Caching methods are developed since 50 years for paging in CPU and database systems, and since 25 years for web caching as main application areas among others. Pages of unique size are usual in CPU caches, whereas web caches are storing data chunks of different size in a widely varying range. We study the impact of different object sizes on the performance and the overhead of web caching. This entails different caching goals, starting from the byte and object hit ratio to a generalized value hit ratio for optimized costs and benefits of caching regarding traffic engineering (TE), reduced delays and other QoS measures. The selection of the cache contents turns out to be crucial for the web cache efficiency with awareness of the size and other properties in a score for each object. We introduce a new class of rank exchange caching methods and show how their performance compares to other strategies with extensions needed to include the size and scores for QoS and TE caching goals. Finally, we derive bounds on the object, byte and value hit ratio for the independent request model (IRM) based on optimum knapsack solutions of the cache content.
Wikipedia is one of the most popular information platforms on the Internet. The user access pattern to Wikipedia pages depends on their relevance in the current worldwide social discourse. We use publically available statistics about the top-1000 most popular pages on each day to estimate the efficiency of caches for support of the platform. While the data volumes are moderate, the main goal of Wikipedia caches is to reduce access times for page views and edits. We study the impact of most popular pages on the achievable cache hit rate in comparison to Zipf request distributions and we include daily dynamics in popularity.