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Singh, P., Saroj, S. K..  2020.  A Secure Data Dynamics and Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud Storage. 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). :695–700.
Cloud computing is an evolving technology that provides data storage and highly fast computing services at a very low cost. All data stored in the cloud is handled by their cloud service providers or the caretaker of the cloud. The data owner is concerned about the authenticity and reliability of the data stored in the cloud as the data owners. Data can be misappropriated or altered by any unauthorized user or person. This paper desire to suggest a secure public auditing scheme applying third party auditors to authenticate the privacy, reliability, and integrity of data stored in the cloud. This proposed auditing scheme composes the use of the AES-256 algorithm for encryption, SHA-512 for integrity check and RSA-15360 for public-key encryption. And perform data dynamics operation which deals with mostly insertion, deletion, and, modification.
Chen, Z., Chen, J., Meng, W..  2020.  A New Dynamic Conditional Proxy Broadcast Re-Encryption Scheme for Cloud Storage and Sharing. 2020 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :569–576.
Security of cloud storage and sharing is concerned for years since a semi-trusted party, Cloud Server Provider (CSP), has access to user data on cloud server that may leak users' private data without constraint. Intuitively, an efficient solution of protecting cloud data is to encrypt it before uploading to the cloud server. However, a new requirement, data sharing, makes it difficult to manage secret keys among data owners and target users. Therefore conditional proxy broadcast re-encryption technology (CPBRE) is proposed in recent years to provide data encryption and sharing approaches for cloud environment. It enables a data owner to upload encrypted data to the cloud server and a third party proxy can re-encrypted cloud data under certain condition to a new ciphertext so that target users can decrypt re-encrypted data using their own private key. But few CPBRE schemes are applicable for a dynamic cloud environment. In this paper, we propose a new dynamic conditional proxy broadcast reencryption scheme that can be dynamic in system user setting and target user group. The initialization phase does not require a fixed system user setup so that users can join or leave the system in any time. And data owner can dynamically change the group of user he wants to share data with. We also provide security analysis which proves our scheme to be secure against CSP, and performance analysis shows that our scheme exceeds other schemes in terms of functionality and resource cost.
Navya, J M, Sanjay, H A, Deepika, KM.  2018.  Securing smart grid data under key exposure and revocation in cloud computing. 2018 3rd International Conference on Circuits, Control, Communication and Computing (I4C). :1—4.
Smart grid systems data has been exposed to several threats and attacks from different perspectives and have resulted in several system failures. Obtaining security of data and key exposure and enhancing system ability in data collection and transmission process are challenging, on the grounds smart grid data is sensitive and enormous sum. In this paper we introduce smart grid data security method along with advanced Cipher text policy attribute based encryption (CP-ABE). Cloud supported IoT is widely used in smart grid systems. Smart IoT devices collect data and perform status management. Data obtained from the IOT devices will be divided into blocks and encrypted data will be stored in different cloud server with different encrypted keys even when one cloud server is assaulted and encrypted key is exposed data cannot be decrypted, thereby the transmission and encryption process are done in correspondingly. We protect access-tree structure information even after the data is shared to user by solving revocation problem in which cloud will inform data owner to revoke and update encryption key after user has downloaded the data, which preserves the data privacy from unauthorized users. The analysis of the system concludes that our proposed system can meet the security requirements in smart grid systems along with cloud-Internet of things.
Chegenizadeh, Mostafa, Ali, Mohammad, Mohajeri, Javad, Aref, Mohammad Reza.  2019.  An Anonymous Attribute-based Access Control System Supporting Access Structure Update. 2019 16th International ISC (Iranian Society of Cryptology) Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC). :85–91.
It is quite common nowadays for clients to outsource their personal data to a cloud service provider. However, it causes some new challenges in the area of data confidentiality and access control. Attribute-based encryption is a promising solution for providing confidentiality and fine-grained access control in a cloud-based cryptographic system. Moreover, in some cases, to preserve the privacy of clients and data, applying hidden access structures is required. Also, a data owner should be able to update his defined access structure at any time when he is online or not. As in several real-world application scenarios like e-health systems, the anonymity of recipients, and the possibility of updating access structures are two necessary requirements. In this paper, for the first time, we propose an attribute-based access control scheme with hidden access structures enabling the cloud to update access structures on expiry dates defined by a data owner.
Banerjee, Rupam, Chattopadhyay, Arup Kumar, Nag, Amitava, Bose, Kaushik.  2019.  A Nobel Cryptosystem for Group Data Sharing in Cloud Storage. 2019 IEEE 9th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :0728–0731.
The biggest challenge of sharing data stored in cloud-storage is privacy-preservation. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective solution for enforcing the security of private data stored in some cloud storage for sharing. We consider an environment where even if the cloud service provider is not-reliable or is compromised, our data still remain secure. The data Owner encrypts the private files using a secret key, file identifier and hash function and then uploads the cipher text files to the cloud. When a Data user requests access to a file, the owner establishes a key with the user and creates a new key, which is sent to the user. The user can then extract the original key by using the mutually established secret key and use it to decrypt the encrypted file. Thus we propose a system which is computationally simple yet provides a secure mechanism for sharing private data even over an untrusted cloud service provider.
Lv, Jixian, Wang, Yi, Liu, Jinze.  2019.  A Security Problem in Cloud Auditing Protocols. 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data and Business Intelligence (MLBDBI). :43–46.
In 2013, subversion attack comes to publity again by Mikhail Bellare, who was inspired by PRISM. In this work, we implement this kind of attack on cloud auditing protocols. We show that through subversion attacks, the cloud server can recover the secret information stored by the data owner. Especially, First, we set a general frame of data auditing protocols. This model forms a basic security model of auditing protocols. Then we give a security model of attacker. Finally, we put forward some popular auditing protocols which can be subverted.
Shehu, Abubakar-Sadiq, Pinto, António, Correia, Manuel E..  2019.  Privacy Preservation and Mandate Representation in Identity Management Systems. 2019 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). :1–6.
The growth in Internet usage has increased the use of electronic services requiring users to register their identity on each service they subscribe to. This has resulted in the prevalence of redundant users data on different services. To protect and regulate access by users to these services identity management systems (IdMs)are put in place. IdMs uses frameworks and standards e.g SAML, OAuth and Shibboleth to manage digital identities of users for identification and authentication process for a service provider. However, current IdMs have not been able to address privacy issues (unauthorised and fine-grained access)that relate to protecting users identity and private data on web services. Many implementations of these frameworks are only concerned with the identification and authentication process of users but not authorisation. They mostly give full control of users digital identities and data to identity and service providers with less or no users participation. This results in a less privacy enhanced solutions that manage users available data in the electronic space. This article proposes a user-centred mandate representation system that empowers resource owners to take full of their digital data; determine and delegate access rights using their mobile phone. Thereby giving users autonomous powers on their resources to grant access to authenticated entities at their will. Our solution is based on the OpenID Connect framework for authorisation service. To evaluate the proposal, we've compared it with some related works and the privacy requirements yardstick outlined in GDPR regulation [1] and [2]. Compared to other systems that use OAuth 2.0 or SAML our solution uses an additional layer of security, where data owner assumes full control over the disclosure of their identity data through an assertion issued from their mobile phones to authorisation server (AS), which in turn issues an access token. This would enable data owners to assert the authenticity of a request, while service providers and requestors also benefit from the correctness and freshness of identity data disclosed to them.
De Capitani di Vimercati, Sabrina, Foresti, Sara, Livraga, Giovanni, Samarati, Pierangela.  2019.  Empowering Owners with Control in Digital Data Markets. 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). :321–328.

