. birth certificates), regarding harmonisation of content and contained security features is in statu nascendi. Due to the fact that breeder documents can be used as an evidence of identity and enable the application for electronic travel documents, they pose the weakest link in the identity life cycle and represent a security gap for identity management. In this work, we present a cost efficient way to enhance the long-term security of breeder documents by utilizing blockchain technology. A conceptual architecture to enhance breeder document long-term security and an introduction of the concept's constituting system components is presented. Our investigations provide evidence that the Bitcoin blockchain is most suitable for breeder document long-term security.
Smartphones have become the pervasive personal computing platform. Recent years thus have witnessed exponential growth in research and development for secure and usable authentication schemes for smartphones. Several explicit (e.g., PIN-based) and/or implicit (e.g., biometrics-based) authentication methods have been designed and published in the literature. In fact, some of them have been embedded in commercial mobile products as well. However, the published studies report only the brighter side of the proposed scheme(s), e.g., higher accuracy attained by the proposed mechanism. While other associated operational issues, such as computational overhead, robustness to different environmental conditions/attacks, usability, are intentionally or unintentionally ignored. More specifically, most publicly available frameworks did not discuss or explore any other evaluation criterion, usability and environment-related measures except the accuracy under zero-effort. Thus, their baseline operations usually give a false sense of progress. This paper, therefore, presents some guidelines to researchers for designing, implementation, and evaluating smartphone user authentication methods for a positive impact on future technological developments.
Emerging communication technologies in distributed network systems require transfer of biometric digital images with high security. Network security is identified by the changes in system behavior which is either Dynamic or Deterministic. Performance computation is complex in dynamic system where cryptographic techniques are not highly suitable. Chaotic theory solves complex problems of nonlinear deterministic system. Several chaotic methods are combined to get hyper chaotic system for more security. Chaotic theory along with DNA sequence enhances security of biometric image encryption. Implementation proves the encrypted image is highly chaotic and resistant to various attacks.
The secure two-party computation (S2PC) protocols SHADE and GSHADE have been introduced by Bringer et al. in the last two years. The protocol GSHADE permits to compute different distances (Hamming, Euclidean, Mahalanobis) quite efficiently and is one of the most efficient compared to other S2PC methods. Thus this protocol can be used to efficiently compute one-to-many identification for several biometrics data (iris, face, fingerprint). In this paper, we introduce two extensions of GSHADE. The first one enables us to evaluate new multiplicative functions. This way, we show how to apply GSHADE to a classical machine learning algorithm. The second one is a new proposal to secure GSHADE against malicious adversaries following the recent dual execution and cut-and-choose strategies. The additional cost is very small. By preserving the GSHADE's structure, our extensions are very efficient compared to other S2PC methods.
Mobile devices offer access to our digital lives and thus need to be protected against the risk of unauthorized physical access by applying strong authentication, which in turn adversely affects usability. The actual risk, however, depends on dynamic factors like day and time. In this paper we discuss the idea of using location-based risk assessment in combination with multi-modal biometrics to adjust the level of authentication necessary to the situational risk of unauthorized access.
In this paper, we apply verifiable computing techniques to a biometric matching. The purpose of verifiable computation is to give the result of a computation along with a proof that the calculations were correctly performed. We adapt a protocol called sumcheck protocol and present a system that performs verifiable biometric matching in the case of a fast border control. This is a work in progress and we focus on verifying an inner product. We then give some experimental results of its implementation. Verifiable computation here helps to enforce the authentication phase bringing in the process a proof that the biometric verification has been correctly performed.
Conventional security methods like password and ID card methods are now rapidly replacing by biometrics for identification of a person. Biometrics uses physiological or behavioral characteristics of a person. Usage of biometric raises critical privacy and security concerns that, due to the noisy nature of biometrics, cannot be addressed using standard cryptographic methods. The loss of an enrollment biometric to an attacker is a security hazard because it may allow the attacker to get an unauthorized access to the system. Biometric template can be stolen and intruder can get access of biometric system using fake input. Hence, it becomes essential to design biometric system with secure template or if the biometric template in an application is compromised, the biometric signal itself is not lost forever and a new biometric template can be issued. One way is to combine the biometrics and cryptography or use transformed data instead of original biometric template. But traditional cryptography methods are not useful in biometrics because of intra-class variation. Biometric cryptosystem can apply fuzzy vault, fuzzy commitment, helper data and secure sketch, whereas, cancelable biometrics uses distorting transforms, Bio-Hashing, and Bio-Encoding techniques. In this paper, biometric cryptosystem is presented with fuzzy vault and fuzzy commitment techniques for fingerprint recognition system.
