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Zhang, Jiaxin, Li, Yongming.  2020.  Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Active Suspension Systems with Stochastic Disturbance and Full State Constraints*. 2020 4th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligence (CVCI). :380–385.
In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy control scheme is proposed for one-quarter automotive active suspension system with full sate constraints and stochastic disturbance. In the considered active suspension system, to further improve the driving security and comfort, the problems of stochastic perturbation and full state constraints are considered simultaneously. In the framework of backstepping, the barrier Lyapunov function is proposed to constrain full state variables. Consequently, by combing the Itô differential formula and stochastic control theory, an adaptive controller is designed to adopt the uneven pavement surface. Ultimately, on the basis of Lyapunov stability theory, it proves that the designed controller not only can constrain the bodywork, the displacement of tires, the current of the electromagnetic actuator, the speeds of the car body and the tires within boundaries, but also can eliminate the stochastic disturbance.
Faqir, Nada, En-Nahnahi, Noureddine, Boumhidi, Jaouad.  2020.  Deep Q-learning Approach for Congestion Problem In Smart Cities. 2020 Fourth International Conference On Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences (ICDS). :1–6.
Traffic congestion is a critical problem in urban area. In this study, our objective is the control of traffic lights in an urban environment, in order to avoid traffic jams and optimize vehicle traffic; we aim to minimize the total waiting time. Our system is based on a new paradigm, which is deep reinforcement learning; it can automatically learn all the useful characteristics of traffic data and develop a strategy optimizing adaptive traffic light control. Our system is coupled to a microscopic simulator based on agents (Simulation of Urban MObility - SUMO) providing a synthetic but realistic environment in which the exploration of the results of potential regulatory actions can be carried out.
Fajri, M., Hariyanto, N., Gemsjaeger, B..  2020.  Automatic Protection Implementation Considering Protection Assessment Method of DER Penetration for Smart Distribution Network. 2020 International Conference on Technology and Policy in Energy and Electric Power (ICT-PEP). :323—328.
Due to geographical locations of Indonesia, some technology such as hydro and solar photovoltaics are very attractive to be used and developed. Distribution Energy Resources (DER) is the appropriate schemes implemented to achieve optimal operation respecting the location and capacity of the plant. The Gorontalo sub-system network was chosen as a case study considering both of micro-hydro and PV as contributed to supply the grid. The needs of a smart electrical system are required to improve reliability, power quality, and adaptation to any circumstances during DER application. While the topology was changing over time, intermittent of DER output and bidirectional power flow can be overcome with smart grid systems. In this study, an automation algorithm has been conducted to aid the engineers in solving the protection problems caused by DER implementation. The Protection Security Assessment (PSA) method is used to evaluate the state of the protection system. Determine the relay settings using an adaptive rule-based method on expert systems. The application with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been developed to make user easier to get the specific relay settings and locations which are sensitive, fast, reliable, and selective.
Kumar, S. A., Kumar, A., Bajaj, V., Singh, G. K..  2020.  An Improved Fuzzy Min–Max Neural Network for Data Classification. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 28:1910–1924.
Hyperbox classifier is an efficient tool for modern pattern classification problems due to its transparency and rigorous use of Euclidian geometry. Fuzzy min-max (FMM) network efficiently implements the hyperbox classifier, and has been modified several times to yield better classification accuracy. However, the obtained accuracy is not up to the mark. Therefore, in this paper, a new improved FMM (IFMM) network is proposed to increase the accuracy rate. In the proposed IFMM network, a modified constraint is employed to check the expandability of a hyperbox. It also uses semiperimeter of the hyperbox along with k-nearest mechanism to select the expandable hyperbox. In the proposed IFMM, the contraction rules of conventional FMM and enhanced FMM (EFMM) are also modified using semiperimeter of a hyperbox in order to balance the size of both overlapped hyperboxes. Experimental results show that the proposed IFMM network outperforms the FMM, k-nearest FMM, and EFMM by yielding more accuracy rate with less number of hyperboxes. The proposed methods are also applied to histopathological images to know the best magnification factor for classification.
Gu, Y., Liu, N..  2020.  An Adaptive Grey Wolf Algorithm Based on Population System and Bacterial Foraging Algorithm. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA). :744–748.
In this thesis, an modified algorithm for grey wolf optimization in swarm intelligence optimization algorithm is proposed, which is called an adaptive grey wolf algorithm (AdGWO) based on population system and bacterial foraging optimization algorithm (BFO). In view of the disadvantages of premature convergence and local optimization in solving complex optimization problems, the AdGWO algorithm uses a three-stage nonlinear change function to simulate the decreasing change of the convergence factor, and at the same time integrates the half elimination mechanism of the BFO. These improvements are more in line with the actual situation of natural wolves. The algorithm is based on 23 famous test functions and compared with GWO. Experimental results demonstrate that this algorithm is able to avoid sinking into the local optimum, has good accuracy and stability, is a more competitive algorithm.
Reimann, M., Klingbeil, M., Pasewaldt, S., Semmo, A., Trapp, M., Döllner, J..  2018.  MaeSTrO: A Mobile App for Style Transfer Orchestration Using Neural Networks. 2018 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW). :9–16.