We propose an approach for allowing data owners to trade their data in digital data market scenarios, while keeping control over them. Our solution is based on a combination of selective encryption and smart contracts deployed on a blockchain, and ensures that only authorized users who paid an agreed amount can access a data item. We propose a safe interaction protocol for regulating the interplay between a data owner and subjects wishing to purchase (a subset of) her data, and an audit process for counteracting possible misbehaviors by any of the interacting parties. Our solution aims to make a step towards the realization of data market platforms where owners can benefit from trading their data while maintaining control.

Li, S., Wang, F., Shi, T., Kuang, J..  2019.  Probably Secure Multi-User Multi-Keyword Searchable Encryption Scheme in Cloud Storage. 2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). :1368-1372.

Searchable encryption server protects privacal data of data owner from leaks. This paper analyzes the security of a multi-user searchable encryption scheme and points out that this scheme does not satisfy the invisibility of trapdoors. In order to improve the security of the original scheme, this paper proposes a probably secure multi-user multi-keyword searchable encryption scheme. New secheme not only ensures the confidentiality of the cipher text keyword, but also does not increase the encryption workload of the data owner when the new data user joins. In the random oracle model, based on the hard problem of decisional Diffie-Hellman, it is proved that the scheme has trapdoor indistinguishability. In the end, obtained by the simulation program to achieve a new computationally efficient communication at low cost.

