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Riya, S. S., Lalu, V..  2020.  Stable cryptographic key generation using SRAM based Physical Unclonable Function. 2020 International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC). :653—657.
Physical unclonable functions(PUFs) are widely used as hardware root-of-trust to secure IoT devices, data and services. A PUF exploits inherent randomness introduced during manufacturing to give a unique digital fingerprint. Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) based PUFs can be used as a mature technology for authentication. An SRAM with a number of SRAM cells gives an unrepeatable and random pattern of 0's and 1's during power on. As it is a unique pattern, it can be called as SRAM fingerprint and can be used as a PUF. The chance of producing more number of same values (either zero or one) is higher during power on. If a particular value present at almost all the cell during power on, it will lead to the dominance of either zero or one in the cryptographic key sequence. As the cryptographic key is generated by randomly taking address location of SRAM cells, (the subset of power on values of all the SRAM cells)the probability of occurring the same sequence most of the time is higher. In order to avoid that situation, SRAM should have to produce an equal number of zeros and ones during power on. SRAM PUF is implemented in Cadence Virtuoso tool. To generate equal zeros and ones during power on, variations can be done in the physical dimensions and to increase the stability body biasing can be effectively done.
Rajagopalan, S., Rethinam, S., Deepika, A. N., Priyadarshini, A., Jyothirmai, M., Rengarajan, A..  2017.  Design of Boolean Chaotic Oscillator Using CMOS Technology for True Random Number Generation. 2017 International Conference on Microelectronic Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICMDCS). :1–6.

True random numbers have a fair role in modern digital transactions. In order to achieve secured authentication, true random numbers are generated as security keys which are highly unpredictable and non-repetitive. True random number generators are used mainly in the field of cryptography to generate random cryptographic keys for secure data transmission. The proposed work aims at the generation of true random numbers based on CMOS Boolean Chaotic Oscillator. As a part of this work, ASIC approach of CMOS Boolean Chaotic Oscillator is modelled and simulated using Cadence Virtuoso tool based on 45nm CMOS technology. Besides, prototype model has been implemented with circuit components and analysed using NI ELVIS platform. The strength of the generated random numbers was ensured by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Test Suite and ASIC approach was validated through various parameters by performing various analyses such as frequency, delay and power.