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Yang, Dongli, Huang, Jingxuan, Liu, Xiaodong, Sun, Ce, Fei, Zesong.  2022.  A Polar Coding Scheme for Achieving Secrecy of Fading Wiretap Channels in UAV Communications. 2022 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :468–473.
The high maneuverability of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), facilitating fast and flexible deployment of communication infrastructures, brings potentially valuable opportunities to the future wireless communication industry. Nevertheless, UAV communication networks are faced with severe security challenges since air to ground (A2G) communications are more vulnerable to eavesdropping attacks than terrestrial communications. To solve the problem, we propose a coding scheme that hierarchically utilizes polar codes in order to address channel multi-state variation for UAV wiretap channels, without the instantaneous channel state information (CSI) known at the transmitter. The theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the scheme achieves the security capacity of the channel and meets the conditions of reliability and security.
ISSN: 2377-8644
Zhao, Ran, Qin, Qi, Xu, Ningya, Nan, Guoshun, Cui, Qimei, Tao, Xiaofeng.  2022.  SemKey: Boosting Secret Key Generation for RIS-assisted Semantic Communication Systems. 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Fall). :1–5.
Deep learning-based semantic communications (DLSC) significantly improve communication efficiency by only transmitting the meaning of the data rather than a raw message. Such a novel paradigm can brace the high-demand applications with massive data transmission and connectivities, such as automatic driving and internet-of-things. However, DLSC are also highly vulnerable to various attacks, such as eavesdropping, surveillance, and spoofing, due to the openness of wireless channels and the fragility of neural models. To tackle this problem, we present SemKey, a novel physical layer key generation (PKG) scheme that aims to secure the DLSC by exploring the underlying randomness of deep learning-based semantic communication systems. To boost the generation rate of the secret key, we introduce a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) and tune its elements with the randomness of semantic drifts between a transmitter and a receiver. Precisely, we first extract the random features of the semantic communication system to form the randomly varying switch sequence of the RIS-assisted channel and then employ the parallel factor-based channel detection method to perform the channel detection under RIS assistance. Experimental results show that our proposed SemKey significantly improves the secret key generation rate, potentially paving the way for physical layer security for DLSC.
ISSN: 2577-2465
Venkatesh, Suresh, Saeidi, Hooman, Sengupta, Kaushik, Lu, Xuyang.  2022.  Millimeter-Wave Physical Layer Security through Space-Time Modulated Transmitter Arrays. 2022 IEEE 22nd Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON). :1–4.
Wireless security and privacy is gaining a significant interest due to the burgeoning growth of communication devices across the electromagnetic spectrum. In this article, we introduce the concept of the space-time modulated millimeter-wave wireless links enabling physical layer security in highspeed communication links. Such an approach does not require cryptographic key exchanges and enables security in a seamless fashion with no overhead on latency. We show both the design and implementation of such a secure system using custom integrated chips at 71-76 GHz with off-chip packaged antenna array. We also demonstrate the security metric of such a system and analyze the efficacy through distributed eavesdropper attack.
Albayrak, Cenk, Arslan, Hüseyin, Türk, Kadir.  2022.  Physical Layer Security for Visible Light Communication in the Presence of ISI and NLoS. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). :469–474.
Visible light communication (VLC) is an important alternative and/or complementary technology for next generation indoor wireless broadband communication systems. In order to ensure data security for VLC in public areas, many studies in literature consider physical layer security (PLS). These studies generally neglect the reflections in the VLC channel and assume no inter symbol interference (ISI). However, increasing the data transmission rate causes ISI. In addition, even if the power of the reflections is small compared to the line of sight (LoS) components, it can affect the secrecy rate in a typical indoor VLC system. In this study, we investigate the effects of ISI and reflected channel components on secrecy rate in multiple-input single-output (MISO) VLC scenario utilized null-steering (NS) and artificial noise (AN) PLS techniques.
ISSN: 2694-2941
Harrison, Willie K., Shoushtari, Morteza.  2021.  On Caching with Finite Blocklength Coding for Secrecy over the Binary Erasure Wiretap Channel. 2021 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS). :1–6.
