We leverage deep learning algorithms on various user behavioral information gathered from end-user devices to classify a subject of interest. In spite of the ability of these techniques to counter spoofing threats, they are vulnerable to adversarial learning attacks, where an attacker adds adversarial noise to the input samples to fool the classifier into false acceptance. Recently, a handful of mature techniques like Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) have been proposed to aid white-box attacks, where an attacker has a complete knowledge of the machine learning model. On the contrary, we exploit a black-box attack to a behavioral biometric system based on gait patterns, by using FGSM and training a shadow model that mimics the target system. The attacker has limited knowledge on the target model and no knowledge of the real user being authenticated, but induces a false acceptance in authentication. Our goal is to understand the feasibility of a black-box attack and to what extent FGSM on shadow models would contribute to its success. Our results manifest that the performance of FGSM highly depends on the quality of the shadow model, which is in turn impacted by key factors including the number of queries allowed by the target system in order to train the shadow model. Our experimentation results have revealed strong relationships between the shadow model and FGSM performance, as well as the effect of the number of FGSM iterations used to create an attack instance. These insights also shed light on deep-learning algorithms' model shareability that can be exploited to launch a successful attack.
This paper studies the physical layer security (PLS) of a vehicular network employing a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS). RIS technologies are emerging as an important paradigm for the realisation of smart radio environments, where large numbers of small, low-cost and passive elements, reflect the incident signal with an adjustable phase shift without requiring a dedicated energy source. Inspired by the promising potential of RIS-based transmission, we investigate two vehicular network system models: One with vehicle-to-vehicle communication with the source employing a RIS-based access point, and the other model in the form of a vehicular adhoc network (VANET), with a RIS-based relay deployed on a building. Both models assume the presence of an eavesdropper to investigate the average secrecy capacity of the considered systems. Monte-Carlo simulations are provided throughout to validate the results. The results show that performance of the system in terms of the secrecy capacity is affected by the location of the RIS-relay and the number of RIS cells. The effect of other system parameters such as source power and eavesdropper distances are also studied.
Malware scanning of an app market is expected to be scalable and effective. However, existing approaches use either syntax-based features which can be evaded by transformation attacks or semantic-based features which are usually extracted by performing expensive program analysis. Therefor, in this paper, we propose a lightweight graph-based approach to perform Android malware detection. Instead of traditional heavyweight static analysis, we treat function call graphs of apps as social networks and perform social-network-based centrality analysis to represent the semantic features of the graphs. Our key insight is that centrality provides a succinct and fault-tolerant representation of graph semantics, especially for graphs with certain amount of inaccurate information (e.g., inaccurate call graphs). We implement a prototype system, MalScan, and evaluate it on datasets of 15,285 benign samples and 15,430 malicious samples. Experimental results show that MalScan is capable of detecting Android malware with up to 98% accuracy under one second which is more than 100 times faster than two state-of-the-art approaches, namely MaMaDroid and Drebin. We also demonstrate the feasibility of MalScan on market-wide malware scanning by performing a statistical study on over 3 million apps. Finally, in a corpus of dataset collected from Google-Play app market, MalScan is able to identify 18 zero-day malware including malware samples that can evade detection of existing tools.
Better understanding of mobile applications' behaviors would lead to better malware detection/classification and better app recommendation for users. In this work, we design a framework AppDNA to automatically generate a compact representation for each app to comprehensively profile its behaviors. The behavior difference between two apps can be measured by the distance between their representations. As a result, the versatile representation can be generated once for each app, and then be used for a wide variety of objectives, including malware detection, app categorizing, plagiarism detection, etc. Based on a systematic and deep understanding of an app's behavior, we propose to perform a function-call-graph-based app profiling. We carefully design a graph-encoding method to convert a typically extremely large call-graph to a 64-dimension fix-size vector to achieve robust app profiling. Our extensive evaluations based on 86,332 benign and malicious apps demonstrate that our system performs app profiling (thus malware detection, classification, and app recommendation) to a high accuracy with extremely low computation cost: it classifies 4024 (benign/malware) apps using around 5.06 second with accuracy about 93.07%; it classifies 570 malware's family (total 21 families) using around 0.83 second with accuracy 82.3%; it classifies 9,730 apps' functionality with accuracy 33.3% for a total of 7 categories and accuracy of 88.1 % for 2 categories.