Mobile expressive rendering gained increasing popularity among users seeking casual creativity by image stylization and supports the development of mobile artists as a new user group. In particular, neural style transfer has advanced as a core technology to emulate characteristics of manifold artistic styles. However, when it comes to creative expression, the technology still faces inherent limitations in providing low-level controls for localized image stylization. This work enhances state-of-the-art neural style transfer techniques by a generalized user interface with interactive tools to facilitate a creative and localized editing process. Thereby, we first propose a problem characterization representing trade-offs between visual quality, run-time performance, and user control. We then present MaeSTrO, a mobile app for orchestration of neural style transfer techniques using iterative, multi-style generative and adaptive neural networks that can be locally controlled by on-screen painting metaphors. At this, first user tests indicate different levels of satisfaction for the implemented techniques and interaction design.

Gwak, B., Cho, J., Lee, D., Son, H..  2018.  TARAS: Trust-Aware Role-Based Access Control System in Public Internet-of-Things. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :74–85.
Due to the proliferation of Internet-of-Things (IoT) environments, humans working with heterogeneous, smart objects in public IoT environments become more popular than ever before. This situation often requires to establish trust relationships between a user and a smart object for their secure interactions, but without the presence of prior interactions. In this work, we are interested in how a smart object can grant an access right to a human user in the absence of any prior knowledge in which some users may be malicious aiming to breach security goals of the IoT system. To solve this problem, we propose a trust-aware, role-based access control system, namely TARAS, which provides adaptive authorization to users based on dynamic trust estimation. In TARAS, for the initial trust establishment, we take a multidisciplinary approach by adopting the concept of I-sharing from psychology. The I-sharing follows the rationale that people with similar roles and traits are more likely to respond in a similar way. This theory provides a powerful tool to quickly establish trust between a smart object and a new user with no prior interactions. In addition, TARAS can adaptively filter malicious users out by revoking their access rights based on adaptive, dynamic trust estimation. Our experimental results show that the proposed TARAS mechanism can maximize system integrity in terms of correctly detecting malicious or benign users while maximizing service availability to users particularly when the system is fine-tuned based on the identified optimal setting in terms of an optimal trust threshold.
Khosravi, Morteza, Fereidunian, Alireza.  2019.  Enhancing Smart Grid Cyber-Security Using A Fuzzy Adaptive Autonomy Expert System. 2019 Smart Grid Conference (SGC). :1–6.

