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Mayoral-Vilches, Victor, White, Ruffin, Caiazza, Gianluca, Arguedas, Mikael.  2022.  SROS2: Usable Cyber Security Tools for ROS 2. 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). :11253–11259.
ROS 2 is rapidly becoming a standard in the robotics industry. Built upon DDS as its default communication middleware and used in safety-critical scenarios, adding secu-rity to robots and ROS computational graphs is increasingly becoming a concern. The present work introduces SROS2, a series of developer tools and libraries that facilitate adding security to ROS 2 graphs. Focusing on a usability-centric approach in SROS2, we present a methodology for securing graphs systematically while following the DevSecOps model. We also demonstrate the use of our security tools by presenting an application case study that considers securing a graph using the popular Navigation2 and SLAM Toolbox stacks applied in a TurtieBot3 robot. We analyse the current capabilities of SROS2 and discuss the shortcomings, which provides insights for future contributions and extensions. Ultimately, we present SROS2 as usable security tools for ROS 2 and argue that without usability, security in robotics will be greatly impaired.
ISSN: 2153-0866
Aartsen, Max, Banga, Kanta, Talko, Konrad, Touw, Dustin, Wisman, Bertus, Meïnsma, Daniel, Björkqvist, Mathias.  2022.  Analyzing Interoperability and Security Overhead of ROS2 DDS Middleware. 2022 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED). :976–981.
Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2) is the latest release of a framework for enabling robot applications. Data Distribution Service (DDS) middleware is used for communication between nodes in a ROS2 cluster. The DDS middleware provides a distributed discovery system, message definitions and serialization, and security. In ROS2, the DDS middleware is accessed through an abstraction layer, making it easy to switch from one implementation to another. The existing middleware implementations differ in a number of ways, e.g., in how they are supported in ROS2, in their support for the security features, their ease of use, their performance, and their interoperability. In this work, the focus is on the ease of use, interoperability, and security features aspects of ROS2 DDS middleware. We compare the ease of installation and ease of use of three different DDS middleware, and test the interoperability of different middleware combinations in simple deployment scenarios. We highlight the difference that enabling the security option makes to interoperability, and conduct performance experiments that show the effect that turning on security has on the communication performance. Our results provide guidelines for choosing and deploying DDS middleware on a ROS2 cluster.
ISSN: 2473-3504
Desuert, Arthur, Chollet, Stéphanie, Pion, Laurent, Hely, David.  2022.  A Middleware for Secure Integration of Heterogeneous Edge Devices. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Communications (EDGE). :83–92.
Connected devices are being deployed at a steady rate, providing services like data collection. Pervasive applications rely on those edge devices to seamlessly provide services to users. To connect applications and edge devices, using a middleware has been a popular approach. The research is active on the subject as there are many open challenges. The secure management of the edge devices and the security of the middleware are two of them. As security is a crucial requirement for pervasive environment, we propose a middleware architecture easing the secure use of edge devices for pervasive applications, while supporting the heterogeneity of communication protocols and the dynamism of devices. Because of the heterogeneity in protocols and security features, not all edge devices are equally secure. To allow the pervasive applications to gain control over this heterogeneous security, we propose a model to describe edge devices security. This model is accessible by the applications through our middleware. To validate our work, we developed a demonstrator of our middleware and we tested it in a concrete scenario.
ISSN: 2767-9918
Marts, W. Pepper, Dosanjh, Matthew G. F., Levy, Scott, Schonbein, Whit, Grant, Ryan E., Bridges, Patrick G..  2021.  MiniMod: A Modular Miniapplication Benchmarking Framework for HPC. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER). :12–22.
The HPC application community has proposed many new application communication structures, middleware interfaces, and communication models to improve HPC application performance. Modifying proxy applications is the standard practice for the evaluation of these novel methodologies. Currently, this requires the creation of a new version of the proxy application for each combination of the approach being tested. In this article, we present a modular proxy-application framework, MiniMod, that enables evaluation of a combination of independently written computation kernels, data transfer logic, communication access, and threading libraries. MiniMod is designed to allow rapid development of individual modules which can be combined at runtime. Through MiniMod, developers only need a single implementation to evaluate application impact under a variety of scenarios.We demonstrate the flexibility of MiniMod’s design by using it to implement versions of a heat diffusion kernel and the miniFE finite element proxy application, along with a variety of communication, granularity, and threading modules. We examine how changing communication libraries, communication granularities, and threading approaches impact these applications on an HPC system. These experiments demonstrate that MiniMod can rapidly improve the ability to assess new middleware techniques for scientific computing applications and next-generation hardware platforms.
Bolbol, Noor, Barhoom, Tawfiq.  2021.  Mitigating Web Scrapers using Markup Randomization. 2021 Palestinian International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (PICICT). :157—162.

