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Fahrianto, Feri, Kamiyama, Noriaki.  2021.  The Dual-Channel IP-to-NDN Translation Gateway. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN). :1–2.
The co-existence between Internet Protocol (IP) and Named-Data Networking (NDN) protocol is inevitable during the transition period. We propose a privacy-preserving translation method between IP and NDN called the dual-channel translation gateway. The gateway provides two different channels dedicated to the interest and the data packet to translate the IP to the NDN protocol and vice versa. Additionally, the name resolution table is provided at the gateway that binds an IP packet securely with a prefix name. Moreover, we compare the dual-channel gateway performance with the encapsulation gateway.
Ashihara, Takakazu, Kamiyama, Noriaki.  2021.  Detecting Cache Pollution Attacks Using Bloom Filter. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN). :1—6.
To provide web browsing and video streaming services with desirable quality, cache servers have been widely used to deliver digital data to users from locations close to users. For example, in the MEC (mobile edge computing), cache memories are provided at base stations of 5G cellular networks to reduce the traffic load in the backhaul networks. Cache servers are also connected to many edge routers in the CDN (content delivery network), and they are provided at routers in the ICN (information-centric networking). However, the cache pollution attack (CPA) which degrades the cache hit ratio by intentionally sending many requests to non-popular contents will be a serious threat in the cache networks. Quickly detecting the CPA hosts and protecting the cache servers is important to effectively utilize the cache resources. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a method of accurately detecting the CPA hosts using a limited amount of memory resources. The proposed method is based on a Bloom filter using the combination of identifiers of host and content as keys. We also propose to use two Bloom filters in parallel to continuously detect CPA hosts. Through numerical evaluations, we show that the proposed method suppresses the degradation of the cache hit ratio caused by the CPA while avoiding the false identification of legitimate hosts.
Masuda, Hiroki, Kita, Kentaro, Koizumi, Yuki, Takemasa, Junji, Hasegawa, Toru.  2021.  Model Fragmentation, Shuffle and Aggregation to Mitigate Model Inversion in Federated Learning. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN). :1–6.
Federated learning is a privacy-preserving learning system where participants locally update a shared model with their own training data. Despite the advantage that training data are not sent to a server, there is still a risk that a state-of-the-art model inversion attack, which may be conducted by the server, infers training data from the models updated by the participants, referred to as individual models. A solution to prevent such attacks is differential privacy, where each participant adds noise to the individual model before sending it to the server. Differential privacy, however, sacrifices the quality of the shared model in compensation for the fact that participants' training data are not leaked. This paper proposes a federated learning system that is resistant to model inversion attacks without sacrificing the quality of the shared model. The core idea is that each participant divides the individual model into model fragments, shuffles, and aggregates them to prevent adversaries from inferring training data. The other benefit of the proposed system is that the resulting shared model is identical to the shared model generated with the naive federated learning.
Perello, Jordi, Lopez, Albert, Careglio, Davide.  2019.  Experimenting with Real Application-specific QoS Guarantees in a Large-scale RINA Demonstrator. 2019 22nd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops (ICIN). :31–36.
This paper reports the definition, setup and obtained results of the Fed4FIRE + medium experiment ERASER, aimed to evaluate the actual Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees that the clean-slate Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA) can deliver to heterogeneous applications at large-scale. To this goal, a 37-Node 5G metro/regional RINA network scenario, spanning from the end-user to the server where applications run in a datacenter has been configured in the Virtual Wall experimentation facility. This scenario has initially been loaded with synthetic application traffic flows, with diverse QoS requirements, thus reproducing different network load conditions. Next,their experienced QoS metrics end-to-end have been measured with two different QTA-Mux (i.e., the most accepted candidate scheduling policy for providing RINA with its QoS support) deployment scenarios. Moreover, on this RINA network scenario loaded with synthetic application traffic flows, a real HD (1080p) video streaming demonstration has also been conducted, setting up video streaming sessions to end-users at different network locations, illustrating the perceived Quality of Experience (QoE). Obtained results in ERASER disclose that, by appropriately deploying and configuring QTA-Mux, RINA can yield effective QoS support, which has provided perfect QoE in almost all locations in our demo when assigning video traffic flows the highest (i.e., Gold) QoS Cube.
Shapiro, Jeffrey H., Boroson, Don M., Dixon, P. Ben, Grein, Matthew E., Hamilton, Scott A..  2019.  Quantum Low Probability of Intercept. 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). :1—2.

Quantum low probability of intercept transmits ciphertext in a way that prevents an eavesdropper possessing the decryption key from recovering the plaintext. It is capable of Gbps communication rates on optical fiber over metropolitan-area distances.

de Andrade Bragagnolle, Thiago, Pereira Nogueira, Marcelo, de Oliveira Santos, Melissa, do Prado, Afonso José, Ferreira, André Alves, de Mello Fagotto, Eric Alberto, Aldaya, Ivan, Abbade, Marcelo Luís Francisco.  2019.  All-Optical Spectral Shuffling of Signals Traveling through Different Optical Routes. 2019 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). :1–4.
A recent proposed physical layer encryption technique uses an all-optical setup based on spatial light modulators to split two or more wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) signals in several spectral slices and to shuffle these slices. As a result, eavesdroppers aimed to recover information from a single target signal need to handle all the signals involved in the shuffling process. In this work, computer simulations are used to analyse the case where the shuffled signals propagate through different optical routes. From a security point of view, this is an interesting possibility because it obliges eavesdroppers to tap different optical fibres/ cables. On the other hand, each shuffled signal experiences different physical impairments and the deleterious consequences of these effects must be carefully investigated. Our results indicate that, in a metropolitan area network environment, penalties caused by attenuation and dispersion differences may be easily compensated with digital signal processing algorithms that are presently deployed.
[Anonymous].  2014.  ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard for Information technology – Telecommunications and information exchange between systems – Local and metropolitan area networks – Part 1AR: Secure device identity. ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AR:2014(E). :1-82.

A secure device identifier (DevID) is cryptographically bound to a device and supports authentication of the devices identity. Locally significant identities can be securely associated with an initial manufacturer-provisioned DevID and used in provisioning and authentication protocols toallow a network administrator to establish the trustworthiness of a device and select appropriate policies for transmission and reception of data and control protocols to and from the device.