In this paper, we show that caching can aid in achieving secure communications by considering a wiretap scenario where the transmitter and legitimate receiver share access to a secure cache, and an eavesdropper is able to tap transmissions over a binary erasure wiretap channel during the delivery phase of a caching protocol. The scenario under consideration gives rise to a new channel model for wiretap coding that allows the transmitter to effectively choose a subset of bits to erase at the eavesdropper by caching the bits ahead of time. The eavesdropper observes the remainder of the coded bits through the wiretap channel for the general case. In the wiretap type-II scenario, the eavesdropper is able to choose a set of revealed bits only from the subset of bits not cached. We present a coding approach that allows efficient use of the cache to realize a caching gain in the network, and show how to use the cache to optimize the information theoretic security in the choice of a finite blocklength code and the choice of the cached bit set. To our knowledge, this is the first work on explicit algorithms for secrecy coding in any type of caching network.
Liu, Tang, Tuninetti, Daniela.  2021.  Optimal Linear Coding Schemes for the Secure Decentralized Pliable Index Coding Problem. 2020 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW). :1—5.
This paper studies the secure decentralized Pliable Index CODing (PICOD) problem, where the security constraint forbids users to decode more than one message while the decentralized setting imposes that there is no central transmitter in the system, and thus transmissions occur only among users. A converse bound from the Authors' previous work showed a factor of three difference in optimal code-length between the centralized and the decentralized versions of the problem, under the constraint of linear encoding. This paper first lists all linearly infeasible cases, that is, problems where no linear code can simultaneously achieve both correctness/decodability and security. Then, it proposes linear coding schemes for the remaining cases and shows that their code-length is to within an additive constant gap from the converse bound.
Chen, Jian, Shu, Tao.  2021.  Spoofing Detection for Indoor Visible Light Systems with Redundant Orthogonal Encoding. ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1–6.
As more and more visible light communication (VLC) and visible light sensing (VLS) systems are mounted on today’s light fixtures, how to guarantee the authenticity of the visible light (VL) signal in these systems becomes an urgent problem. This is because almost all of today’s light fixtures are unprotected and can be openly accessed by almost anyone, and hence are subject to tampering and substitution attacks. In this paper, by exploiting the intrinsic linear superposition characteristics of visible light, we propose VL-Watchdog, a scalable and always-on signal-level spoofing detection framework that is applicable to both VLC and VLS systems. VL-Watchdog is based on redundant orthogonal encoding of the transmitted visible light, and can be implemented as a small hardware add-on to an existing VL system. The effectiveness of the proposed framework was validated through extensive numerical evaluations against a comprehensive set of factors.
Xu, Zheng, Chen, Ming, Chen, Mingzhe, Yang, Zhaohui, Cang, Yihan, Poor, H. Vincent.  2021.  Physical Layer Security Optimization for MIMO Enabled Visible Light Communication Networks. 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). :1–6.
This paper investigates the optimization of physical layer security in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) enabled visible light communication (VLC) networks. In the considered model, one transmitter equipped with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) intends to send confidential messages to legitimate users while one eavesdropper attempts to eavesdrop on the communication between the transmitter and legitimate users. This security problem is formulated as an optimization problem whose goal is to minimize the sum mean-square-error (MSE) of all legitimate users while meeting the MSE requirement of the eavesdropper thus ensuring the security. To solve this problem, the original optimization problem is first transformed to a convex problem using successive convex approximation. An iterative algorithm with low complexity is proposed to solve this optimization problem. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce the sum MSE of legitimate users by up to 40% compared to a conventional zero forcing scheme.
Pham, Thanh V., Pham, Anh T..  2021.  Energy-Efficient Friendly Jamming for Physical Layer Security in Visible Light Communication. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). :1–6.
