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Barbareschi, M., Barone, S., Mazzeo, A., Mazzocca, N..  2019.  Efficient Reed-Muller Implementation for Fuzzy Extractor Schemes. 2019 14th International Conference on Design Technology of Integrated Systems In Nanoscale Era (DTIS). :1–2.
Nowadays, physical tampering and counterfeiting of electronic devices are still an important security problem and have a great impact on large-scale and distributed applications, such as Internet-of-Things. Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have the potential to be a fundamental means to guarantee intrinsic hardware security, since they promise immunity against most of known attack models. However, inner nature of PUF circuits hinders a wider adoption since responses turn out to be noisy and not stable during time. To overcome this issue, most of PUF implementations require a fuzzy extraction scheme, able to recover responses stability by exploiting error correction codes (ECCs). In this paper, we propose a Reed-Muller (RM) ECC design, meant to be embedded into a fuzzy extractor, that can be efficiently configured in terms of area/delay constraints in order to get reliable responses from PUFs. We provide implementation details and experimental evidences of area/delay efficiency through syntheses on medium-range FPGA device.
Shekhar, Heemany, Moh, Melody, Moh, Teng-Sheng.  2019.  Exploring Adversaries to Defend Audio CAPTCHA. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA). :1155—1161.
CAPTCHA is a web-based authentication method used by websites to distinguish between humans (valid users) and bots (attackers). Audio captcha is an accessible captcha meant for the visually disabled section of users such as color-blind, blind, near-sighted users. Firstly, this paper analyzes how secure current audio captchas are from attacks using machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models. Each audio captcha is made up of five, seven or ten random digits[0-9] spoken one after the other along with varying background noise throughout the length of the audio. If the ML or DL model is able to correctly identify all spoken digits and in the correct order of occurance in a single audio captcha, we consider that captcha to be broken and the attack to be successful. Throughout the paper, accuracy refers to the attack model's success at breaking audio captchas. The higher the attack accuracy, the more unsecure the audio captchas are. In our baseline experiments, we found that attack models could break audio captchas that had no background noise or medium background noise with any number of spoken digits with nearly 99% to 100% accuracy. Whereas, audio captchas with high background noise were relatively more secure with attack accuracy of 85%. Secondly, we propose that the concepts of adversarial examples algorithms can be used to create a new kind of audio captcha that is more resilient towards attacks. We found that even after retraining the models on the new adversarial audio data, the attack accuracy remained as low as 25% to 36% only. Lastly, we explore the benefits of creating adversarial audio captcha through different algorithms such as Basic Iterative Method (BIM) and deepFool. We found that as long as the attacker has less than 45% sample from each kinds of adversarial audio datasets, the defense will be successful at preventing attacks.
Chen, Yu-Cheng, Mooney, Vincent, Grijalva, Santiago.  2019.  A Survey of Attack Models for Cyber-Physical Security Assessment in Electricity Grid. 2019 IFIP/IEEE 27th International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC). :242–243.
This paper surveys some prior work regarding attack models in a cyber-physical system and discusses the potential benefits. For comparison, the full paper will model a bad data injection attack scenario in power grid using the surveyed prior work.
Tuttle, Michael, Wicker, Braden, Poshtan, Majid, Callenes, Joseph.  2019.  Algorithmic Approaches to Characterizing Power Flow Cyber-Attack Vulnerabilities. 2019 IEEE Power Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1—5.
As power grid control systems become increasingly automated and distributed, security has become a significant design concern. Systems increasingly expose new avenues, at a variety of levels, for attackers to exploit and enable widespread disruptions and/or surveillance. Much prior work has explored the implications of attack models focused on false data injection at the front-end of the control system (i.e. during state estimation) [1]. Instead, in this paper we focus on characterizing the inherent cyber-attack vulnerabilities with power flow. Power flow (and power flow constraints) are at the core of many applications critical to operation of power grids (e.g. state estimation, economic dispatch, contingency analysis, etc.). We propose two algorithmic approaches for characterizing the vulnerability of buses within power grids to cyber-attacks. Specifically, we focus on measuring the instability of power flow to attacks which manifest as either voltage or power related errors. Our results show that attacks manifesting as voltage errors are an order of magnitude more likely to cause instability than attacks manifesting as power related errors (and 5x more likely for state estimation as compared to power flow).
Doynikova, E., Kotenko, I..  2017.  Enhancement of probabilistic attack graphs for accurate cyber security monitoring. 2017 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence Computing, Advanced Trusted Computed, Scalable Computing Communications, Cloud Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI). :1–6.
Timely and adequate response on the computer security incidents depends on the accurate monitoring of the security situation. The paper investigates the task of refinement of the attack models in the form of attack graphs. It considers some challenges of attack graph generation and possible solutions, including: inaccuracies in specifying the pre- and postconditions of attack actions, processing of cycles in graphs to apply the Bayesian methods for attack graph analysis, mapping of incidents on attack graph nodes, and automatic countermeasure selection for the nodes under the risk. The software prototype that implements suggested solutions is briefly specified. The influence of the modifications on the security monitoring is shown on a case study, and the results of experiments are described.