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Li, Fang-Qi, Wang, Shi-Lin, Zhu, Yun.  2022.  Fostering The Robustness Of White-Box Deep Neural Network Watermarks By Neuron Alignment. ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :3049–3053.
The wide application of deep learning techniques is boosting the regulation of deep learning models, especially deep neural networks (DNN), as commercial products. A necessary prerequisite for such regulations is identifying the owner of deep neural networks, which is usually done through the watermark. Current DNN watermarking schemes, particularly white-box ones, are uniformly fragile against a family of functionality equivalence attacks, especially the neuron permutation. This operation can effortlessly invalidate the ownership proof and escape copyright regulations. To enhance the robustness of white-box DNN watermarking schemes, this paper presents a procedure that aligns neurons into the same order as when the watermark is embedded, so the watermark can be correctly recognized. This neuron alignment process significantly facilitates the functionality of established deep neural network watermarking schemes.
Martin, Peter, Fan, Jian, Kim, Taejin, Vesey, Konrad, Greenwald, Lloyd.  2021.  Toward Effective Moving Target Defense Against Adversarial AI. MILCOM 2021 - 2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :993—998.
Deep learning (DL) models have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. DL model security against adversarial attacks is critical to using DL-trained models in forward deployed systems, e.g. facial recognition, document characterization, or object detection. We provide results and lessons learned applying a moving target defense (MTD) strategy against iterative, gradient-based adversarial attacks. Our strategy involves (1) training a diverse ensemble of DL models, (2) applying randomized affine input transformations to inputs, and (3) randomizing output decisions. We report a primary lesson that this strategy is ineffective against a white-box adversary, which could completely circumvent output randomization using a deterministic surrogate. We reveal how our ensemble models lacked the diversity necessary for effective MTD. We also evaluate our MTD strategy against a black-box adversary employing an ensemble surrogate model. We conclude that an MTD strategy against black-box adversarial attacks crucially depends on lack of transferability between models.
Das, Nilaksh, Shanbhogue, Madhuri, Chen, Shang-Tse, Hohman, Fred, Li, Siwei, Chen, Li, Kounavis, Michael E., Chau, Duen Horng.  2018.  SHIELD: Fast, Practical Defense and Vaccination for Deep Learning Using JPEG Compression. Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. :196-204.

The rapidly growing body of research in adversarial machine learning has demonstrated that deep neural networks (DNNs) are highly vulnerable to adversarially generated images. This underscores the urgent need for practical defense techniques that can be readily deployed to combat attacks in real-time. Observing that many attack strategies aim to perturb image pixels in ways that are visually imperceptible, we place JPEG compression at the core of our proposed SHIELD defense framework, utilizing its capability to effectively "compress away" such pixel manipulation. To immunize a DNN model from artifacts introduced by compression, SHIELD "vaccinates" the model by retraining it with compressed images, where different compression levels are applied to generate multiple vaccinated models that are ultimately used together in an ensemble defense. On top of that, SHIELD adds an additional layer of protection by employing randomization at test time that compresses different regions of an image using random compression levels, making it harder for an adversary to estimate the transformation performed. This novel combination of vaccination, ensembling, and randomization makes SHIELD a fortified multi-pronged defense. We conducted extensive, large-scale experiments using the ImageNet dataset, and show that our approaches eliminate up to 98% of gray-box attacks delivered by strong adversarial techniques such as Carlini-Wagner's L2 attack and DeepFool. Our approaches are fast and work without requiring knowledge about the model.

Wang, Weiyu, Zhu, Quanyan.  2017.  On the Detection of Adversarial Attacks Against Deep Neural Networks. Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense. :27–30.

Deep learning model has been widely studied and proven to achieve high accuracy in various pattern recognition tasks, especially in image recognition. However, due to its non-linear architecture and high-dimensional inputs, its ill-posedness [1] towards adversarial perturbations-small deliberately crafted perturbations on the input will lead to completely different outputs, has also attracted researchers' attention. This work takes the traffic sign recognition system on the self-driving car as an example, and aims at designing an additional mechanism to improve the robustness of the recognition system. It uses a machine learning model which learns the results of the deep learning model's predictions, with human feedback as labels and provides the credibility of current prediction. The mechanism makes use of both the input image and the recognition result as sample space, querying a human user the True/False of current classification result the least number of times, and completing the task of detecting adversarial attacks.