Web Scraping is the technique of extracting desired data in an automated way by scanning the internal links and content of a website, this activity usually performed by systematically programmed bots. This paper explains our proposed solution to protect the blog content from theft and from being copied to other destinations by mitigating the scraping bots. To achieve our purpose we applied two steps in two levels, the first one, on the main blog page level, mitigated the work of crawler bots by adding extra empty articles anchors among real articles, and the next step, on the article page level, we add a random number of empty and hidden spans with randomly generated text among the article's body. To assess this solution we apply it to a local project developed using PHP language in Laravel framework, and put four criteria that measure the effectiveness. The results show that the changes in the file size before and after the application do not affect it, also, the processing time increased by few milliseconds which still in the acceptable range. And by using the HTML-similarity tool we get very good results that show the symmetric over style, with a few bit changes over the structure. Finally, to assess the effects on the bots, scraper bot reused and get the expected results from the programmed middleware. These results show that the solution is feasible to be adopted and use to protect blogs content.

Pandey, Manish, Kwon, Young-Woo.  2021.  Middleware for Edge Devices in Mobile Edge Computing. 2021 36th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC). :1—4.
In mobile edge computing, edge devices collect data, and an edge server performs computational or data processing tasks that need real-time processing. Depending upon the requested task's complexity, an edge server executes it locally or remotely in the cloud. When an edge server needs to offload its computational tasks, there could be a sudden failure in the cloud or network. In this scenario, we need to provide a flexible execution model to edge devices and servers for the continuous execution of the task. To that end, in this paper, we induced a middleware system that allows an edge server to execute a task on the edge devices instead of offloading it to a cloud server. Edge devices not only send data to an edge server for further processing but also execute edge services by utilizing nearby edge devices' computing resources. We extend the concept of service-oriented architecture and integrate a decentralized peer-to-peer network architecture to achieve reusability, location-specific security, and reliability. By following our methodology, software developers can enhance their application in a collaborative environment without worrying about low-level implementation.
Fargo, Farah, Franza, Olivier, Tunc, Cihan, Hariri, Salim.  2020.  VM Introspection-based Allowlisting for IaaS. 2020 7th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS). :1—4.
Cloud computing has become the main backend of the IT infrastructure as it provides ubiquitous and on-demand computing to serve to a wide range of users including end-users and high-performance demanding agencies. The users can allocate and free resources allocated for their Virtual Machines (VMs) as needed. However, with the rapid growth of interest in cloud computing systems, several issues have arisen especially in the domain of cybersecurity. It is a known fact that not only the malicious users can freely allocate VMs, but also they can infect victims' VMs to run their own tools that include cryptocurrency mining, ransomware, or cyberattacks against others. Even though there exist intrusion detection systems (IDS), running an IDS on every VM can be a costly process and it would require fine configuration that only a small subset of the cloud users are knowledgeable about. Therefore, to overcome this challenge, in this paper we present a VM introspection based allowlisting method to be deployed and managed directly by the cloud providers to check if there are any malicious software running on the VMs with minimum user intervention. Our middleware monitors the processes and if it detects unknown events, it will notify the users and/or can take action as needed.
Jeste, Manasi, Gokhale, Paresh, Tare, Shrawani, Chougule, Yutika, Chaudhari, Archana.  2020.  Two-point security system for doors/lockers using Machine learning and Internet Of Things. 2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC). :740—744.
The objective of the proposed research is to develop an IOT based security system with a two-point authentication. Human face recognition and fingerprint is a known method for access authentication. A combination of both technologies and integration of the system with IoT make will make the security system more efficient and reliable. Use of online platform google firebase is made for saving database and retrieving it in real-time. In this system access to the fingerprint (touch sensor) from mobile is proposed using an android app developed in android studio and authentication for the same is also proposed. On identification of both face and fingerprint together, access to door or locker is provided.
Na, Yoonjong, Joo, Yejin, Lee, Heejo, Zhao, Xiangchen, Sajan, Kurian Karyakulam, Ramachandran, Gowri, Krishnamachari, Bhaskar.  2020.  Enhancing the Reliability of IoT Data Marketplaces through Security Validation of IoT Devices. 2020 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS). :265—272.
IoT data marketplaces are being developed to help cities and communities create large scale IoT applications. Such data marketplaces let the IoT device owners sell their data to the application developers. Following this application development model, the application developers need not deploy their own IoT devices when developing IoT applications; instead, they can buy data from a data marketplace. In a marketplace-based IoT application, the application developers are making critical business and operation decisions using the data produced by seller's IoT devices. Under these circumstances, it is crucial to verify and validate the security of IoT devices.In this paper, we assess the security of IoT data marketplaces. In particular, we discuss what kind of vulnerabilities exist in IoT data marketplaces using the well-known STRIDE model, and present a security assessment and certification framework for IoT data marketplaces to help the device owners to examine the security vulnerabilities of their devices. Most importantly, our solution certifies the IoT devices when they connect to the data marketplace, which helps the application developers to make an informed decision when buying and consuming data from a data marketplace. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we have developed a proof-of-concept using I3 (Intelligent IoT Integrator), which is an open-source IoT data marketplace developed at the University of Southern California, and IoTcube, which is a vulnerability detection toolkit developed by researchers at Korea University. Through this work, we show that it is possible to increase the reliability of a IoT data marketplace while not damaging the convenience of the users.
