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Certificateless Aggregate Message Authentication for Hierarchical Trusted Authority based VANET. 2019 3rd International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :429–434.
2019. In VANET, vehicles periodically transmit beacon messages to the neighboring vehicles and the RSU. To establish the authenticity of these messages, a number of digital signature schemes have been proposed in literature. Many of these schemes enable an RSU to perform aggregate verification of the signatures to deal with high vehicle density scenarios. These schemes are either based on traditional PKC concept involving certificate management overhead or identity based cryptography having key escrow problem. Further, these schemes require the existence of OBU device which is resistant to side channel attacks. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical trusted authority privacy preserving certificateless aggregate signature scheme for VANET. In addition to providing message authentication, integrity and non-repudiation, our scheme is resistant to message forgeability attack. The proposed scheme assumes hierarchical organization of network such that vehicles operate under multiple trusted authorities (TA) which in turn are controlled by single root TA. Using our scheme, the entity could verify messages received from vehicles which operate under multiple TAs. The proposed scheme is free from key escrow problem and resistant to side channel attacks on OBU. It also possesses conditional linkability such that originator of a message could be revealed whenever required. Simulations confirm the efficient nature in terms of verification delay as compared to other well known schemes proposed in literature.
Security analysis of two certificateless short signature schemes. Information Security, IET. 8:230-233.
2014. Certificateless public key cryptography (CL-PKC) combines the advantage of both traditional PKC and identity-based cryptography (IBC) as it eliminates the certificate management problem in traditional PKC and resolves the key escrow problem in IBC. Recently, Choi et al. and Tso et al.proposed two different efficient CL short signature schemes and claimed that the two schemes are secure against super adversaries and satisfy the strongest security. In this study, the authors show that both Choi et al.'s scheme and Tso et al.'s scheme are insecure against the strong adversaries who can replace users' public keys and have access to the signing oracle under the replaced public keys.