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Şenol, Mustafa.  2022.  Cyber Security and Defense: Proactive Defense and Deterrence. 2022 3rd International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (IISEC). :1–6.
With the development of technology, the invention of computers, the use of cyberspace created by information communication systems and networks, increasing the effectiveness of knowledge in all aspects and the gains it provides have increased further the importance of cyber security day by day. In parallel with the developments in cyber space, the need for cyber defense has emerged with active and passive defense approaches for cyber security against internal and external cyber-attacks of increasing type, severity and complexity. In this framework, proactive cyber defense and deterrence strategies have started to be implemented with new techniques and methods.
Małowidzki, Marek, Hermanowski, Damian, Bereziński, Przemysław.  2019.  TAG: Topological Attack Graph Analysis Tool. 2019 3rd Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet). :158–160.
Attack graphs are a relatively new - at least, from the point of view of a practical usage - method for modeling multistage cyber-attacks. They allow to understand how seemingly unrelated vulnerabilities may be combined together by an attacker to form a chain of hostile actions that enable to compromise a key resource. An attack graph is also the starting point for providing recommendations for corrective actions that would fix or mask security problems and prevent the attacks. In the paper, we propose TAG, a topological attack graph analysis tool designed to support a user in a security evaluation and countermeasure selection. TAG employs an improved version of MulVAL inference engine, estimates a security level on the basis of attack graph and attack paths scoring, and recommends remedial actions that improve the security of the analyzed system.
Libicki, Martin.  2019.  For a Baltic Cyberspace Alliance? 2019 11th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon). 900:1—14.

In NATO, an attack on one is an attack on all. In recent years, this tenet has been extended to mean that a cyberattack on one is a cyberattack on all. But does what makes sense in the physical world also make sense if extended into cyberspace? And if there is virtue in collective cyberspace defense, is NATO necessarily the right grouping - in a world where, as far as the United States and the United Kingdom are concerned, more of what constitutes cyber defense circulates within the Five Eyes coalition rather than within NATO? To explore these issues, this essay moots the creation of a Baltic-area cyberspace alliance, considers what it would do, assesses its costs and benefits for its members, and concludes by considering whether such an alliance would be also be in the interest of the U.S. Keys to this discussion are (1) the distinction between what constitutes an “attack” in a medium where occupation may result and actions in media where occupation is (currently) meaningless and effects almost always reversible, (2) what collective defense should mean in cyberspace - and where responsibilities may be best discharged within the mix of hardness, pre-emption, and deterrence that constitute defense, (3) the relationship between cyberspace defense and information warfare defense, and (4) the relevance to alliance formation of the fact that while war is dull, dirty, and dangerous, cyber war is none of these three.

Sadique, Farhan, Bakhshaliyev, Khalid, Springer, Jeff, Sengupta, Shamik.  2019.  A System Architecture of Cybersecurity Information Exchange with Privacy (CYBEX-P). 2019 IEEE 9th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :0493—0498.
Rapid evolution of cyber threats and recent trends in the increasing number of cyber-attacks call for adopting robust and agile cybersecurity techniques. Cybersecurity information sharing is expected to play an effective role in detecting and defending against new attacks. However, reservations and or-ganizational policies centering the privacy of shared data have become major setbacks in large-scale collaboration in cyber defense. The situation is worsened by the fact that the benefits of cyber-information exchange are not realized unless many actors participate. In this paper, we argue that privacy preservation of shared threat data will motivate entities to share threat data. Accordingly, we propose a framework called CYBersecurity information EXchange with Privacy (CYBEX-P) to achieve this. CYBEX-P is a structured information sharing platform with integrating privacy-preserving mechanisms. We propose a complete system architecture for CYBEX-P that guarantees maximum security and privacy of data. CYBEX-P outlines the details of a cybersecurity information sharing platform. The adoption of blind processing, privacy preservation, and trusted computing paradigms make CYBEX-P a versatile and secure information exchange platform.
Eckhart, Matthias, Ekelhart, Andreas, Weippl, Edgar.  2019.  Enhancing Cyber Situational Awareness for Cyber-Physical Systems through Digital Twins. 2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). :1222–1225.
Operators of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) need to maintain awareness of the cyber situation in order to be able to adequately address potential issues in a timely manner. For instance, detecting early symptoms of cyber attacks may speed up the incident response process and mitigate consequences of attacks (e.g., business interruption, safety hazards). However, attaining a full understanding of the cyber situation may be challenging, given the complexity of CPSs and the ever-changing threat landscape. In particular, CPSs typically need to be continuously operational, may be sensitive to active scanning, and often provide only limited in-depth analysis capabilities. To address these challenges, we propose to utilize the concept of digital twins for enhancing cyber situational awareness. Digital twins, i.e., virtual replicas of systems, can run in parallel to their physical counterparts and allow deep inspection of their behavior without the risk of disrupting operational technology services. This paper reports our work in progress to develop a cyber situational awareness framework based on digital twins that provides a profound, holistic, and current view on the cyber situation that CPSs are in. More specifically, we present a prototype that provides real-time visualization features (i.e., system topology, program variables of devices) and enables a thorough, repeatable investigation process on a logic and network level. A brief explanation of technological use cases and outlook on future development efforts completes this work.
Dogrul, Murat, Aslan, Adil, Celik, Eyyup.  2011.  Developing an international cooperation on cyber defense and deterrence against Cyber terrorism. 2011 3rd International Conference on Cyber Conflict. :1–15.
Information Technology (IT) security is a growing concern for governments around the world. Cyber terrorism poses a direct threat to the security of the nations' critical infrastructures and ITs as a low-cost asymmetric warfare element. Most of these nations are aware of the vulnerability of the information technologies and the significance of protecting critical infrastructures. To counteract the threat of potentially disastrous cyber attacks, nations' policy makers are increasingly pondering on the use of deterrence strategies to supplement cyber defense. Nations create their own national policies and strategies which cover cyber security countermeasures including cyber defense and deterrence against cyber threats. But it is rather hard to cope with the threat by means of merely `national' cyber defense policies and strategies, since the cyberspace spans worldwide and attack's origin can even be overseas. The term “cyber terrorism” is another source of controversy. An agreement on a common definition of cyber terrorism among the nations is needed. However, the international community has not been able to succeed in developing a commonly accepted comprehensive definition of “terrorism” itself. This paper evaluates the importance of building international cooperation on cyber defense and deterrence against cyber terrorism. It aims to improve and further existing contents and definitions of cyber terrorism; discusses the attractiveness of cyber attacks for terrorists and past experiences on cyber terrorism. It emphasizes establishing international legal measures and cooperation between nations against cyber terrorism in order to maintain the international stability and prosperity. In accordance with NATO's new strategic concept, it focuses on developing the member nations' ability to prevent, detect, defend against and recover from cyber attacks to enhance and coordinate national cyber defense capabilities. It provides necessary steps that have to be taken globally in order to counter cyber terrorism.
Tsochev, Georgi, Trifonov, Roumen, Yoshinov, Radoslav, Manolov, Slavcho, Pavlova, Galya.  2019.  Improving the Efficiency of IDPS by Using Hybrid Methods from Artificial Intelligence. 2019 International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech). :1-4.