Smart Grid cyber-security sounds to be a critical issue, because of widespread development of information technology. To achieve secure and reliable operation, the complexity of human automation interaction (HAI) necessitates more sophisticated and intelligent methodologies. In this paper, an adaptive autonomy fuzzy expert system is developed using gradient descent algorithm to determine the Level of Automation (LOA), based on the changing of Performance Shaping Factors (PSF). These PSFs indicate the effects of environmental conditions on the performance of HAI. The major advantage of this method is that the fuzzy rule or membership function can be learnt without changing the form of the fuzzy rule in conventional fuzzy control. Because of data shortage, Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV) technique is applied for assessing how the results of proposed system generalizes to the new contingency situations. The expert system database is extracted from superior experts' judgments. In order to regard the importance of each PSF, weighted rules are also considered. In addition, some new environmental conditions are introduced that has not been seen before. Nine scenarios are discussed to reveal the performance of the proposed system. Results confirm that the presented fuzzy expert system can effectively calculates the proper LOA even in the new contingency situations.

D'Angelo, Mirko, Gerasimou, Simos, Ghahremani, Sona, Grohmann, Johannes, Nunes, Ingrid, Pournaras, Evangelos, Tomforde, Sven.  2019.  On Learning in Collective Self-Adaptive Systems: State of Practice and a 3D Framework. 2019 IEEE/ACM 14th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS). :13–24.
Collective self-adaptive systems (CSAS) are distributed and interconnected systems composed of multiple agents that can perform complex tasks such as environmental data collection, search and rescue operations, and discovery of natural resources. By providing individual agents with learning capabilities, CSAS can cope with challenges related to distributed sensing and decision-making and operate in uncertain environments. This unique characteristic of CSAS enables the collective to exhibit robust behaviour while achieving system-wide and agent-specific goals. Although learning has been explored in many CSAS applications, selecting suitable learning models and techniques remains a significant challenge that is heavily influenced by expert knowledge. We address this gap by performing a multifaceted analysis of existing CSAS with learning capabilities reported in the literature. Based on this analysis, we introduce a 3D framework that illustrates the learning aspects of CSAS considering the dimensions of autonomy, knowledge access, and behaviour, and facilitates the selection of learning techniques and models. Finally, using example applications from this analysis, we derive open challenges and highlight the need for research on collaborative, resilient and privacy-aware mechanisms for CSAS.
Starke, Allen, Nie, Zixiang, Hodges, Morgan, Baker, Corey, McNair, Janise.  2019.  Denial of Service Detection Mitigation Scheme using Responsive Autonomic Virtual Networks (RAvN). MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :1–6.
In this paper we propose a responsive autonomic and data-driven adaptive virtual networking framework (RAvN) that integrates the adaptive reconfigurable features of a popular SDN platform called open networking operating system (ONOS), the network performance statistics provided by traffic monitoring tools such as T-shark or sflow-RT and analytics and decision making skills provided from new and current machine learning techniques to detect and mitigate anomalous behavior. For this paper we focus on the development of novel detection schemes using a developed Centroid-based clustering technique and the Intragroup variance of data features within network traffic (C. Intra), with a multivariate gaussian distribution model fitted to the constant changes in the IP addresses of the network to accurately assist in the detection of low rate and high rate denial of service (DoS) attacks. We briefly discuss our ideas on the development of the decision-making and execution component using the concept of generating adaptive policy updates (i.e. anomalous mitigation solutions) on-the-fly to the ONOS SDN controller for updating network configurations and flows. In addition we provide the analysis on anomaly detection schemes used for detecting low rate and high rate DoS attacks versus a commonly used unsupervised machine learning technique Kmeans. The proposed schemes outperformed Kmeans significantly. The multivariate clustering method and the intragroup variance recorded 80.54% and 96.13% accuracy respectively while Kmeans recorded 72.38% accuracy.
Chae, Younghun, Katenka, Natallia, DiPippo, Lisa.  2019.  An Adaptive Threshold Method for Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection Systems. 2019 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA). :1–4.
Anomaly-based Detection Systems (ADSs) attempt to learn the features of behaviors and events of a system and/or users over a period to build a profile of normal behaviors. There has been a growing interest in ADSs and typically conceived as more powerful systems One of the important factors for ADSs is an ability to distinguish between normal and abnormal behaviors in a given period. However, it is getting complicated due to the dynamic network environment that changes every minute. It is dangerous to distinguish between normal and abnormal behaviors with a fixed threshold in a dynamic environment because it cannot guarantee the threshold is always an indication of normal behaviors. In this paper, we propose an adaptive threshold for a dynamic environment with a trust management scheme for efficiently managing the profiles of normal and abnormal behaviors. Based on the assumption of the statistical analysis-based ADS that normal data instances occur in high probability regions while malicious data instances occur in low probability regions of a stochastic model, we set two adaptive thresholds for normal and abnormal behaviors. The behaviors between the two thresholds are classified as suspicious behaviors, and they are efficiently evaluated with a trust management scheme.
Zhang, Jiange, Chen, Yue, Yang, Kuiwu, Zhao, Jian, Yan, Xincheng.  2019.  Insider Threat Detection Based on Adaptive Optimization DBN by Grid Search. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). :173–175.