This work studies an energy-efficient jamming scheme for enhancing physical layer security in visible light communication (VLC). We consider a VLC system where multiple LED luminaries are deployed together with a legitimate user (i.e., Bob) and passive eavesdroppers (i.e., Eves). In such a scenario, the closest LED luminary to Bob serves as the transmitter while the rest of the luminaries act as jammers transmitting artificial noise (AN) to possibly degrade the quality of Eves' channels. A joint design of precoder and AN is then investigated to maximize the energy efficiency (EE) of the communication channel to Bob while ensuring a certain amount of AN power to confuse Eves. To solve the design problem, we make use of a combination of the Dinkelbach and convex-concave procedure (CCCP), which guarantees to converge to a local optimum.
Su, Nuğman, Panayirci, Erdal, Koca, Mutlu, Haas, Harald.  2021.  Transmit Precoding for Physical Layer Security of MIMO-NOMA-Based Visible Light Communications. 2021 17th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS). :1–6.
We consider the physical layer security (PLS) of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) enabled multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) visible light communication systems in the presence of a passive eavesdropper (Eve). In order to disrupt the decoding process at Eve, we propose a novel precoding scheme reinforced with random constellation coding. Multiple legitimate users (Bobs) will be served simultaneously using NOMA. For the proposed precoder design, we exploit the slow-fading characteristics of the visible light channel so that the transmitted symbols are successfully decoded at Bob, while Eve suffers from very high bit error ratios (BERs) due to precoding-induced jamming. Via computer simulations, we show that Bob can successfully decode their own information in various user configurations and receiver diversities. It is also shown that the BER at Eve's side is increased to the 0.5-level for similar and the asymmetrical positioning of Bob with respect to the transmitter, thus PLS is ensured by the proposed preceding technique.
Ben, Yanglin, Chen, Ming, Cao, Binghao, Yang, Zhaohui, Li, Zhiyang, Cang, Yihan, Xu, Zheng.  2021.  On Secrecy Sum-Rate of Artificial-Noise-Aided Multi-user Visible Light Communication Systems. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). :1–6.
Recently, the physical layer security (PLS) is becoming an important research area for visible light communication (VLC) systems. In this paper, the secrecy rate performance is investigated for an indoor multi-user visible light communication (VLC) system using artificial noise (AN). In the considered model, all users simultaneously communicate with the legitimate receiver under wiretap channels. The legitimate receiver uses the minimum mean squared error (MMSE) equalizer to detect the received signals. Both lower bound and upper bound of the secrecy rate are obtained for the case that users' signals are uniformly distributed. Simulation results verify the theoretical findings and show the system secrecy rate performance for various positions of illegal eavesdropper.
Srinadh, V, Maram, Balajee, Daniya, T..  2021.  Data Security And Recovery Approach Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS). :1—6.
The transmission of various facilities and services via the network is known as cloud computing. They involve data storage, data centers, networks, internet, and software applications, among other systems and features. Cryptography is a technique in which plain text is converted into cipher-text to preserve information security. It basically consists of encryption and decryption. The level of safety is determined by the category of encryption and decryption technique employed. The key plays an important part in the encryption method. If the key is leaked, anyone can intrude into the data and there is no use of this encryption. When the data is lost and the server fails to deliver it to the user, then it is to be recovered from any of the backup server using a recovery technique. The main objective is to develop an advanced method to increase the scope for data protection in cloud. Elliptic Curve Cryptography is a relatively new approach in the area of cryptography. The degree of security provides higher as compared to other Cryptographic techniques. The raw data and it’s accompanying as CII characters are combined and sent into the Elliptic Curve Cryptography as a source. This method eliminates the need for the transmitter and recipient to have a similar search database. Finally, a plain text is converted into cipher-text using Elliptic Curve Cryptography. The results are oat aimed by implementing a C program for Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Encryption, decryption and recovery using suitable algorithms are done.
Ying, Xuhang, Bernieri, Giuseppe, Conti, Mauro, Bushnell, Linda, Poovendran, Radha.  2021.  Covert Channel-Based Transmitter Authentication in Controller Area Networks. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. :1–1.