The present paper describes some of the results obtained in the Faculty of Computer Systems and Technology at Technical University of Sofia in the implementation of project related to the application of intelligent methods for increasing the security in computer networks. Also is made a survey about existing hybrid methods, which are using several artificial intelligent methods for cyber defense. The paper introduces a model for intrusion detection systems where multi agent systems are the bases and artificial intelligence are applicable by the means simple real-time models constructed in laboratory environment.

Werner, Gordon, Okutan, Ahmet, Yang, Shanchieh, McConky, Katie.  2018.  Forecasting Cyberattacks as Time Series with Different Aggregation Granularity. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). :1-7.

Cyber defense can no longer be limited to intrusion detection methods. These systems require malicious activity to enter an internal network before an attack can be detected. Having advanced, predictive knowledge of future attacks allow a potential victim to heighten security and possibly prevent any malicious traffic from breaching the network. This paper investigates the use of Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models and Bayesian Networks (BN) to predict future cyber attack occurrences and intensities against two target entities. In addition to incident count forecasting, categorical and binary occurrence metrics are proposed to better represent volume forecasts to a victim. Different measurement periods are used in time series construction to better model the temporal patterns unique to each attack type and target configuration, seeing over 86% improvement over baseline forecasts. Using ground truth aggregated over different measurement periods as signals, a BN is trained and tested for each attack type and the obtained results provided further evidence to support the findings from ARIMA. This work highlights the complexity of cyber attack occurrences; each subset has unique characteristics and is influenced by a number of potential external factors.

Urias, V. E., Stout, M. S. William, Leeuwen, B. V..  2018.  On the Feasibility of Generating Deception Environments for Industrial Control Systems. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). :1–6.

The cyber threat landscape is a constantly morphing surface; the need for cyber defenders to develop and create proactive threat intelligence is on the rise, especially on critical infrastructure environments. It is commonly voiced that Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are vulnerable to the same classes of threats as other networked computer systems. However, cyber defense in operational ICS is difficult, often introducing unacceptable risks of disruption to critical physical processes. This is exacerbated by the notion that hardware used in ICS is often expensive, making full-scale mock-up systems for testing and/or cyber defense impractical. New paradigms in cyber security have focused heavily on using deception to not only protect assets, but also gather insight into adversary motives and tools. Much of the work that we see in today's literature is focused on creating deception environments for traditional IT enterprise networks; however, leveraging our prior work in the domain, we explore the opportunities, challenges and feasibility of doing deception in ICS networks.

Norman, Michael D., Koehler, Matthew T.K..  2017.  Cyber Defense As a Complex Adaptive System: A Model-based Approach to Strategic Policy Design. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas. :17:1–17:1.
In a world of ever-increasing systems interdependence, effective cybersecurity policy design seems to be one of the most critically understudied elements of our national security strategy. Enterprise cyber technologies are often implemented without much regard to the interactions that occur between humans and the new technology. Furthermore, the interactions that occur between individuals can often have an impact on the newly employed technology as well. Without a rigorous, evidence-based approach to ground an employment strategy and elucidate the emergent organizational needs that will come with the fielding of new cyber capabilities, one is left to speculate on the impact that novel technologies will have on the aggregate functioning of the enterprise. In this paper, we will explore a scenario in which a hypothetical government agency applies a complexity science perspective, supported by agent-based modeling, to more fully understand the impacts of strategic policy decisions. We present a model to explore the socio-technical dynamics of these systems, discuss lessons using this platform, and suggest further research and development.