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Babu, T. Kishore, Guruprakash, C. D..  2019.  A Systematic Review of the Third Party Auditing in Cloud Security: Security Analysis, Computation Overhead and Performance Evaluation. 2019 3rd International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :86–91.
Cloud storage offers a considerable efficiency and security to the user's data and provide high flexibility to the user. The hackers make attempt of several attacks to steal the data that increase the concern of data security in cloud. The Third Party Auditing (TPA) method is introduced to check the data integrity. There are several TPA methods developed to improve the privacy and efficiency of the data integrity checking method. Various methods involved in TPA, have been analyzed in this review in terms of function, security and overall performance. Merkel Hash Tree (MHT) method provides efficiency and security in checking the integrity of data. The computational overhead of the proof verify is also analyzed in this review. The communication cost of the most TPA methods observed as low and there is a need of improvement in security of the public auditing.
Tahir, Faiza, Nasir, Samra, Khalid, Zainab.  2019.  Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol based on Hybrid Cryptography for VANETs. 2019 International Conference on Applied and Engineering Mathematics (ICAEM). :80–85.
The key concerns in VANET communication are the security and privacy of the vehicles involved, but at the same time an efficient way to provide non-repudiation in the ad-hoc network is an important requirement. Most schemes proposed are using public key infrastructure (PKI) or symmetric key encryption to achieve security in VANET; both individually lack in serving the required purpose of providing privacy preservation of the involved On-Board Units (OBUs) (while still being able to offer non-repudiation) and amount to very sizeable overheads in computation. This paper proposes a privacy-preserving authentication protocol that employs hybrid cryptography, using the best features of PKI and symmetric cryptography to form a protocol that is scalable, efficient and offers services of integrity, non-repudiation, conditional privacy, and unlinkability; while still keeping the computational overhead at a reasonable level. The performance and security analysis of this scheme is provided to support the propositions.
Okay, F. Y., Ozdemir, S..  2018.  A secure data aggregation protocol for fog computing based smart grids. 2018 IEEE 12th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering (CPE-POWERENG 2018). :1–6.

In Smart Grids (SGs), data aggregation process is essential in terms of limiting packet size, data transmission amount and data storage requirements. This paper presents a novel Domingo-Ferrer additive privacy based Secure Data Aggregation (SDA) scheme for Fog Computing based SGs (FCSG). The proposed protocol achieves end-to-end confidentiality while ensuring low communication and storage overhead. Data aggregation is performed at fog layer to reduce the amount of data to be processed and stored at cloud servers. As a result, the proposed protocol achieves better response time and less computational overhead compared to existing solutions. Moreover, due to hierarchical architecture of FCSG and additive homomorphic encryption consumer privacy is protected from third parties. Theoretical analysis evaluates the effects of packet size and number of packets on transmission overhead and the amount of data stored in cloud server. In parallel with the theoretical analysis, our performance evaluation results show that there is a significant improvement in terms of data transmission and storage efficiency. Moreover, security analysis proves that the proposed scheme successfully ensures the privacy of collected data.

Kazemi, M., Delavar, M., Mohajeri, J., Salmasizadeh, M..  2018.  On the Security of an Efficient Anonymous Authentication with Conditional Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE). :510–514.

Design of anonymous authentication scheme is one of the most important challenges in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET). Most of the existing schemes have high computational and communication overhead and they do not meet security requirements. Recently, Azees et al. have introduced an Efficient Anonymous Authentication with Conditional Privacy-Preserving (EAAP) scheme for VANET and claimed that it is secure. In this paper, we show that this protocol is vulnerable against replay attack, impersonation attack and message modification attack. Also, we show that the messages sent by a vehicle are linkable. Therefore, an adversary can easily track the vehicles. In addition, it is shown that vehicles face with some problems when they enter in a new Trusted Authority (TA) range. As a solution, we propose a new authentication protocol which is more secure than EAAP protocol without increasing its computational and communication overhead.