Aiming at the problem that one-dimensional parameter optimization in insider threat detection using deep learning will lead to unsatisfactory overall performance of the model, an insider threat detection method based on adaptive optimization DBN by grid search is designed. This method adaptively optimizes the learning rate and the network structure which form the two-dimensional grid, and adaptively selects a set of optimization parameters for threat detection, which optimizes the overall performance of the deep learning model. The experimental results show that the method has good adaptability. The learning rate of the deep belief net is optimized to 0.6, the network structure is optimized to 6 layers, and the threat detection rate is increased to 98.794%. The training efficiency and the threat detection rate of the deep belief net are improved.

Pan, Y., He, F., Yu, H..  2018.  An Adaptive Method to Learn Directive Trust Strength for Trust-Aware Recommender Systems. 2018 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design ((CSCWD)). :10–16.

Trust Relationships have shown great potential to improve recommendation quality, especially for cold start and sparse users. Since each user trust their friends in different degrees, there are numbers of works been proposed to take Trust Strength into account for recommender systems. However, these methods ignore the information of trust directions between users. In this paper, we propose a novel method to adaptively learn directive trust strength to improve trust-aware recommender systems. Advancing previous works, we propose to establish direction of trust strength by modeling the implicit relationships between users with roles of trusters and trustees. Specially, under new trust strength with directions, how to compute the directive trust strength is becoming a new challenge. Therefore, we present a novel method to adaptively learn directive trust strengths in a unified framework by enforcing the trust strength into range of [0, 1] through a mapping function. Our experiments on Epinions and Ciao datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can effectively outperform several state-of-art algorithms on both MAE and RMSE metrics.

Pratama, R. F., Suwastika, N. A., Nugroho, M. A..  2018.  Design and Implementation Adaptive Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) for Attack Prevention in Software-Defined Network (SDN) Architecture. 2018 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT). :299-304.

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is a tool for securing networks from any malicious packet that could be sent from specific host. IPS can be installed on SDN network that has centralized logic architecture, so that IPS doesnt need to be installed on lots of nodes instead it has to be installed alongside the controller as center of logic network. IPS still has a flaw and that is the block duration would remain the same no matter how often a specific host attacks. For this reason, writer would like to make a system that not only integrates IPS on the SDN, but also designs an adaptive IPS by utilizing a fuzzy logic that can decide how long blocks are based on the frequency variable and type of attacks. From the results of tests that have been done, SDN network that has been equipped with adaptive IPS has the ability to detect attacks and can block the attacker host with the duration based on the frequency and type of attacks. The final result obtained is to make the SDN network safer by adding 0.228 milliseconds as the execute time required for the fuzzy algorithm in one process.

Al-Salhi, Y. E. A., Lu, S..  2017.  New Steganography Scheme to Conceal a Large Amount of Secret Messages Using an Improved-AMBTC Algorithm Based on Hybrid Adaptive Neural Networks. 2017 Ieee 3rd International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (Bigdatasecurity), Ieee International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing (Hpsc), and Ieee International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (Ids). :112–121.

