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Information Security Protection of Power System Computer Network. 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC). :1226–1229.
2021. With the reform of the power market(PM), various power applications based on computer networks have also developed. As a network application system supporting the operation of the PM, the technical support system(TSS) of the PM has become increasingly important for its network information security(NIS). The purpose of this article is to study the security protection of computer network information in power systems. This paper proposes an identity authentication algorithm based on digital signatures to verify the legitimacy of system user identities; on the basis of PMI, according to the characteristics of PM access control, a role-based access control model with time and space constraints is proposed, and a role-based access control model is designed. The access control algorithm based on the attribute certificate is used to manage the user's authority. Finally, according to the characteristics of the electricity market data, the data security transmission algorithm is designed and the feasibility is verified. This paper presents the supporting platform for the security test and evaluation of the network information system, and designs the subsystem and its architecture of the security situation assessment (TSSA) and prediction, and then designs the key technologies in this process in detail. This paper implements the subsystem of security situation assessment and prediction, and uses this subsystem to combine with other subsystems in the support platform to perform experiments, and finally adopts multiple manifestations, and the trend of the system's security status the graph is presented to users intuitively. Experimental studies have shown that the residual risks in the power system after implementing risk measures in virtual mode can reduce the risk value of the power system to a fairly low level by implementing only three reinforcement schemes.
Improvement of information System Audit to Deal With Network Information Security. 2020 International Conference on Communications, Information System and Computer Engineering (CISCE). :93–96.
2020. With the rapid development of information technology and the increasing popularity of information and communication technology, the information age has come. Enterprises must adapt to changes in the times, introduce network and computer technologies in a timely manner, and establish more efficient and reasonable information systems and platforms. Large-scale information system construction is inseparable from related audit work, and network security risks have become an important part of information system audit concerns. This paper analyzes the objectives and contents of information system audits under the background of network information security through theoretical analysis, and on this basis, proposes how the IS audit work will be carried out.
APDPk-Means: A New Differential Privacy Clustering Algorithm Based on Arithmetic Progression Privacy Budget Allocation. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :1737–1742.
2019. How to protect users' private data during network data mining has become a hot issue in the fields of big data and network information security. Most current researches on differential privacy k-means clustering algorithms focus on optimizing the selection of initial centroids. However, the traditional privacy budget allocation has the problem that the random noise becomes too large as the number of iterations increases, which will reduce the performance of data clustering. To solve the problem, we improved the way of privacy budget allocation in differentially private clustering algorithm DPk-means, and proposed APDPk-means, a new differential privacy clustering algorithm based on arithmetic progression privacy budget allocation. APDPk-means decomposes the total privacy budget into a decreasing arithmetic progression, allocating the privacy budgets from large to small in the iterative process, so as to ensure the rapid convergence in early iteration. The experiment results show that compared with the other differentially private k-means algorithms, APDPk-means has better performance in availability and quality of the clustering result under the same level of privacy protection.