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Sonekar, S. V., Pal, M., Tote, M., Sawwashere, S., Zunke, S..  2020.  Computation Termination and Malicious Node Detection using Finite State Machine in Mobile Adhoc Networks. 2020 7th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :156—161.

The wireless technology has knocked the door of tremendous usage and popularity in the last few years along with a high growth rate for new applications in the networking domain. Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) is solitary most appealing, alluring and challenging field where in the participating nodes do not require any active, existing and centralized system or rigid infrastructure for execution purpose and thus nodes have the moving capability on arbitrary basis. Radio range nodes directly communicate with each other through the wireless links whereas outside range nodes uses relay principle for communication. Though it is a rigid infrastructure less environment and has high growth rate but security is a major concern and becomes vital part of providing hostile free environment for communication. The MANET imposes several prominent challenges such as limited energy reserve, resource constraints, highly dynamic topology, sharing of wireless medium, energy inefficiency, recharging of the batteries etc. These challenges bound to make MANET more susceptible, more close to attacks and weak unlike the wired line networks. Theresearch paperismainly focused on two aspects, one is computation termination of cluster head algorithm and another is use of finite state machine for attacks identification.

Huang, Y., Wang, W., Wang, Y., Jiang, T., Zhang, Q..  2020.  Lightweight Sybil-Resilient Multi-Robot Networks by Multipath Manipulation. IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :2185–2193.

Wireless networking opens up many opportunities to facilitate miniaturized robots in collaborative tasks, while the openness of wireless medium exposes robots to the threats of Sybil attackers, who can break the fundamental trust assumption in robotic collaboration by forging a large number of fictitious robots. Recent advances advocate the adoption of bulky multi-antenna systems to passively obtain fine-grained physical layer signatures, rendering them unaffordable to miniaturized robots. To overcome this conundrum, this paper presents ScatterID, a lightweight system that attaches featherlight and batteryless backscatter tags to single-antenna robots to defend against Sybil attacks. Instead of passively "observing" signatures, ScatterID actively "manipulates" multipath propagation by using backscatter tags to intentionally create rich multipath features obtainable to a single-antenna robot. These features are used to construct a distinct profile to detect the real signal source, even when the attacker is mobile and power-scaling. We implement ScatterID on the iRobot Create platform and evaluate it in typical indoor and outdoor environments. The experimental results show that our system achieves a high AUROC of 0.988 and an overall accuracy of 96.4% for identity verification.

Zhang, Kewang, Zahng, Qiong.  2018.  Preserve Location Privacy for Cyber-Physical Systems with Addresses Hashing at Data Link Layer. 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 4th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :1028–1032.
Due to their low complexity and robustness in nature, wireless sensor networks are a key component in cyber-physical system. The integration of wireless sensor network in cyber-physical system provides immense benefits in distributed controlled environment. However, the open nature of the wireless medium makes resource-constrained WSN vulnerable to unauthorized interception and detection. Privacy is becoming one of the major issues that jeopardize the successful deployment of WSN. In this paper, we propose a scheme named HASHA to provide location privacy. Different from previous approaches, HASHA protect nodes' location privacy at data link layer. It is well known that payload at data link layer frame is well protected through cryptosystem, but addresses at data link layer leaves unprotected. The adversaries can identify nodes in the network easily by capturing frames and check the source and destination addresses. If both addresses are well protected and unknown to the adversaries, they cannot identify nodes of the targeted networks, rendering it very difficult to launch traffic analysis and locate subjects. Simulation and analytical results demonstrate that our scheme provides stronger privacy protection and requires much less energy.
Rmayti, M., Begriche, Y., Khatoun, R., Khoukhi, L., Mammeri, A..  2018.  Graph-based wormhole attack detection in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). 2018 Fourth International Conference on Mobile and Secure Services (MobiSecServ). :1–6.

A Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a set of nodes that communicate together in a cooperative way using the wireless medium, and without any central administration. Due to its inherent open nature and the lack of infrastructure, security is a complicated issue compared to other networks. That is, these networks are vulnerable to a a wide range of attacks at different network layers. At the network level, malicious nodes can perform several attacks ranging from passive eavesdropping to active interfering. Wormhole is an example of severe attack that has attracted much attention recently. It involves the redirection of traffic between two end-nodes through a Wormhole tunnel, and manipulates the routing algorithm to give illusion that nodes located far from each other are neighbors. To handle with this issue, we propose a novel detection model to allow a node to check whether a presumed shortest path contains a Wormhole tunnel or not. Our approach is based on the fact that the Wormhole tunnel reduces significantly the length of the paths passing through it.

Samudrala, A. N., Blum, R. S..  2017.  Asymptotic Analysis of a New Low Complexity Encryption Approach for the Internet of Things, Smart Cities and Smart Grid. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC). :200–204.

Parameter estimation in wireless sensor networks (WSN) using encrypted non-binary quantized data is studied. In a WSN, sensors transmit their observations to a fusion center through a wireless medium where the observations are susceptible to unauthorized eavesdropping. Encryption approaches for WSNs with fixed threshold binary quantization were previously explored. However, fixed threshold binary quantization limits parameter estimation to scalar parameters. In this paper, we propose a stochastic encryption approach for WSNs that can operate on non-binary quantized observations and has the capability for vector parameter estimation. We extend a binary stochastic encryption approach proposed previously, to a non-binary generalized case. Sensor outputs are quantized using a quantizer with R + 1 levels, where R $ε$ 1, 2, 3,..., encrypted by flipping them with certain flipping probabilities, and then transmitted. Optimal estimators using maximum-likelihood estimation are derived for both a legitimate fusion center (LFC) and a third party fusion center (TPFC) perspectives. We assume the TPFC is unaware of the encryption. Asymptotic analysis of the estimators is performed by deriving the Cramer-Rao lower bound for LFC estimation, and the asymptotic bias and variance for TPFC estimation. Numerical results validating the asymptotic analysis are presented.

Van Vaerenbergh, S., González, O., Vía, J., Santamaría, I..  2014.  Physical layer authentication based on channel response tracking using Gaussian processes. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :2410-2414.

Physical-layer authentication techniques exploit the unique properties of the wireless medium to enhance traditional higher-level authentication procedures. We propose to reduce the higher-level authentication overhead by using a state-of-the-art multi-target tracking technique based on Gaussian processes. The proposed technique has the additional advantage that it is capable of automatically learning the dynamics of the trusted user's channel response and the time-frequency fingerprint of intruders. Numerical simulations show very low intrusion rates, and an experimental validation using a wireless test bed with programmable radios demonstrates the technique's effectiveness.

Van Vaerenbergh, S., González, O., Vía, J., Santamaría, I..  2014.  Physical layer authentication based on channel response tracking using Gaussian processes. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :2410-2414.

Physical-layer authentication techniques exploit the unique properties of the wireless medium to enhance traditional higher-level authentication procedures. We propose to reduce the higher-level authentication overhead by using a state-of-the-art multi-target tracking technique based on Gaussian processes. The proposed technique has the additional advantage that it is capable of automatically learning the dynamics of the trusted user's channel response and the time-frequency fingerprint of intruders. Numerical simulations show very low intrusion rates, and an experimental validation using a wireless test bed with programmable radios demonstrates the technique's effectiveness.