Wu, D., Xu, Z., Chen, B., Zhang, Y..  2017.  Towards Access Control for Network Coding-Based Named Data Networking. GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :1–6.

Named Data Networking (NDN) is a content-oriented future Internet architecture, which well suits the increasingly mobile and information-intensive applications that dominate today's Internet. NDN relies on in-network caching to facilitate content delivery. This makes it challenging to enforce access control since the content has been cached in the routers and the content producer has lost the control over it. Due to its salient advantages in content delivery, network coding has been introduced into NDN to improve content delivery effectiveness. In this paper, we design ACNC, the first Access Control solution specifically for Network Coding-based NDN. By combining a novel linear AONT (All Or Nothing Transform) and encryption, we can ensure that only the legitimate user who possesses the authorization key can successfully recover the encoding matrix for network coding, and hence can recover the content being transmitted. In addition, our design has two salient merits: 1) the linear AONT well suits the linear nature of network coding; 2) only one vector of the encoding matrix needs to be encrypted/decrypted, which only incurs small computational overhead. Security analysis and experimental evaluation in ndnSIM show that our design can successfully enforce access control on network coding-based NDN with an acceptable overhead.

Rahbari, D., Kabirzadeh, S., Nickray, M..  2017.  A security aware scheduling in fog computing by hyper heuristic algorithm. 2017 3rd Iranian Conference on Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing (ICSPIS). :87–92.

Fog computing provides a new architecture for the implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT), which can connect sensor nodes to the cloud using the edge of the network. This structure has improved the latency and energy consumption in the cloud. In this heterogeneous and distributed environment, resource allocation is very important. Hence, scheduling will be a challenge to increase productivity and allocate resources appropriately to the tasks. Programs that run in this environment should be protected from intruders. We consider three parameters as authentication, integrity, and confidentiality to maintain security in fog devices. These parameters have time and computational overhead. In the proposed approach, we schedule the modules for the run in fog devices by heuristic algorithms based on data mining technique. The objective function is included CPU utilization, bandwidth, and security overhead. We compare the proposed algorithm with several heuristic algorithms. The results show that our proposed algorithm improved the average energy consumption of 63.27%, cost 44.71% relative to the PSO, ACO, SA algorithms.

Kabir, T., Adnan, M. A..  2017.  A Dynamic Searchable Encryption Scheme for Secure Cloud Server Operation Reserving Multi-Keyword Ranked Search. 2017 4th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS). :1–9.
Cloud computing is becoming more and more popular day by day due to its maintenance, multitenancy and performance. Data owners are motivated to outsource their data to the cloud servers for resource pooling and productivity where multiple users can work on the same data concurrently. These servers offer great convenience and reduced cost for the computation, storage and management of data. But concerns can persist for loss of control over certain sensitive information. The complexity of security is largely intensified when data is distributed over a greater number of devices and data is shared among unrelated users. So these sensitive data should be encrypted for solving these security issues that many consumers cannot afford to tackle. In this paper, we present a dynamic searchable encryption scheme whose update operation can be completed by cloud server while reserving the ability to support multi-keyword ranked search. We have designed a scheme where dynamic operations on data like insert, update and delete are performed by cloud server without decrypting the data. Thus this scheme not only ensures dynamic operations on data but also provides a secure technique by performing those tasks without decryption. The state-of-the-art methods let the data users retrieve the data, re-encrypt it under the new policy and then send it again to the cloud. But our proposed method saves this high computational overhead by reducing the burden of performing dynamic operation by the data owners. The secure and widely used TF × IDF model is used along with kNN algorithm for construction of the index and generation of the query. We have used a tree-based index structure, so our proposed scheme can achieve a sub-linear search time. We have conducted experiments on Amazon EC2 cloud server with three datasets by updating a file, appending a file and deleting a file from the document collection and compared our result with the state-of-the-art method. Results show th- t our scheme has an average running time of 42ms which is 75% less than the existing method.