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Colombier, Brice, Drăgoi, Vlad-Florin, Cayrel, Pierre-Louis, Grosso, Vincent.  2022.  Profiled Side-Channel Attack on Cryptosystems Based on the Binary Syndrome Decoding Problem. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 17:3407–3420.
The NIST standardization process for post-quantum cryptography has been drawing the attention of researchers to the submitted candidates. One direction of research consists in implementing those candidates on embedded systems and that exposes them to physical attacks in return. The Classic McEliece cryptosystem, which is among the four finalists of round 3 in the Key Encapsulation Mechanism category, builds its security on the hardness of the syndrome decoding problem, which is a classic hard problem in code-based cryptography. This cryptosystem was recently targeted by a laser fault injection attack leading to message recovery. Regrettably, the attack setting is very restrictive and it does not tolerate any error in the faulty syndrome. Moreover, it depends on the very strong attacker model of laser fault injection, and does not apply to optimised implementations of the algorithm that make optimal usage of the machine words capacity. In this article, we propose a to change the angle and perform a message-recovery attack that relies on side-channel information only. We improve on the previously published work in several key aspects. First, we show that side-channel information, obtained with power consumption analysis, is sufficient to obtain an integer syndrome, as required by the attack framework. This is done by leveraging classic machine learning techniques that recover the Hamming weight information very accurately. Second, we put forward a computationally-efficient method, based on a simple dot product and information-set decoding algorithms, to recover the message from the, possibly inaccurate, recovered integer syndrome. Finally, we present a masking countermeasure against the proposed attack.
Conference Name: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Tanaka, Tatsuki, Sugawara, Takeshi.  2022.  Laser-Based Signal-Injection Attack on Piezoresistive MEMS Pressure Sensors. 2022 IEEE Sensors. :1–4.
As more and more information systems rely sen-sors for their critical decisions, there is a growing threat of injecting false signals to sensors in the analog domain. In particular, LightCommands showed that MEMS microphones are susceptible to light, through the photoacoustic and photoelectric effects, enabling an attacker to silently inject voice commands to smart speakers. Understanding such unexpected transduction mechanisms is essential for designing secure and reliable MEMS sensors. Is there any other transduction mechanism enabling laser-induced attacks? We positively answer the question by experimentally evaluating two commercial piezoresistive MEMS pressure sensors. By shining a laser light at the piezoresistors through an air hole on the sensor package, the pressure reading changes by ±1000 hPa with 0.5 mW laser power. This phenomenon can be explained by the photoelectric effect at the piezoresistors, which increases the number of carriers and decreases the resistance. We finally show that an attacker can induce the target signal at the sensor reading by shining an amplitude-modulated laser light.
ISSN: 2168-9229
Liu, Shiqin, Jiang, Ning, Zhang, Yiqun, Peng, Jiafa, Zhao, Anke, Qiu, Kun.  2021.  Security-enhanced Key Distribution Based on Chaos Synchronization Between Dual Path-injected Semiconductor Lasers. 2021 International Conference on UK-China Emerging Technologies (UCET). :109—112.
We propose and numerically demonstrate a novel secure key distribution scheme based on the chaos synchronization of two semiconductor lasers (SLs) subject to symmetrical double chaotic injections, which are outputted by two mutually-coupled semiconductor lasers. The results show that high quality chaos synchronization can be observed between two local SLs with suitable injection strength and identical injection time delays for Alice and Bob. On the basis of satisfactory chaos synchronization and a post-processing technology, identical secret keys for Alice and Bob are successfully generated with bit error ratio (BER) below the HD-FEC threshold of $^\textrm-3\$$\$.
Hou, Xiaolu, Breier, Jakub, Jap, Dirmanto, Ma, Lei, Bhasin, Shivam, Liu, Yang.  2020.  Security Evaluation of Deep Neural Network Resistance Against Laser Fault Injection. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA). :1–6.
Deep learning is becoming a basis of decision making systems in many application domains, such as autonomous vehicles, health systems, etc., where the risk of misclassification can lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to know to which extent are Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) robust against various types of adversarial conditions. In this paper, we experimentally evaluate DNNs implemented in embedded device by using laser fault injection, a physical attack technique that is mostly used in security and reliability communities to test robustness of various systems. We show practical results on four activation functions, ReLu, softmax, sigmoid, and tanh. Our results point out the misclassification possibilities for DNNs achieved by injecting faults into the hidden layers of the network. We evaluate DNNs by using several different attack strategies to show which are the most efficient in terms of misclassification success rates. Outcomes of this work should be taken into account when deploying devices running DNNs in environments where malicious attacker could tamper with the environmental parameters that would bring the device into unstable conditions. resulting into faults.