In recent years, the security of automotive Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) is facing urgent threats due to the widespread use of legacy in-vehicle communication systems. As a representative legacy bus system, the Controller Area Network (CAN) hosts Electronic Control Units (ECUs) that are crucial for the vehicles functioning. In this scenario, malicious actors can exploit the CAN vulnerabilities, such as the lack of built-in authentication and encryption schemes, to launch CAN bus attacks. In this paper, we present TACAN (Transmitter Authentication in CAN), which provides secure authentication of ECUs on the legacy CAN bus by exploiting the covert channels. TACAN turns upside-down the originally malicious concept of covert channels and exploits it to build an effective defensive technique that facilitates transmitter authentication. TACAN consists of three different covert channels: 1) Inter-Arrival Time (IAT)-based, 2) Least Significant Bit (LSB)-based, and 3) hybrid covert channels. In order to validate TACAN, we implement the covert channels on the University of Washington (UW) EcoCAR (Chevrolet Camaro 2016) testbed. We further evaluate the bit error, throughput, and detection performance of TACAN through extensive experiments using the EcoCAR testbed and a publicly available dataset collected from Toyota Camry 2010.
Conference Name: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Ponomarenko, Vladimir, Navrotskaya, Elena, Prokhorov, Mikhail, Lapsheva, Elena, Ishbulatov, Yuri.  2020.  Communication System Based on Chaotic Time-Delayed Feedback Generator. 2020 4th Scientific School on Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Application in Intellectual Robotics (DCNAIR). :192–194.
We study communication systems based on chaotic time-delayed feedback generator. The aim of the study is a comparative assessment of the noise immunity for the four different communication systems at the same levels of the external noise. It is shown that the principle of correlation receiver, which is used in classical communication systems, can be also used in the case where chaotic signals generated by self-oscillating systems with complex behavior are used as reference signals. Systems based on the correlation receiver principles have very high immunity to the external noise.
Suresh, Vinayak, Ruzomberka, Eric, Love, David J..  2021.  Stochastic-Adversarial Channels: Online Adversaries With Feedback Snooping. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :497–502.
The growing need for reliable communication over untrusted networks has caused a renewed interest in adversarial channel models, which often behave much differently than traditional stochastic channel models. Of particular practical use is the assumption of a causal or online adversary who is limited to causal knowledge of the transmitted codeword. In this work, we consider stochastic-adversarial mixed noise models. In the setup considered, a transmit node (Alice) attempts to communicate with a receive node (Bob) over a binary erasure channel (BEC) or binary symmetric channel (BSC) in the presence of an online adversary (Calvin) who can erase or flip up to a certain number of bits at the input of the channel. Calvin knows the encoding scheme and has strict causal access to Bob's reception through feedback snooping. For erasures, we provide a complete capacity characterization with and without transmitter feedback. For bit-flips, we provide converse and achievability bounds.
Zhu, Tian, Tong, Fei.  2020.  A Cluster-Based Cooperative Jamming Scheme for Secure Communication in Wireless Sensor Network. 2020 IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall). :1–5.
The environment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) makes the communication not only have the broadcast nature of wireless transmission, but also be limited to the low power and communication capability of sensor equipment. Both of them make it hard to ensure the confidentiality of communication. In this paper, we propose a cluster-based cooperative jamming scheme based on physical layer security for WSNs. The mathematical principle of the scheme is based on the design principle of code division multiple access. By using the orthogonality of orthogonal vectors, the legitimate receiver can effectively eliminate the noise, which is generated by the cooperative jamming nodes to disturb the eavesdropper. This scheme enables the legitimate receiver to ensure a strong communication confidentiality even if there is no location or channel advantage comparing with eavesdroppers. Through extensive simulations, the security performance of the proposed scheme is investigated in terms of secrecy rate.
Chiariotti, Federico, Signori, Alberto, Campagnaro, Filippo, Zorzi, Michele.  2020.  Underwater Jamming Attacks as Incomplete Information Games. IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :1033—1038.
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) have several fundamental civilian and military applications, and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks against their communications are a serious threat. In this work, we analyze such an attack using game theory in an asymmetric scenario, in which the node under attack does not know the position of the jammer that blocks its signals. The jammer has a dual objective, namely, disrupting communications and forcing the legitimate transmitter to spend more energy protecting its own transmissions. Our model shows that, if both nodes act rationally, the transmitter is able to quickly reduce its disadvantage, estimating the location of the jammer and responding optimally to the attack.