Suwansrikham, P., She, K..  2018.  Asymmetric Secure Storage Scheme for Big Data on Multiple Cloud Providers. 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). :121-125.

Recently, cloud computing is an emerging technology along with big data. Both technologies come together. Due to the enormous size of data in big data, it is impossible to store them in local storage. Alternatively, even we want to store them locally, we have to spend much money to create bit data center. One way to save money is store big data in cloud storage service. Cloud storage service provides users space and security to store the file. However, relying on single cloud storage may cause trouble for the customer. CSP may stop its service anytime. It is too risky if data owner hosts his file only single CSP. Also, the CSP is the third party that user have to trust without verification. After deploying his file to CSP, the user does not know who access his file. Even CSP provides a security mechanism to prevent outsider attack. However, how user ensure that there is no insider attack to steal or corrupt the file. This research proposes the way to minimize the risk, ensure data privacy, also accessing control. The big data file is split into chunks and distributed to multiple cloud storage provider. Even there is insider attack; the attacker gets only part of the file. He cannot reconstruct the whole file. After splitting the file, metadata is generated. Metadata is a place to keep chunk information, includes, chunk locations, access path, username and password of data owner to connect each CSP. Asymmetric security concept is applied to this research. The metadata will be encrypted and transfer to the user who requests to access the file. The file accessing, monitoring, metadata transferring is functions of dew computing which is an intermediate server between the users and cloud service.

Yasumura, Y., Imabayashi, H., Yamana, H..  2018.  Attribute-based proxy re-encryption method for revocation in cloud storage: Reduction of communication cost at re-encryption. 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Big Data Analysis (ICBDA). :312–318.
In recent years, many users have uploaded data to the cloud for easy storage and sharing with other users. At the same time, security and privacy concerns for the data are growing. Attribute-based encryption (ABE) enables both data security and access control by defining users with attributes so that only those users who have matching attributes can decrypt them. For real-world applications of ABE, revocation of users or their attributes is necessary so that revoked users can no longer decrypt the data. In actual implementations, ABE is used in hybrid with a symmetric encryption scheme such as the advanced encryption standard (AES) where data is encrypted with AES and the AES key is encrypted with ABE. The hybrid encryption scheme requires re-encryption of the data upon revocation to ensure that the revoked users can no longer decrypt that data. To re-encrypt the data, the data owner (DO) must download the data from the cloud, then decrypt, encrypt, and upload the data back to the cloud, resulting in both huge communication costs and computational burden on the DO depending on the size of the data to be re-encrypted. In this paper, we propose an attribute-based proxy re-encryption method in which data can be re-encrypted in the cloud without downloading any data by adopting both ABE and Syalim's encryption scheme. Our proposed scheme reduces the communication cost between the DO and cloud storage. Experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the communication cost by as much as one quarter compared to that of the trivial solution.
Thilakanathan, D., Calvo, R.A., Shiping Chen, Nepal, S., Dongxi Liu, Zic, J..  2014.  Secure Multiparty Data Sharing in the Cloud Using Hardware-Based TPM Devices. Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2014 IEEE 7th International Conference on. :224-231.

The trend towards Cloud computing infrastructure has increased the need for new methods that allow data owners to share their data with others securely taking into account the needs of multiple stakeholders. The data owner should be able to share confidential data while delegating much of the burden of access control management to the Cloud and trusted enterprises. The lack of such methods to enhance privacy and security may hinder the growth of cloud computing. In particular, there is a growing need to better manage security keys of data shared in the Cloud. BYOD provides a first step to enabling secure and efficient key management, however, the data owner cannot guarantee that the data consumers device itself is secure. Furthermore, in current methods the data owner cannot revoke a particular data consumer or group efficiently. In this paper, we address these issues by incorporating a hardware-based Trusted Platform Module (TPM) mechanism called the Trusted Extension Device (TED) together with our security model and protocol to allow stronger privacy of data compared to software-based security protocols. We demonstrate the concept of using TED for stronger protection and management of cryptographic keys and how our secure data sharing protocol will allow a data owner (e.g, author) to securely store data via untrusted Cloud services. Our work prevents keys to be stolen by outsiders and/or dishonest authorised consumers, thus making it particularly attractive to be implemented in a real-world scenario.