The term steganography was used to conceal thesecret message into other media file. In this paper, a novel imagesteganography is proposed, based on adaptive neural networkswith recycling the Improved Absolute Moment Block TruncationCoding algorithm, and by employing the enhanced five edgedetection operators with an optimal target of the ANNS. Wepropose a new scheme of an image concealing using hybridadaptive neural networks based on I-AMBTC method by thehelp of two approaches, the relevant edge detection operators andimage compression methods. Despite that, many processes in ourscheme are used, but still the quality of concealed image lookinggood according to the HVS and PVD systems. The final simulationresults are discussed and compared with another related researchworks related to the image steganography system.

Mfula, H., Nurminen, J. K..  2017.  Adaptive Root Cause Analysis for Self-Healing in 5G Networks. 2017 International Conference on High Performance Computing Simulation (HPCS). :136–143.

Root cause analysis (RCA) is a common and recurring task performed by operators of cellular networks. It is done mainly to keep customers satisfied with the quality of offered services and to maximize return on investment (ROI) by minimizing and where possible eliminating the root causes of faults in cellular networks. Currently, the actual detection and diagnosis of faults or potential faults is still a manual and slow process often carried out by network experts who manually analyze and correlate various pieces of network data such as, alarms, call traces, configuration management (CM) and key performance indicator (KPI) data in order to come up with the most probable root cause of a given network fault. In this paper, we propose an automated fault detection and diagnosis solution called adaptive root cause analysis (ARCA). The solution uses measurements and other network data together with Bayesian network theory to perform automated evidence based RCA. Compared to the current common practice, our solution is faster due to automation of the entire RCA process. The solution is also cheaper because it needs fewer or no personnel in order to operate and it improves efficiency through domain knowledge reuse during adaptive learning. As it uses a probabilistic Bayesian classifier, it can work with incomplete data and it can handle large datasets with complex probability combinations. Experimental results from stratified synthesized data affirmatively validate the feasibility of using such a solution as a key part of self-healing (SH) especially in emerging self-organizing network (SON) based solutions in LTE Advanced (LTE-A) and 5G.

Aslan, M., Matrawy, A..  2016.  Adaptive consistency for distributed SDN controllers. 2016 17th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks). :150–157.

In this paper, we introduce the use of adaptive controllers into software-defined networking (SDN) and propose the use of adaptive consistency models in the context of distributed SDN controllers. These adaptive controllers can tune their own configurations in real-time in order to enhance the performance of the applications running on top of them. We expect that the use of such controllers could alleviate some of the emerging challenges in SDN that could have an impact on the performance, security, or scalability of the network. Further, we propose extending the SDN controller architecture to support adaptive consistency based on tunable consistency models. Finally, we compare the performance of a proof-of-concept distributed load-balancing application when it runs on-top of: (1) an adaptive and (2) a non-adaptive controller. Our results indicate that adaptive controllers were more resilient to sudden changes in the network conditions than the non-adaptive ones.

Sylla, A. N., Louvel, M., Rutten, E., Delaval, G..  2017.  Design Framework for Reliable Multiple Autonomic Loops in Smart Environments. 2017 International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC). :131–142.

Today's control systems such as smart environments have the ability to adapt to their environment in order to achieve a set of objectives (e.g., comfort, security and energy savings). This is done by changing their behaviour upon the occurrence of specific events. Building such a system requires to design and implement autonomic loops that collect events and measurements, make decisions and execute the corresponding actions.The design and the implementation of such loops are made difficult by several factors: the complexity of systems with multiple objectives, the risk of conflicting decisions between multiple loops, the inconsistencies that can result from communication errors and hardware failures and the heterogeneity of the devices.In this paper, we propose a design framework for reliable and self-adaptive systems, where multiple autonomic loops can be composed into complex managers, and we consider its application to smart environments. We build upon the proposed framework a generic autonomic loop which combines an automata-based controller that makes correct and coherent decisions, a transactional execution mechanism that avoids inconsistencies, and an abstraction layer that hides the heterogeneity of the devices.We propose patterns for composition of such loops, in parallel, coordinated, and hierarchically, with benefits from the leveraging of automata-based modular constructs, that provides for guarantees on the correct behaviour of the controlled system. We implement our framework with the transactional middleware LINC, the reactive language Heptagon/BZR and the abstraction framework PUTUTU. A case study in the field of building automation is presented to illustrate the proposed framework.