Chu, Wen-Yi, Yu, Ting-Guang, Lin, Yu-Kai, Lee, Shao-Chuan, Hsiao, Hsu-Chun.  2020.  On Using Camera-based Visible Light Communication for Security Protocols. 2020 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :110–117.
In security protocol design, Visible Light Communication (VLC) has often been abstracted as an ideal channel that is resilient to eavesdropping, manipulation, and jamming. Camera Communication (CamCom), a subcategory of VLC, further strengthens the level of security by providing a visually verifiable association between the transmitter and the extracted information. However, the ideal security guarantees of visible light channels may not hold in practice due to limitations and tradeoffs introduced by hardware, software, configuration, environment, etc. This paper presents our experience and lessons learned from implementing CamCom for security protocols. We highlight CamCom's security-enhancing properties and security applications that it enables. Backed by real implementation and experiments, we also systematize the practical considerations of CamCom-based security protocols.
Chrysikos, T., Dagiuklas, T., Kotsopoulos, S..  2010.  Wireless Information-Theoretic Security for moving users in autonomic networks. 2010 IFIP Wireless Days. :1–5.
This paper studies Wireless Information-Theoretic Security for low-speed mobility in autonomic networks. More specifically, the impact of user movement on the Probability of Non-Zero Secrecy Capacity and Outage Secrecy Capacity for different channel conditions has been investigated. This is accomplished by establishing a link between different user locations and the boundaries of information-theoretic secure communication. Human mobility scenarios are considered, and its impact on physical layer security is examined, considering quasi-static Rayleigh channels for the fading phenomena. Simulation results have shown that the Secrecy Capacity depends on the relative distance of legitimate and illegitimate (eavesdropper) users in reference to the given transmitter.
Wu, X., Yang, Z., Ling, C., Xia, X..  2016.  Artificial-Noise-Aided Message Authentication Codes With Information-Theoretic Security. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 11:1278–1290.
In the past, two main approaches for the purpose of authentication, including information-theoretic authentication codes and complexity-theoretic message authentication codes (MACs), were almost independently developed. In this paper, we consider to construct new MACs, which are both computationally secure and information-theoretically secure. Essentially, we propose a new cryptographic primitive, namely, artificial-noise-aided MACs (ANA-MACs), where artificial noise is used to interfere with the complexity-theoretic MACs and quantization is further employed to facilitate packet-based transmission. With a channel coding formulation of key recovery in the MACs, the generation of standard authentication tags can be seen as an encoding process for the ensemble of codes, where the shared key between Alice and Bob is considered as the input and the message is used to specify a code from the ensemble of codes. Then, we show that artificial noise in ANA-MACs can be well employed to resist the key recovery attack even if the opponent has an unlimited computing power. Finally, a pragmatic approach for the analysis of ANA-MACs is provided, and we show how to balance the three performance metrics, including the completeness error, the false acceptance probability, and the conditional equivocation about the key. The analysis can be well applied to a class of ANA-MACs, where MACs with Rijndael cipher are employed.
Meshram, C., Obaidat, M. S., Meshram, A..  2020.  New Efficient QERPKC based on Partial Discrete Logarithm Problem. 2020 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS). :1–5.
In this study, our aim is to extend the scope for public key cryptography. We offered a new efficient public key encryption scheme using partial discrete logarithm problem (PDLP). It is known as the Quadratic Exponentiation Randomized Public Key Cryptosystem (QERPKC). Security of the presented scheme is based on the hardness of PDLP. We reflect the safety in contrast to trick of certain elements in the offered structure and demonstrated the prospect of creating an extra safety structure. The presented new efficient QERPKC structure is appropriate for low-bandwidth communication, low-storage and low-computation environments.
Huang, H., Wang, X., Jiang, Y., Singh, A. K., Yang, M., Huang, L..  2020.  On Countermeasures Against the Thermal Covert Channel Attacks Targeting Many-core Systems. 2020 57th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). :1—6.