Zhou, Eda, Turcotte, Joseph, De Carli, Lorenzo.  2020.  Enabling Security Analysis of IoT Device-to-Cloud Traffic. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1888—1894.
End-to-end encryption is now ubiquitous on the internet. By securing network communications with TLS, parties can insure that in-transit data remains inaccessible to collection and analysis. In the IoT domain however, end-to-end encryption can paradoxically decrease user privacy, as many IoT devices establish encrypted communications with the manufacturer's cloud backend. The content of these communications remains opaque to the user and in several occasions IoT devices have been discovered to exfiltrate private information (e.g., voice recordings) without user authorization. In this paper, we propose Inspection-Friendly TLS (IF-TLS), an IoT-oriented, TLS-based middleware protocol that preserves the encryption offered by TLS while allowing traffic analysis by middleboxes under the user's control. Differently from related efforts, IF-TLS is designed from the ground up for the IoT world, adding limited complexity on top of TLS and being fully controllable by the residential gateway. At the same time it provides flexibility, enabling the user to offload traffic analysis to either the gateway itself, or cloud-based middleboxes. We implemented a stable, Python-based prototype IF-TLS library; preliminary results show that performance overhead is limited and unlikely to affect quality-of-experience.
Cedillo, Priscila, Riofrio, Xavier, Prado, Daniela, Orellana, Marcos.  2020.  A Middleware for Managing the Heterogeneity of Data Provining from IoT Devices in Ambient Assisted Living Environments. 2020 IEEE ANDESCON. :1—6.
Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing exponentially in the commercial market in recent years. It is also a fact that people hold one or more computing devices at home. Many of them have been developed to operate through internet connectivity with cloud computing technologies that result in the demand for fast, robust, and secure services. In most cases, the lack of these services makes difficult the transfer of data to fulfill the devices' purposes. Under these conditions, an intermediate layer or middleware is needed to process, filter, and send data through a more efficient alternative. This paper presents the adaptive solution of a middleware architecture as an intermediate layer between smart devices and cloud computing to enhance the management of the heterogeneity of data provining from IoT devices. The proposed middleware provides easy configuration, adaptability, and bearability for different environments. Finally, this solution has been implemented in the healthcare domain, in which IoT solutions are deployed into Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) environments.
Velan S., Senthil.  2020.  Introducing Aspect-Oriented Programming in Improving the Modularity of Middleware for Internet of Things. 2020 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET). :1—5.
Internet of Things (IoT) has become the buzzword for the development of Smart City and its applications. In this context, development of supporting software forms the core part of the IoT infrastructure. A Middleware sits in between the IoT devices and interacts between them to exchange data among the components of the automated architecture. The Middleware services include hand shaking, data transfer and security among its core set of functionalities. It also includes cross-cutting functional services such as authentication, logging and caching. A software that can run these Middleware services requires a careful choice of a good software modelling technique. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a software development methodology that can be used to independently encapsulate the core and cross-cutting functionalities of the Middleware services of the IoT infrastructure. In this paper, an attempt has been made using a simulation environment to independently model the two orthogonal functionalities of the Middleware with the focus to improve its modularity. Further, a quantitative measurement of the core design property of cohesion has been done to infer on the improvement in the reusability of the modules encapsulated in the Middleware of IoT. Based on the measurement, it was found that the modularity and reusability of functionalities in the Middleware software has improved in the AspectJ version compared to its equivalent Java version.
Danish, Syed Muhammad, Zhang, Kaiwen, Jacobsen, Hans-Arno.  2020.  BlockAM: An Adaptive Middleware for Intelligent Data Storage Selection for Internet of Things. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS). :61—71.
Current Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures, with its massive data requirements, rely on cloud storage: however, usage of a single cloud storage can place limitations on the IoT applications in terms of service requirements (performance, availability, security etc.). Multi-cloud storage architecture has been emerged as a promising infrastructure to solve this problem, but this approach has limited impact due to the lack of differentiation between competing cloud solutions. Multiple decentralized storage solutions (e.g., based on blockchains) are entering the market with distinct characteristics in terms of architecture, performance, security and availability and at a lower price compared to cloud storage. In this work, we introduce BlockAM: an adaptive middleware for the intelligent selection of storage technology for IoT applications, which jointly considers the cloud, multi-cloud and decentralized storage technologies to store large-scale IoT data. We model the cost-minimization storage selection problem and propose two heuristic algorithms: Dynamic Programming (DP) based algorithm and Greedy Style (GS) algorithm, for optimizing the choice of data storage based on IoT application's service requirements. We also employ blockchain to store IoT data on-chain in order to provide data integrity, auditability and accountability to the middleware architecture. Comparisons among the heuristic algorithms are conducted through extensive experiments, which demonstrates that DP heuristic and GS heuristic achieve up to 92% and 80% accuracy respectively. Moreover, the price associated with a specific IoT application data storage decrease by up to 31.2% by employing our middleware solution.
