Preserving medical data is of utmost importance to stake holders. There are not many laws in India about preservation, usability of patient records. When data is transmitted across the globe there are chances of data getting tampered intentionally or accidentally. Tampered data loses its authenticity for diagnostic purpose, research and various other reasons. This paper proposes an authenticity based ECDSA algorithm by signature verification to identify the tampering of medical image files and alerts by the rules of authenticity. The algorithm can be used by researchers, doctors or any other educated person in order to maintain the authenticity of the record. Presently it is applied on medical related image files like DICOM. However, it can support any other medical related image files and still preserve the authenticity.
In this paper, new image encryption based on singular value decomposition (SVD), fractional discrete cosine transform (FrDCT) and the chaotic system is proposed for the security of medical image. Reliability, vitality, and efficacy of medical image encryption are strengthened by it. The proposed method discusses the benefits of FrDCT over fractional Fourier transform. The key sensitivity of the proposed algorithm for different medical images inspires us to make a platform for other researchers. Theoretical and statistical tests are carried out demonstrating the high-level security of the proposed algorithm.
Recently, the home healthcare system has emerged as one of the most useful technology for e-healthcare. Contrary to classical recording methods of patient's medical data, which are, based on paper documents, nowadays all this sensitive data can be managed and forwarded through digital systems. These make possible for both patients and healthcare workers to access medical data or receive remote medical treatment using wireless interfaces whenever and wherever. However, simplifying access to these sensitive and private data can directly put patient's health and life in danger. In this paper, we propose a secure and lightweight biometric-based remote patient authentication scheme using elliptic curve encryption through which two mobile healthcare system communication parties could authenticate each other in public mobile healthcare environments. The security and performance analysis demonstrate that our proposal achieves better security than other concurrent schemes, with lower storage, communication and computation costs.
Rapid advancement in wearable technology has unlocked a tremendous potential of its applications in the medical domain. Among the challenges in making the technology more useful for medical purposes is the lack of confidence in the data thus generated and communicated. Incentives have led to attacks on such systems. We propose a novel lightweight scheme to securely log the data from bodyworn sensing devices by utilizing neighboring devices as witnesses who store the fingerprints of data in Bloom filters to be later used for forensics. Medical data from each sensor is stored at various locations of the system in chronological epoch-level blocks chained together, similar to the blockchain. Besides secure logging, the scheme offers to secure other contextual information such as localization and timestamping. We prove the effectiveness of the scheme through experimental results. We define performance parameters of our scheme and quantify their cost benefit trade-offs through simulation.