Biometric authentication schemes are frequently used to establish the identity of a user. Often, a trusted hardware device is used to decide if a provided biometric feature is sufficiently close to the features stored by the legitimate user during enrollment. In this paper, we address the question whether the stored features can be extracted with side-channel attacks. We consider several models for types of leakage that are relevant specifically for fingerprint verification, and show results for attacks against the Bozorth3 and a custom matching algorithm. This work shows an interesting path for future research on the susceptibility of biometric algorithms towards side-channel attacks.
Internet of Things (IoT) have been connecting the physical world seamlessly and provides tremendous opportunities to a wide range of applications. However, potential risks exist when IoT system collects local sensor data and uploads to the Cloud. The private data leakage can be severe with curious database administrator or malicious hackers who compromise the Cloud. In this demo, we solve this problem of guaranteeing the user data privacy and security using compressive sensing based cryptographic method. We present CScrypt, a compressive-sensing-based encryption engine for the Cloud-enabled IoT systems to secure the interaction between the IoT devices and the Cloud. Our system exploits the fact that each individual's biometric data can be trained to a unique dictionary which can be used as an encryption key meanwhile to compress the original data. We will demonstrate a functioning prototype of our system using live data stream when attending the conference.
Biometric is uses to identify authorized person based on specific physiological or behavioral features. Template protection is a crucial requirement when designing an authentication system, where the template could be modified by attacker. Hill Cipher is a block cipher and symmetric key algorithm it has several advantages such as simplicity, high speed and high throughput can be used to protect Biometric Template. Unfortunately, Hill Cipher has some disadvantages such as takes smaller sizes of blocks, very simple and vulnerable for exhaustive key search attack and known plain text attack, also the key matrix which entered should be invertible. This paper proposed an enhancement to overcome these drawbacks of Hill Cipher by using a large and random key with large data block, beside overcome the Invertible-key Matrix problem. The efficiency of encryption has been checked out by Normalized Correlation Coefficient (NCC) and running time.
Mobile devices store a diverse set of private user data and have gradually become a hub to control users' other personal Internet-of-Things devices. Access control on mobile devices is therefore highly important. The widely accepted solution is to protect access by asking for a password. However, password authentication is tedious, e.g., a user needs to input a password every time she wants to use the device. Moreover, existing biometrics such as face, fingerprint, and touch behaviors are vulnerable to forgery attacks. We propose a new touch-based biometric authentication system that is passive and secure against forgery attacks. In our touch-based authentication, a user's touch behaviors are a function of some random "secret". The user can subconsciously know the secret while touching the device's screen. However, an attacker cannot know the secret at the time of attack, which makes it challenging to perform forgery attacks even if the attacker has already obtained the user's touch behaviors. We evaluate our touch-based authentication system by collecting data from 25 subjects. Results are promising: the random secrets do not influence user experience and, for targeted forgery attacks, our system achieves 0.18 smaller Equal Error Rates (EERs) than previous touch-based authentication.
India being digitized through digital India, the most basic unique identity for each individual is biometrics. Since India is the second most populous nation, the database that has to be maintained is surplus. Shielding those information by using the present techniques has been questioned. This contravene problem can be overcome by using cryptographic algorithms in accumulation to biometrics. Hence proposed system is developed by combining multimodal biometric (Fingerprint, Retina, Finger vein) with cryptographic algorithm with Genuine Acceptance Rate of 94%, False Acceptance Rate of 1.46%, and False Rejection Rate of 1.07%.
Now a days, ATM is used for money transaction for the convenience of the user by providing round the clock 24*7 services in financial transaction. Bank provides the Debit or Credit card to its user along with particular PIN number (which is only known by the Bank and User). Sometimes, user's card may be stolen by someone and this person can access all confidential information as Credit card number, Card holder name, Expiry date and CVV number through which he/she can complete fake transaction. In this paper, we introduced the biometric encryption of "EYE RETINA" to enhance the security over the wireless and unreliable network as internet. In this method user can authorizeasthird person his/her behalf to make the transaction using Debit or Credit card. In proposed method, third person can also perform financial transaction by providing his/her eye retina for the authorization & identification purpose.
In multi-server environments, remote user authentication is an extremely important issue because it provides authorization while users access their data and services. Moreover, the remote user authentication scheme for multi-server environment has resolved the problem of users needing to manage their different identities and passwords. For this reason, many user authentication schemes for multi-server environments have been proposed in recent years. In 2015, Lu et al. improved Mishra et al.'s scheme, and claimed that their scheme is a more secure and practical remote user authentication for multi-server environments. However, we found that Lu et al.'s scheme is actually insecure and incorrect. In this paper, we demonstrate that their scheme is vulnerable to outsider attack, user forgery attack. We then propose a new biometrics and smart card-based authentication scheme. Finally, we show that our proposed scheme is more secure and supports security properties.