Jain, Ayush, Rahman, M Tanjidur, Guin, Ujjwal.  2020.  ATPG-Guided Fault Injection Attacks on Logic Locking. 2020 IEEE Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE). :1–6.
Logic Locking is a well-accepted protection technique to enable trust in the outsourced design and fabrication processes of integrated circuits (ICs) where the original design is modified by incorporating additional key gates in the netlist, resulting in a key-dependent functional circuit. The original functionality of the chip is recovered once it is programmed with the secret key, otherwise, it produces incorrect results for some input patterns. Over the past decade, different attacks have been proposed to break logic locking, simultaneously motivating researchers to develop more secure countermeasures. In this paper, we propose a novel stuck-at fault-based differential fault analysis (DFA) attack, which can be used to break logic locking that relies on a stored secret key. This proposed attack is based on self-referencing, where the secret key is determined by injecting faults in the key lines and comparing the response with its fault-free counterpart. A commercial ATPG tool can be used to generate test patterns that detect these faults, which will be used in DFA to determine the secret key. One test pattern is sufficient to determine one key bit, which results in at most \textbackslashtextbarK\textbackslashtextbar test patterns to determine the entire secret key of size \textbackslashtextbarK\textbackslashtextbar. The proposed attack is generic and can be extended to break any logic locked circuits.
Kelly, Martin S., Mayes, Keith.  2020.  High Precision Laser Fault Injection Using Low-Cost Components.. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :219–228.
This paper demonstrates that it is possible to execute sophisticated and powerful fault injection attacks on microcontrollers using low-cost equipment and readily available components. Earlier work had implied that powerful lasers and high grade optics frequently used to execute such attacks were being underutilized and that attacks were equally effective when using low-power settings and imprecise focus. This work has exploited these earlier findings to develop a low-cost laser workstation capable of generating multiple discrete faults with timing accuracy capable of targeting consecutive instruction cycles. We have shown that the capabilities of this new device exceed those of the expensive laboratory equipment typically used in related work. We describe a simplified fault model to categorize the effects of induced errors on running code and use it, along with the new device, to reevaluate the efficacy of different defensive coding techniques. This has enabled us to demonstrate an efficient hybrid defense that outperforms the individual defenses on our chosen target. This approach enables device programmers to select an appropriate compromise between the extremes of undefended code and unusable overdefended code, to do so specifically for their chosen device and without the need for prohibitively expensive equipment. This work has particular relevance in the burgeoning IoT world where many small companies with limited budgets are deploying low-cost microprocessors in ever more security sensitive roles.
Bagbaba, Ahmet Cagri, Jenihhin, Maksim, Ubar, Raimund, Sauer, Christian.  2020.  Representing Gate-Level SET Faults by Multiple SEU Faults at RTL. 2020 IEEE 26th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS). :1–6.
The advanced complex electronic systems increasingly demand safer and more secure hardware parts. Correspondingly, fault injection became a major verification milestone for both safety- and security-critical applications. However, fault injection campaigns for gate-level designs suffer from huge execution times. Therefore, designers need to apply early design evaluation techniques to reduce the execution time of fault injection campaigns. In this work, we propose a method to represent gate-level Single-Event Transient (SET) faults by multiple Single-Event Upset (SEU) faults at the Register-Transfer Level. Introduced approach is to identify true and false logic paths for each SET in the flip-flops' fan-in logic cones to obtain more accurate sets of flip-flops for multiple SEUs injections at RTL. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method to successfully reduce the fault space and also its advantage with respect to state of the art. It was shown that the approach is able to reduce the fault space, and therefore the fault-injection effort, by up to tens to hundreds of times.
Avrutin, E. A., Ryvkin, B. S., Kostamovaara, J. T..  2017.  Increasing output power of pulsed-eye safe wavelength range laser diodes by strong doping of the n-optical confinement layer. 2017 IEEE High Power Diode Lasers and Systems Conference (HPD). :17–18.

A semi-analytical model for internal optical losses at high power in a 1.5 μm laser diode with strong n-doping in the n-side of the optical confinement layer is created. The model includes intervalence band absorption by holes supplied by both current flow and two-photon absorption. The resulting losses are shown to be substantially lower than those in a similar, but weakly doped structure. Thus a significant improvement in the output power and efficiency by strong n-doping is predicted.