Fernandez, J., Allen, B., Thulasiraman, P., Bingham, B..  2020.  Performance Study of the Robot Operating System 2 with QoS and Cyber Security Settings. 2020 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). :1—6.
Throughout the Department of Defense, there are ongoing efforts to increase cybersecurity and improve data transfer in unmanned robotic systems (UxS). This paper explores the performance of the Robot Operating System (ROS) 2, which is built with the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard as a middleware. Based on how quality of service (QoS) parameters are defined in the robotic middleware interface, it is possible to implement strict delivery requirements to different nodes on a dynamic nodal network with multiple unmanned systems connected. Through this research, different scenarios with varying QoS settings were implemented and compared to baseline values to help illustrate the impact of latency and throughput on data flow. DDS security settings were also enabled to help understand the cost of overhead and performance when secured data is compared to plaintext baseline values. Our experiments were performed using a basic ROS 2 network consisting of two nodes (one publisher and one subscriber). Our experiments showed a measurable latency and throughput change between different QoS profiles and security settings. We analyze the trends and tradeoffs associated with varying QoS and security settings. This paper provides performance data points that can be used to help future researchers and developers make informative choices when using ROS 2 for UxS.
Junchao, CHEN, Baorong, ZHAI, Yibing, DONG, Tao, WU, Kai, YOU.  2020.  Design Of TT amp;C Resource Automatic Scheduling Interface Middleware With High Concurrency and Security. 2020 International Conference on Information Science, Parallel and Distributed Systems (ISPDS). :171—176.
In order to significantly improve the reliable interaction and fast processing when TT&C(Tracking, Telemetry and Command) Resource Scheduling and Management System (TRSMS) communicate with external systems which are diverse, multiple directional and high concurrent, this paper designs and implements a highly concurrent and secure middleware for TT&C Resource Automatic Scheduling Interface (TRASI). The middleware designs memory pool, data pool, thread pool and task pool to improve the efficiency of concurrent processing, uses the rule dictionary, communication handshake and wait retransmission mechanism to ensure the data interaction security and reliability. This middleware can effectively meet the requirements of TRASI for data exchange with external users and system, significantly improve the data processing speed and efficiency, and promote the information technology and automation level of Aerospace TT&C Network Management Center (TNMC).
Castilho, Sergio D., Godoy, Eduardo P., Salmen, Fadir.  2020.  Implementing Security and Trust in IoT/M2M using Middleware. 2020 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :726—731.
Machine to Machine (M2M) a sub area of Internet of Things (IoT) will link billions of devices or things distributed around the world using the Internet. These devices when connected exchange information obtained from the environment such as temperature or humidity from industrial or residential control process. Information Security (IS) and Trust are one of the fundamental points for users and the industry to accept the use of these devices with Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability and Authenticity. The key reason is that most of these devices use wireless media especially in residential and smart city environments. The overall goal of this work is to implement a Middleware Security to improve Safety and Security between the control network devices used in IoT/M2M and the Internet for residential or industrial environments. This implementation has been tested with different protocols as CoAP and MQTT, a microcomputer with free Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) implemented in a Raspberry Pi Gateway Access Point (RGAP), Network Address Translator (NAT), IPTable firewall and encryption is part of this implementation for secure data transmission
Junchao, CHEN, Baorong, ZHAI, Yibing, DONG, Tao, WU, Kai, YOU.  2020.  Design Of TT C Resource Automatic Scheduling Interface Middleware With High Concurrency and Security. 2020 International Conference on Information Science, Parallel and Distributed Systems (ISPDS). :171—176.
In order to significantly improve the reliable interaction and fast processing when TT&C(Tracking, Telemetry and Command) Resource Scheduling and Management System (TRSMS) communicate with external systems which are diverse, multiple directional and high concurrent, this paper designs and implements a highly concurrent and secure middleware for TT&C Resource Automatic Scheduling Interface (TRASI). The middleware designs memory pool, data pool, thread pool and task pool to improve the efficiency of concurrent processing, uses the rule dictionary, communication handshake and wait retransmission mechanism to ensure the data interaction security and reliability. This middleware can effectively meet the requirements of TRASI for data exchange with external users and system, significantly improve the data processing speed and efficiency, and promote the information technology and automation level of Aerospace TT&C Network Management Center (TNMC).
Yang, H., Huang, L., Luo, C., Yu, Q..  2020.  Research on Intelligent Security Protection of Privacy Data in Government Cyberspace. 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA). :284—288.

