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Besser, Karl-Ludwig, Janda, Carsten R., Lin, Pin-Hsun, Jorswieck, Eduard A..  2019.  Flexible Design of Finite Blocklength Wiretap Codes by Autoencoders. ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :2512—2516.

With an increasing number of wireless devices, the risk of being eavesdropped increases as well. From information theory, it is well known that wiretap codes can asymptotically achieve vanishing decoding error probability at the legitimate receiver while also achieving vanishing leakage to eavesdroppers. However, under finite blocklength, there exists a tradeoff among different parameters of the transmission. In this work, we propose a flexible wiretap code design for Gaussian wiretap channels under finite blocklength by neural network autoencoders. We show that the proposed scheme has higher flexibility in terms of the error rate and leakage tradeoff, compared to the traditional codes.

Wiese, Moritz, Boche, Holger.  2019.  A Graph-Based Modular Coding Scheme Which Achieves Semantic Security. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :822–826.

It is investigated how to achieve semantic security for the wiretap channel. A new type of functions called biregular irreducible (BRI) functions, similar to universal hash functions, is introduced. BRI functions provide a universal method of establishing secrecy. It is proved that the known secrecy rates of any discrete and Gaussian wiretap channel are achievable with semantic security by modular wiretap codes constructed from a BRI function and an error-correcting code. A characterization of BRI functions in terms of edge-disjoint biregular graphs on a common vertex set is derived. This is used to study examples of BRI functions and to construct new ones.

Sanjaroon, Vahideh, Motahari, Abolfazl S., Farhadi, Alireza, Khalaj, Babak. H..  2019.  Tight Bound on the Stability of Control Systems over Parallel Gaussian Channels Using a New Joint Source Channel Coding. 2019 Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT). :1–6.
In this paper, we address the stability problem of a noiseless linear time invariant control system over parallel Gaussian channels with feedback. It is shown that the eigenvalues-rate condition which has been proved as a necessary condition, is also sufficient for stability over parallel Gaussian channels. In fact, it is proved that for stabilizing a control system over the parallel Gaussian channels, it suffices that the Shannon channel capacity obtained by the water filling technique is greater than the sum of the logarithm of the unstable eigenvalues magnitude. In order to prove this sufficient condition, we propose a new nonlinear joint source channel coding for parallel Gaussian channels by which the initial state is transmitted through communication steps. This coding scheme with a linear control policy results in the stability of the system under the eigenvalues-rate condition. Hence, the proposed encoder, decoder and controller are efficient for this problem.
Deka, Surajit, Sarma, Kandarpa Kumar.  2018.  Joint Source Channel Coding with Bandwidth Compression. 2018 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN). :286–290.
In this paper, we have considered the broadcasting of a memoryless bivariate Gaussian source over a Gaussian broadcast channel with respect to bandwidth compression. We have analysed the performance of a hybrid digital-analog (HDA) coding system in combination with joint source channel coding (JSCC) to measure the distortion regions. The transmission advantages due to the combination of both the analog and digital techniques, a class of HDA schemes that yields better performance in distortion is discussed. The performance of source and channel coding for the possible better outcome of the system is measured by employing Wyner-Ziv and Costa coding. In our model, we have considered the upper layer to be a combination of a hybrid layer in the sense of both the analog and digital processing is done. This is executed in presence of quantization error and performance of the system is measured with two conditions: 1) HDA scheme with quantization scaling factor α = 0, i.e. the input of the channel have only the analog information which is considered as the scaled quantization error βS 2) The analog information from the first layer S is suppressed by setting error scaling factor β = 0 and 3) Inclusion of recursive mode with JSCC in each of the three layers for the possible better outcome is considered here.
Pasolini, G., Dardari, D..  2014.  Secret key generation in correlated multi-dimensional Gaussian channels. Communications (ICC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :2171-2177.

Wireless channel reciprocity can be successfully exploited as a common source of randomness for the generation of a secret key by two legitimate users willing to achieve confidential communications over a public channel. This paper presents an analytical framework to investigate the theoretical limits of secret-key generation when wireless multi-dimensional Gaussian channels are used as source of randomness. The intrinsic secrecy content of wide-sense stationary wireless channels in frequency, time and spatial domains is derived through asymptotic analysis as the number of observations in a given domain tends to infinity. Some significant case studies are presented where single and multiple antenna eavesdroppers are considered. In the numerical results, the role of signal-to-noise ratio, spatial correlation, frequency and time selectivity is investigated.