With the growth of smartphone sales and app usage, fingerprinting and identification of smartphone apps have become a considerable threat to user security and privacy. Traffic analysis is one of the most common methods for identifying apps. Traditional countermeasures towards traffic analysis includes traffic morphing and multipath routing. The basic idea of multipath routing is to increase the difficulty for adversary to eavesdrop all traffic by splitting traffic into several subflows and transmitting them through different routes. Previous works in multipath routing mainly focus on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) or Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). In this paper, we propose a multipath routing scheme for smartphones with edge network assistance to mitigate traffic analysis attack. We consider an adversary with limited capability, that is, he can only intercept the traffic of one node following certain attack probability, and try to minimize the traffic an adversary can intercept. We formulate our design as a flow routing optimization problem. Then a heuristic algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. Finally, we present the simulation results for our scheme and justify that our scheme can effectively protect smartphones from traffic analysis attack.
This paper presents an efficient arithmetic in extension field based on Cyclic Vector Multiplication Algorithm that reduces calculation costs over cubic extension for elliptic curve pairing cryptography. In addition, we evaluate the calculation costs compared to Karatsuba-based method.
As an information hinge of various trades and professions in the era of big data, cloud data center bears the responsibility to provide uninterrupted service. To cope with the impact of failure and interruption during the operation on the Quality of Service (QoS), it is important to guarantee the resilience of cloud data center. Thus, different resilience actions are conducted in its life circle, that is, resilience strategy. In order to measure the effect of resilience strategy on the system resilience, this paper propose a new approach to model and evaluate the resilience strategy for cloud data center focusing on its core part of service providing-IT architecture. A comprehensive resilience metric based on resilience loss is put forward considering the characteristic of cloud data center. Furthermore, mapping model between system resilience and resilience strategy is built up. Then, based on a hierarchical colored generalized stochastic petri net (HCGSPN) model depicting the procedure of the system processing the service requests, simulation is conducted to evaluate the resilience strategy through the metric calculation. With a case study of a company's cloud data center, the applicability and correctness of the approach is demonstrated.
Pre-Silicon hardware Trojan detection has been studied for years. The most popular benchmark circuits are from the Trust-Hub. Their common feature is that the probability of activating hardware Trojans is very low. This leads to a series of machine learning based hardware Trojan detection methods which try to find the nets with low signal probability of 0 or 1. On the other hand, it is considered that, if the probability of activating hardware Trojans is high, these hardware Trojans can be easily found through behaviour simulations or during functional test. This paper explores the "grey zone" between these two opposite scenarios: if the activation probability of a hardware Trojan is not low enough for machine learning to detect it and is not high enough for behaviour simulation or functional test to find it, it can escape from detection. Experiments show the existence of such hardware Trojans, and this paper suggests a new set of hardware Trojan benchmark circuits for future study.
Malware has become sophisticated and organizations don't have a Plan B when standard lines of defense fail. These failures have devastating consequences for organizations, such as sensitive information being exfiltrated. A promising avenue for improving the effectiveness of behavioral-based malware detectors is to combine fast (usually not highly accurate) traditional machine learning (ML) detectors with high-accuracy, but time-consuming, deep learning (DL) models. The main idea is to place software receiving borderline classifications by traditional ML methods in an environment where uncertainty is added, while software is analyzed by time-consuming DL models. The goal of uncertainty is to rate-limit actions of potential malware during deep analysis. In this paper, we describe Chameleon, a Linux-based framework that implements this uncertain environment. Chameleon offers two environments for its OS processes: standard - for software identified as benign by traditional ML detectors - and uncertain - for software that received borderline classifications analyzed by ML methods. The uncertain environment will bring obstacles to software execution through random perturbations applied probabilistically on selected system calls. We evaluated Chameleon with 113 applications from common benchmarks and 100 malware samples for Linux. Our results show that at threshold 10%, intrusive and non-intrusive strategies caused approximately 65% of malware to fail accomplishing their tasks, while approximately 30% of the analyzed benign software to meet with various levels of disruption (crashed or hampered). We also found that I/O-bound software was three times more affected by uncertainty than CPU-bound software.
