Franco, Muriel Figueredo, Rodrigues, Bruno, Scheid, Eder John, Jacobs, Arthur, Killer, Christian, Granville, Lisandro Zambenedetti, Stiller, Burkhard.
SecBot: a Business-Driven Conversational Agent for Cybersecurity Planning and Management. 2020 16th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). :1–7.
Businesses were moving during the past decades to-ward full digital models, which made companies face new threats and cyberattacks affecting their services and, consequently, their profits. To avoid negative impacts, companies' investments in cybersecurity are increasing considerably. However, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) operate on small budgets, minimal technical expertise, and few personnel to address cybersecurity threats. In order to address such challenges, it is essential to promote novel approaches that can intuitively present cybersecurity-related technical information.This paper introduces SecBot, a cybersecurity-driven conversational agent (i.e., chatbot) for the support of cybersecurity planning and management. SecBot applies concepts of neural networks and Natural Language Processing (NLP), to interact and extract information from a conversation. SecBot can (a) identify cyberattacks based on related symptoms, (b) indicate solutions and configurations according to business demands, and (c) provide insightful information for the decision on cybersecurity investments and risks. A formal description had been developed to describe states, transitions, a language, and a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) implementation. A case study and a performance evaluation were conducted to provide evidence of the proposed solution's feasibility and accuracy.
Vamsi, G Krishna, Rasool, Akhtar, Hajela, Gaurav.
Chatbot: A Deep Neural Network Based Human to Machine Conversation Model. 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–7.
A conversational agent (chatbot) is computer software capable of communicating with humans using natural language processing. The crucial part of building any chatbot is the development of conversation. Despite many developments in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), creating a good chatbot model remains a significant challenge in this field even today. A conversational bot can be used for countless errands. In general, they need to understand the user's intent and deliver appropriate replies. This is a software program of a conversational interface that allows a user to converse in the same manner one would address a human. Hence, these are used in almost every customer communication platform, like social networks. At present, there are two basic models used in developing a chatbot. Generative based models and Retrieval based models. The recent advancements in deep learning and artificial intelligence, such as the end-to-end trainable neural networks have rapidly replaced earlier methods based on hand-written instructions and patterns or statistical methods. This paper proposes a new method of creating a chatbot using a deep neural learning method. In this method, a neural network with multiple layers is built to learn and process the data.
Lakshmi V., Santhana.
A Study on Machine Learning based Conversational Agents and Designing Techniques. 2020 Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :965–968.
Chatbots are a computer program that was created to imitate the human during a conversation. In this technological era, humans were replaced by machines for performing most of the work. So chatbots were developed to mimic the conversation a human does with another person. The work a chatbot does ranges from answering simple queries to acting as personal assistant to the boss. There are different kinds of chatbots developed to cater to the needs of the people in different domain. The methodology of creating them also varies depending on their type. In this paper, the various types of chatbots and techniques such as Machine Learning, deep learning and natural language processing used for designing them were discussed in detail.
Kuchlous, Sahil, Kadaba, Madhura.
Short Text Intent Classification for Conversational Agents. 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON). :1–4.
Intent classification is an important and relevant area of research in artificial intelligence and machine learning, with applications ranging from marketing and product design to intelligent communication. This paper explores the performance of various models and techniques for short text intent classification in the context of chatbots. The problem was explored for use within the mental wellness and therapy chatbot application, Wysa, to give improved responses to free-text user input. The authors looked at classifying text samples in-to 4 categories - assertions, refutations, clarifiers and transitions. For this, the suitability of the following techniques was evaluated: count vectors, TF-IDF, sentence embeddings and n-grams, as well as modifications of the same. Each technique was used to train a number of state-of-the-art classifiers, and the results have been compiled and presented. This is the first documented implementation of Arora's modification to sentence embeddings for real world use. It also introduces a technique to generate custom stop words that gave a significant gain in performance (10 percentage points). The best pipeline, using these techniques together, gave an accuracy of 95 percent.
Lessio, Nadine, Morris, Alexis.
Toward Design Archetypes for Conversational Agent Personality. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). :3221–3228.
Conversational agents (CAs), often referred to as chatbots, are being widely deployed within existing commercial frameworks and online service websites. As society moves further into incorporating data rich systems, like the internet of things (IoT), into daily life, it is expected that conversational agents will take on an increasingly important role to help users manage these complex systems. In this, the concept of personality is becoming increasingly important, as we seek for more human-friendly ways to interact with these CAs. In this work a conceptual framework is proposed that considers how existing standard psychological and persona models could be mapped to different kinds of CA functionality outside of strictly dialogue. As CAs become more diverse in their abilities, and more integrated with different kinds of systems, it is important to consider how function can be impacted by the design of agent personality, whether intentionally designed or not. Based on this framework, derived archetype classes of CAs are presented as starting points that can hopefully aid designers, developers, and the curious, into thinking about how to work toward better CA personality development.
Simud, Thikamporn, Ruengittinun, Somchoke, Surasvadi, Navaporn, Sanglerdsinlapachai, Nuttapong, Plangprasopchok, Anon.
A Conversational Agent for Database Query: A Use Case for Thai People Map and Analytics Platform. 2020 15th International Joint Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (iSAI-NLP). :1–6.
Since 2018, Thai People Map and Analytics Platform (TPMAP) has been developed with the aims of supporting government officials and policy makers with integrated household and community data to analyze strategic plans, implement policies and decisions to alleviate poverty. However, to acquire complex information from the platform, non-technical users with no database background have to ask a programmer or a data scientist to query data for them. Such a process is time-consuming and might result in inaccurate information retrieved due to miscommunication between non-technical and technical users. In this paper, we have developed a Thai conversational agent on top of TPMAP to support self-service data analytics on complex queries. Users can simply use natural language to fetch information from our chatbot and the query results are presented to users in easy-to-use formats such as statistics and charts. The proposed conversational agent retrieves and transforms natural language queries into query representations with relevant entities, query intentions, and output formats of the query. We employ Rasa, an open-source conversational AI engine, for agent development. The results show that our system yields Fl-score of 0.9747 for intent classification and 0.7163 for entity extraction. The obtained intents and entities are then used for query target information from a graph database. Finally, our system achieves end-to-end performance with accuracies ranging from 57.5%-80.0%, depending on query message complexity. The generated answers are then returned to users through a messaging channel.