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A Localized Cyber Threat Mitigation Approach For Wide Area Control of FACTS. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). :264–269.
2021. We propose a localized oscillation amplitude monitoring (OAM) method for the mitigation of cyber threats directed at the wide area control (WAC) system used to coordinate control of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) for power oscillation damping (POD) of active power flow on inter-area tie lines. The method involves monitoring the inter-area tie line active power oscillation amplitude over a sliding window. We use system instability - inferred from oscillation amplitudes growing instead of damping - as evidence of an indication of a malfunction in the WAC of FACTS, possibly indicative of a cyber attack. Monitoring the presence of such a growth allows us to determine whether any destabilizing behaviors appear after the WAC system engages to control the POD. If the WAC signal increases the oscillation amplitude over time, thereby diminishing the POD performance, the FACTS falls back to POD using local measurements. The proposed method does not require an expansive system-wide view of the network. We simulate replay, control integrity, and timing attacks for a test system and present results that demonstrate the performance of the OAM method for mitigation.
A Cyber Threat Mitigation Approach For Wide Area Control of SVCs using Stability Monitoring. 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech. :1–6.
2021. We propose a stability monitoring approach for the mitigation of cyber threats directed at the wide area control (WAC) system used for coordinated control of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) used for power oscillation damping (POD) of active power flow on inter-area tie lines. The approach involves monitoring the modes of the active power oscillation on an inter-area tie line using the Matrix Pencil (MP) method. We use the stability characteristics of the observed modes as a proxy for the presence of destabilizing cyber threats. We monitor the system modes to determine whether any destabilizing modes appear after the WAC system engages to control the POD. If the WAC signal exacerbates the POD performance, the FACTS falls back to POD using local measurements. The proposed approach does not require an expansive system-wide view of the network. We simulate replay, control integrity, and timing attacks for a test system and present results that demonstrate the performance of the SM approach for mitigation.
Challenges and Mitigation of Cyber Threat in Automated Vehicle: An Integrated Approach. 2018 International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive. :1–6.
2018. The technological development of automated vehicles opens novel cybersecurity threats and risks for road safety. Increased connectivity often results in increased risks of a cyber-security attacks, which is one of the biggest challenges for the automotive industry that undergoes a profound transformation. State of the art studies evaluated potential attacks and recommended possible measures, from technical and organizational perspective to face these challenges. In this position paper, we review these techniques and methods and show that some of the different solutions complement each other while others overlap or are even incompatible or contradictory. Based on this gap analysis, we advocate for the need of a comprehensive framework that integrates technical and organizational mitigation measures to enhance the cybersecurity of automotive vehicles.