We present a gradient-based attack against SVM-based forensic techniques relying on high-dimensional SPAM features. As opposed to prior work, the attack works directly in the pixel domain even if the relationship between pixel values and SPAM features can not be inverted. The proposed method relies on the estimation of the gradient of the SVM output with respect to pixel values, however it departs from gradient descent methodology due to the necessity of preserving the integer nature of pixels and to reduce the effect of the attack on image quality. A fast algorithm to estimate the gradient is also introduced to reduce the complexity of the attack. We tested the proposed attack against SVM detection of histogram stretching, adaptive histogram equalization and median filtering. In all cases the attack succeeded in inducing a decision error with a very limited distortion, the PSNR between the original and the attacked images ranging from 50 to 70 dBs. The attack is also effective in the case of attacks with Limited Knowledge (LK) when the SVM used by the attacker is trained on a different dataset with respect to that used by the analyst.
RPL is a lightweight IPv6 network routing protocol specifically designed by IETF, which can make full use of the energy of intelligent devices and compute the resource to build the flexible topological structure. This paper analyzes the security problems of RPL, sets up a test network to test RPL network security, proposes a RPL based security routing protocol M-RPL. The routing protocol establishes a hierarchical clustering network topology, the intelligent device of the network establishes the backup path in different clusters during the route discovery phase, enable backup paths to ensure data routing when a network is compromised. Setting up a test prototype network, simulating some attacks against the routing protocols in the network. The test results show that the M-RPL network can effectively resist the routing attacks. M-RPL provides a solution to ensure the Internet of Things (IoT) security.
In this paper, an advanced security and stability defense framework that utilizes multisource power system data to enhance the power system security and resilience is proposed. The framework consists of early warning, preventive control, on-line state awareness and emergency control, requires in-depth collaboration between power engineering and data science. To realize this framework in practice, a cross-disciplinary research topic — the big data analytics for power system security and resilience enhancement, which consists of data converting, data cleaning and integration, automatic labelling and learning model establishing, power system parameter identification and feature extraction using developed big data learning techniques, and security analysis and control based on the extracted knowledge — is deeply investigated. Domain considerations of power systems and specific data science technologies are studied. The future technique roadmap for emerging problems is proposed.
In assessing privacy on online social networks, it is important to investigate their vulnerability to reconnaissance strategies, in which attackers lure targets into being their friends by exploiting the social graph in order to extract victims' sensitive information. As the network topology is only partially revealed after each successful friend request, attackers need to employ an adaptive strategy. Existing work only considered a simple strategy in which attackers sequentially acquire one friend at a time, which causes tremendous delay in waiting for responses before sending the next request, and which lack the ability to retry failed requests after the network has changed. In contrast, we investigate an adaptive and parallel strategy, of which attackers can simultaneously send multiple friend requests in batch and recover from failed requests by retrying after topology changes, thereby significantly reducing the time to reach the targets and greatly improving robustness. We cast this approach as an optimization problem, Max-Crawling, and show it inapproximable within (1 - 1/e + $ε$). We first design our core algorithm PM-AReST which has an approximation ratio of (1 - e-(1-1/e)) using adaptive monotonic submodular properties. We next tighten our algorithm to provide a nearoptimal solution, i.e. having a ratio of (1 - 1/e), via a two-stage stochastic programming approach. We further establish the gap bound of (1 - e-(1-1/e)2) between batch strategies versus the optimal sequential one. We experimentally validate our theoretical results, finding that our algorithm performs nearoptimally in practice and that this is robust under a variety of problem settings.