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Enkhtaivan, B., Inoue, A..  2020.  Mediating Data Trustworthiness by Using Trusted Hardware between IoT Devices and Blockchain. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT). :314–318.
In recent years, with the progress of data analysis methods utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) technology, concepts of smart cities collecting data from IoT devices and creating values by analyzing it have been proposed. However, making sure that the data is not tampered with is of the utmost importance. One way to do this is to utilize blockchain technology to record and trace the history of the data. Park and Kim proposed ensuring the trustworthiness of the data by utilizing an IoT device with a trusted execution environment (TEE). Also, Guan et al. proposed authenticating an IoT device and mediating data using a TEE. For the authentication, they use the physically unclonable function of the IoT device. Usually, IoT devices suffer from the lack of resources necessary for creating transactions for the blockchain ledger. In this paper, we present a secure protocol in which a TEE acts as a proxy to the IoT devices and creates the necessary transactions for the blockchain. We use an authenticated encryption method on the data transmission between the IoT device and TEE to authenticate the device and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data generated by the IoT devices.
Arvind, S, Narayanan, V Anantha.  2019.  An Overview of Security in CoAP: Attack and Analysis. 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing Communication Systems (ICACCS). :655—660.
Over the last decade, a technology called Internet of Things (IoT) has been evolving at a rapid pace. It enables the development of endless applications in view of availability of affordable components which provide smart ecosystems. The IoT devices are constrained devices which are connected to the internet and perform sensing tasks. Each device is identified by their unique address and also makes use of the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) as one of the main web transfer protocols. It is an application layer protocol which does not maintain secure channels to transfer information. For authentication and end-to-end security, Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) is one of the possible approaches to boost the security aspect of CoAP, in addition to which there are many suggested ways to protect the transmission of sensitive information. CoAP uses DTLS as a secure protocol and UDP as a transfer protocol. Therefore, the attacks on UDP or DTLS could be assigned as a CoAP attack. An attack on DTLS could possibly be launched in a single session and a strong authentication mechanism is needed. Man-In-The-Middle attack is one the peak security issues in CoAP as cited by Request For Comments(RFC) 7252, which encompasses attacks like Sniffing, Spoofing, Denial of Service (DoS), Hijacking, Cross-Protocol attacks and other attacks including Replay attacks and Relay attacks. In this work, a client-server architecture is setup, whose end devices communicate using CoAP. Also, a proxy system was installed across the client side to launch an active interception between the client and the server. The work will further be enhanced to provide solutions to mitigate these attacks.
Zheng, Shengbao, Zhou, Zhenyu, Tang, Heyi, Yang, Xiaowei.  2019.  SwitchMan: An Easy-to-Use Approach to Secure User Input and Output. 2019 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :105—113.

Modern operating systems for personal computers (including Linux, MAC, and Windows) provide user-level APIs for an application to access the I/O paths of another application. This design facilitates information sharing between applications, enabling applications such as screenshots. However, it also enables user-level malware to log a user's keystrokes or scrape a user's screen output. In this work, we explore a design called SwitchMan to protect a user's I/O paths against user-level malware attacks. SwitchMan assigns each user with two accounts: a regular one for normal operations and a protected one for inputting and outputting sensitive data. Each user account runs under a separate virtual terminal. Malware running under a user's regular account cannot access sensitive input/output under a user's protected account. At the heart of SwitchMan lies a secure protocol that enables automatic account switching when an application requires sensitive input/output from a user. Our performance evaluation shows that SwitchMan adds acceptable performance overhead. Our security and usability analysis suggests that SwitchMan achieves a better tradeoff between security and usability than existing solutions.

Alsumayt, Albandari, Albawardy, Norah, Aldossary, Wejdan, Alghamdi, Ebtehal, Aljammaz, Aljawhra.  2019.  Improve the security over the wireless sensor networks in medical sector. 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications Information Security (ICCAIS). :1–4.
Nowadays with the huge technological development, the reliance on technology has become enormous. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is an example of using the Internet and communication between the patient and the hospital. Easy use of such networks helps to increase the quality of communication between patient and hospital. With the development of technology increased risk in use. Any change in this data between the patient and the hospital may cause false data that may harm the patient. In this paper, a secure protocol is designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data transfer between the hospital and the patient, depending on the AES and RC4 algorithms.
Shaik, M. A..  2018.  Protecting Agents from Malicious Hosts using Trusted Platform Modules (TPM). 2018 Second International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT). :559–564.