Casillo, Mario, Colace, Francesco, De Santo, Massimo, Lemma, Saverio, Lombardi, Marco, Pietrosanto, Antonio.  2016.  An Ontological Approach to Digital Storytelling. Proceedings of the The 3rd Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference on SocialInformatics 2016, Data Science 2016. :27:1–27:8.

In order to identify a personalized story, suitable for the needs of large masses of visitors and tourists, our work has been aimed at the definition of appropriate models and solutions of fruition that make the visit experience more appealing and immersive. This paper proposes the characteristic functionalities of narratology and of the techniques of storytelling for the dynamic creation of experiential stories on a sematic basis. Therefore, it represents a report about sceneries, implementation models and architectural and functional specifications of storytelling for the dynamic creation of functional contents for the visit. Our purpose is to indicate an approach for the realization of a dynamic storytelling engine that can allow the dynamic supply of narrative contents, not necessarily predetermined and pertinent to the needs and the dynamic behaviors of the users. In particular, we have chosen to employ an adaptive, social and mobile approach, using an ontological model in order to realize a dynamic digital storytelling system, able to collect and elaborate social information and contents about the users giving them a personalized story on the basis of the place they are visiting. A case of study and some experimental results are presented and discussed.

Pisani, P. H., Lorena, A. C., Carvalho, A. C. P. L. F. d.  2015.  Ensemble of Adaptive Algorithms for Keystroke Dynamics. 2015 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS). :310–315.

Biometric systems have been applied to improve the security of several computational systems. These systems analyse physiological or behavioural features obtained from the users in order to perform authentication. Biometric features should ideally meet a number of requirements, including permanence. In biometrics, permanence means that the analysed biometric feature will not change over time. However, recent studies have shown that this is not the case for several biometric modalities. Adaptive biometric systems deal with this issue by adapting the user model over time. Some algorithms for adaptive biometrics have been investigated and compared in the literature. In machine learning, several studies show that the combination of individual techniques in ensembles may lead to more accurate and stable decision models. This paper investigates the usage of some ensemble approaches to combine the output of current adaptive algorithms for biometrics. The experiments are carried out on keystroke dynamics, a biometric modality known to be subject to change over time.

Nikolic, G., Nikolic, T., Petrovic, B..  2014.  Using adaptive filtering in single-phase grid-connected system. Microelectronics Proceedings - MIEL 2014, 2014 29th International Conference on. :417-420.

Recently, there has been a pronounced increase of interest in the field of renewable energy. In this area power inverters are crucial building blocks in a segment of energy converters, since they change direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). Grid connected power inverters should operate in synchronism with the grid voltage. In this paper, the structure of a power system based on adaptive filtering is described. The main purpose of the adaptive filter is to adapt the output signal of the inverter to the corresponding load and/or grid signal. By involving adaptive filtering the response time decreases and quality of power delivery to the load or grid increases. A comparative analysis which relates to power system operation without and with adaptive filtering is given. In addition, the impact of variable impedance of load on quality of delivered power is considered. Results which relates to total harmonic distortion (THD) factor are obtained by Matlab/Simulink software.

Qingyi Chen, Hongwei Kang, Hua Zhou, Xingping Sun, Yong Shen, YunZhi Jin, Jun Yin.  2014.  Research on cloud computing complex adaptive agent. Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM), 2014 11th International Conference on. :1-4.

It has gradually realized in the industry that the increasing complexity of cloud computing under interaction of technology, business, society and the like, instead of being simply solved depending on research on information technology, shall be explained and researched from a systematic and scientific perspective on the basis of theory and method of a complex adaptive system (CAS). This article, for basic problems in CAS theoretical framework, makes research on definition of an active adaptive agent constituting the cloud computing system, and proposes a service agent concept and basic model through commonality abstraction from two basic levels: cloud computing technology and business, thus laying a foundation for further development of cloud computing complexity research as well as for multi-agent based cloud computing environment simulation.