Based on the analysis of the difficulties and pain points of privacy protection in the opening and sharing of government data, this paper proposes a new method for intelligent discovery and protection of structured and unstructured privacy data. Based on the improvement of the existing government data masking process, this method introduces the technologies of NLP and machine learning, studies the intelligent discovery of sensitive data, the automatic recommendation of masking algorithm and the full automatic execution following the improved masking process. In addition, the dynamic masking and static masking prototype with text and database as data source are designed and implemented with agent-based intelligent masking middleware. The results show that the recognition range and protection efficiency of government privacy data, especially government unstructured text have been significantly improved.

Sandoval, S., Thulasiraman, P..  2019.  Cyber Security Assessment of the Robot Operating System 2 for Aerial Networks. 2019 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). :1—8.

The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a widely adopted standard robotic middleware. However, its preliminary design is devoid of any network security features. Military grade unmanned systems must be guarded against network threats. ROS 2 is built upon the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard and is designed to provide solutions to identified ROS 1 security vulnerabilities by incorporating authentication, encryption, and process profile features, which rely on public key infrastructure. The Department of Defense is looking to use ROS 2 for its military-centric robotics platform. This paper seeks to demonstrate that ROS 2 and its DDS security architecture can serve as a functional platform for use in military grade unmanned systems, particularly in unmanned Naval aerial swarms. In this paper, we focus on the viability of ROS 2 to safeguard communications between swarms and a ground control station (GCS). We test ROS 2's ability to mitigate and withstand certain cyber threats, specifically that of rogue nodes injecting unauthorized data and accessing services that will disable parts of the UAV swarm. We use the Gazebo robotics simulator to target individual UAVs to ascertain the effectiveness of our attack vectors under specific conditions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ROS 2 in mitigating the chosen attack vectors but observed a measurable operational delay within our simulations.

Staffa, M., Mazzeo, G., Sgaglione, L..  2018.  Hardening ROS via Hardware-assisted Trusted Execution Environment. 2018 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). :491—494.

In recent years, humanoid robots have become quite ubiquitous finding wide applicability in many different fields, spanning from education to entertainment and assistance. They can be considered as more complex cyber-physical systems (CPS) and, as such, they are exposed to the same vulnerabilities. This can be very dangerous for people acting that close with these robots, since attackers by exploiting their vulnerabilities, can not only violate people's privacy, but, more importantly, they can command the robot behavior causing them bodily harm, thus leading to devastating consequences. In this paper, we propose a solution not yet investigated in this field, which relies on the use of secure enclaves, which in our opinion could represent a valuable solution for coping with most of the possible attacks, while suggesting developers to adopt such a precaution during the robot design phase.

Poltronieri, F., Sadler, L., Benincasa, G., Gregory, T., Harrell, J. M., Metu, S., Moulton, C..  2018.  Enabling Efficient and Interoperable Control of IoBT Devices in a Multi-Force Environment. MILCOM 2018 - 2018 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :757—762.