Although it has been demonstrated in multiple studies that serious data leaks could occur to many-core systems thanks to the existence of the thermal covert channels (TCC), little has been done to produce effective countermeasures that are necessary to fight against such TCC attacks. In this paper, we propose a three-step countermeasure to address this critical defense issue. Specifically, the countermeasure includes detection based on signal frequency scanning, positioning affected cores, and blocking based on Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS) technique. Our experiments have confirmed that on average 98% of the TCC attacks can be detected, and with the proposed defense, the bit error rate of a TCC attack can soar to 92%, literally shutting down the attack in practical terms. The performance penalty caused by the inclusion of the proposed countermeasures is only 3% for an 8×8 system.
Giechaskiel, I., Rasmussen, K. B., Szefer, J..  2020.  C3APSULe: Cross-FPGA Covert-Channel Attacks through Power Supply Unit Leakage. 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1728—1741.
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are versatile, reconfigurable integrated circuits that can be used as hardware accelerators to process highly-sensitive data. Leaking this data and associated cryptographic keys, however, can undermine a system's security. To prevent potentially unintentional interactions that could break separation of privilege between different data center tenants, FPGAs in cloud environments are currently dedicated on a per-user basis. Nevertheless, while the FPGAs themselves are not shared among different users, other parts of the data center infrastructure are. This paper specifically shows for the first time that powering FPGAs, CPUs, and GPUs through the same power supply unit (PSU) can be exploited in FPGA-to-FPGA, CPU-to-FPGA, and GPU-to-FPGA covert channels between independent boards. These covert channels can operate remotely, without the need for physical access to, or modifications of, the boards. To demonstrate the attacks, this paper uses a novel combination of "sensing" and "stressing" ring oscillators as receivers on the sink FPGA. Further, ring oscillators are used as transmitters on the source FPGA. The transmitting and receiving circuits are used to determine the presence of the leakage on off-the-shelf Xilinx boards containing Artix 7 and Kintex 7 FPGA chips. Experiments are conducted with PSUs by two vendors, as well as CPUs and GPUs of different generations. Moreover, different sizes and types of ring oscillators are also tested. In addition, this work discusses potential countermeasures to mitigate the impact of the cross-board leakage. The results of this paper highlight the dangers of shared power supply units in local and cloud FPGAs, and therefore a fundamental need to re-think FPGA security for shared infrastructures.
Kim, S. W., Ta, H. Q..  2020.  Covert Communication by Exploiting Node Multiplicity and Channel Variations. ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1—6.
We present a covert (low probability of detection) communication scheme that exploits the node multiplicity and channel variations in wireless broadcast networks. The transmitter hides the covert (private) message by superimposing it onto a non-covert (public) message such that the total transmission power remains the same whether or not the covert message is transmitted. It makes the detection of the covert message impossible unless the non-covert message is decoded. We exploit the multiplicity of non-covert messages (users) to provide a degree of freedom in choosing the non-covert message such that the total detection error probability (sum of the probability of false alarm and missed detection) is maximized. We also exploit the channel variation to minimize the throughput loss on the non-covert message by sending the covert message only when the transmission rate of the non-covert message is low. We show that the total detection error probability converges fast to 1 as the number of non-covert users increases and that the total detection error probability increases as the transmit power increases, without requiring a pre-shared secret among the nodes.
Shang, F., Li, X., Zhai, D., Lu, Y., Zhang, D., Qian, Y..  2020.  On the Distributed Jamming System of Covert Timing Channels in 5G Networks. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA). :1107—1111.
To build the fifth generation (5G) mobile network, the sharing structure in the 5G network adopted in industries has gained great research interesting. However, in this structure data are shared among diversity networks, which introduces the threaten of network security, such as covert timing channels. To eliminate the covert timing channel, we propose to inject noise into the covert timing channel. By analyzing the modulation method of covert timing channels, we design the jamming strategy on the covert channel. According to the strategy, the interference algorithm of the covert timing channel is designed. Since the interference algorithm depends heavily on the memory, we construct a distributing jammer. Experiments results show that these covert time channel can be blocked under the distributing jammer.