Software agents represent an assured computing paradigm that tends to emerge to be an elegant technology to solve present day problems. The eminent Scientific Community has proved us with the usage or implementation of software agent's usage approach that simplifies the proposed solution in various types to solve the traditional computing problems arise. The proof of the same is implemented in several applications that exist based on this area of technology where the software agents have maximum benefits but on the same hand absence of the suitable security mechanisms that endures for systems that are based on representation of barriers exists in the paradigm with respect to present day industry. As the application proposing present security mechanisms is not a trivial one as the agent based system builders or developers who are not often security experts as they subsequently do not count on the area of expertise. This paper presents a novel approach for protecting the infrastructure for solving the issues considered to be malicious host in mobile agent system by implementing a secure protocol to migrate agents from host to host relying in various elements based on the enhanced Trusted Platforms Modules (TPM) for processing data. We use enhanced extension to the Java Agent Development framework (JADE) in our proposed system and a migrating protocol is used to validate the proposed framework (AVASPA).

Priya, K., ArokiaRenjit, J..  2017.  Data Security and Confidentiality in Public Cloud Storage by Extended QP Protocol. 2017 International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation (ICCPEIC). :235–240.

Now a day's cloud technology is a new example of computing that pays attention to more computer user, government agencies and business. Cloud technology brought more advantages particularly in every-present services where everyone can have a right to access cloud computing services by internet. With use of cloud computing, there is no requirement for physical servers or hardware that will help the computer system of company, networks and internet services. One of center services offered by cloud technology is storing the data in remote storage space. In the last few years, storage of data has been realized as important problems in information technology. In cloud computing data storage technology, there are some set of significant policy issues that includes privacy issues, anonymity, security, government surveillance, telecommunication capacity, liability, reliability and among others. Although cloud technology provides a lot of benefits, security is the significant issues between customer and cloud. Normally cloud computing technology has more customers like as academia, enterprises, and normal users who have various incentives to go to cloud. If the clients of cloud are academia, security result on computing performance and for this types of clients cloud provider's needs to discover a method to combine performance and security. In this research paper the more significant issue is security but with diverse vision. High performance might be not as dangerous for them as academia. In our paper, we design an efficient secure and verifiable outsourcing protocol for outsourcing data. We develop extended QP problem protocol for storing and outsourcing a data securely. To achieve the data security correctness, we validate the result returned through the cloud by Karush\_Kuhn\_Tucker conditions that are sufficient and necessary for the most favorable solution.

Fattahi, J., Mejri, M., Ziadia, M., Ghayoula, E., Samoud, O., Pricop, E..  2017.  Cryptographic protocol for multipart missions involving two independent and distributed decision levels in a military context. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). :1127–1132.

In several critical military missions, more than one decision level are involved. These decision levels are often independent and distributed, and sensitive pieces of information making up the military mission must be kept hidden from one level to another even if all of the decision levels cooperate to accomplish the same task. Usually, a mission is negotiated through insecure networks such as the Internet using cryptographic protocols. In such protocols, few security properties have to be ensured. However, designing a secure cryptographic protocol that ensures several properties at once is a very challenging task. In this paper, we propose a new secure protocol for multipart military missions that involve two independent and distributed decision levels having different security levels. We show that it ensures the secrecy, authentication, and non-repudiation properties. In addition, we show that it resists against man-in-the-middle attacks.

Pradhan, A., Marimuthu, K., Niranchana, R., Vijayakumar, P..  2017.  Secure Protocol for Subscriber Identity Module. 2017 Second International Conference on Recent Trends and Challenges in Computational Models (ICRTCCM). :358–362.

Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) is the backbone of modern mobile communication. SIM can be used to store a number of user sensitive information such as user contacts, SMS, banking information (some banking applications store user credentials on the SIM) etc. Unfortunately, the current SIM model has a major weakness. When the mobile device is lost, an adversary can simply steal a user's SIM and use it. He/she can then extract the user's sensitive information stored on the SIM. Moreover, The adversary can then pose as the user and communicate with the contacts stored on the SIM. This opens up the avenue to a large number of social engineering techniques. Additionally, if the user has provided his/her number as a recovery option for some accounts, the adversary can get access to them. The current methodology to deal with a stolen SIM is to contact your particular service provider and report a theft. The service provider then blocks the services on your SIM, but the adversary still has access to the data which is stored on the SIM. Therefore, a secure scheme is required to ensure that only legal users are able to access and utilize their SIM.