Efficient application of Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) technology on the battlefield calls for innovative solutions to control and manage the deluge of heterogeneous IoBT devices. This paper presents an innovative paradigm to address heterogeneity in controlling IoBT and IoT devices, enabling multi-force cooperation in challenging battlefield scenarios.

Januário, F., Cardoso, A., Gil, P..  2019.  A Multi-Agent Middleware for Resilience Enhancement in Heterogeneous Control Systems. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). :988–993.
Modern computing networks that enable distributed computing are comprised of a wide range of heterogeneous devices with different levels of resources, which are interconnected by different networking technologies and communication protocols. This integration, together with the state of the art technologies, has brought into play new uncertainties, associated with physical world and the cyber space. In heterogeneous networked control systems environments, awareness and resilience are two important properties that these systems should bear and comply with. In this work the problem of resilience enhancement in heterogeneous networked control systems is addressed based on a distributed middleware, which is propped up on a hierarchical multi-agent framework, where each of the constituent agents is devoted to a specific task. The proposed architecture takes into account physical and cyber vulnerabilities and ensures state and context awareness, and a minimum level of acceptable operational performance, in response to physical and cyber disturbances. Experiments on a IPv6-based test-bed proved the relevance and benefits offered by the proposed architecture.
Januário, Fábio, Cardoso, Alberto, Gil, Paulo.  2018.  Resilience Enhancement through a Multi-agent Approach over Cyber-Physical Systems. 2018 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE). :231—236.

Cyber-physical systems are an important component of most industrial infrastructures that allow the integration of control systems with state of the art information technologies. These systems aggregate distinct communication platforms and networked devices with different capabilities. This integration, has brought into play new uncertainties, not only from the tangible physical world, but also from a cyber space perspective. In light of this situation, awareness and resilience are invaluable properties of these kind of systems. The present work proposes an architecture based on a distributed middleware that relying on a hierarchical multi-agent framework for resilience enhancement. The proposed architecture takes into account physical and cyber vulnerabilities and guarantee state and context awareness, and a minimum level of acceptable operation, in response to physical disturbances and malicious attacks. This framework was evaluated on an IPv6 test-bed comprising several distributed devices, where performance and communication links health are analysed. Results from tests prove the relevance and benefits of the proposed approach.

Madhan, E.S., Ghosh, Uttam, Tosh, Deepak K., Mandal, K., Murali, E., Ghosh, Soumalya.  2019.  An Improved Communications in Cyber Physical System Architecture, Protocols and Applications. 2019 16th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON). :1–6.
In recent trends, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things interpret an evolution of computerized integration connectivity. The specific research challenges in CPS as security, privacy, data analytics, participate sensing, smart decision making. In addition, The challenges in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) includes secure architecture, energy efficient protocols and quality of services. In this paper, we present an architectures of CPS and its protocols and applications. We propose software related mobile sensing paradigm namely Mobile Sensor Information Agent (MSIA). It works as plug-in based for CPS middleware and scalable applications in mobile devices. The working principle MSIA is acts intermediary device and gathers data from a various external sensors and its upload to cloud on demand. CPS needs tight integration between cyber world and man-made physical world to achieve stability, security, reliability, robustness, and efficiency in the system. Emerging software-defined networking (SDN) can be integrated as the communication infrastructure with CPS infrastructure to accomplish such system. Thus we propose a possible SDN-based CPS framework to improve the performance of the system.
Chertchom, Prajak, Tanimoto, Shigeaki, Konosu, Tsutomu, Iwashita, Motoi, Kobayashi, Toru, Sato, Hiroyuki, Kanai, Atsushi.  2019.  Data Management Portfolio for Improvement of Privacy in Fog-to-cloud Computing Systems. 2019 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI). :884–889.
With the challenge of the vast amount of data generated by devices at the edge of networks, new architecture needs a well-established data service model that accounts for privacy concerns. This paper presents an architecture of data transmission and a data portfolio with privacy for fog-to-cloud (DPPforF2C). We would like to propose a practical data model with privacy from a digitalized information perspective at fog nodes. In addition, we also propose an architecture for implicating the privacy of DPPforF2C used in fog computing. Technically, we design a data portfolio based on the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). We aim to propose sample data models with privacy architecture because there are some differences in the data obtained from IoT devices and sensors. Thus, we propose an architecture with the privacy of DPPforF2C for publishing data from edge devices to fog and to cloud servers that could be applied to fog architecture in the future.