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Zhou, X..  2020.  Improvement of information System Audit to Deal With Network Information Security. 2020 International Conference on Communications, Information System and Computer Engineering (CISCE). :93–96.
With the rapid development of information technology and the increasing popularity of information and communication technology, the information age has come. Enterprises must adapt to changes in the times, introduce network and computer technologies in a timely manner, and establish more efficient and reasonable information systems and platforms. Large-scale information system construction is inseparable from related audit work, and network security risks have become an important part of information system audit concerns. This paper analyzes the objectives and contents of information system audits under the background of network information security through theoretical analysis, and on this basis, proposes how the IS audit work will be carried out.
Fan, W., Chang, S.-Y., Emery, S., Zhou, X..  2020.  Blockchain-based Distributed Banking for Permissioned and Accountable Financial Transaction Processing. 2020 29th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN). :1—9.

Distributed banking platforms and services forgo centralized banks to process financial transactions. For example, M-Pesa provides distributed banking service in the developing regions so that the people without a bank account can deposit, withdraw, or transfer money. The current distributed banking systems lack the transparency in monitoring and tracking of distributed banking transactions and thus do not support auditing of distributed banking transactions for accountability. To address this issue, this paper proposes a blockchain-based distributed banking (BDB) scheme, which uses blockchain technology to leverage its built-in properties to record and track immutable transactions. BDB supports distributed financial transaction processing but is significantly different from cryptocurrencies in its design properties, simplicity, and computational efficiency. We implement a prototype of BDB using smart contract and conduct experiments to show BDB's effectiveness and performance. We further compare our prototype with the Ethereum cryptocurrency to highlight the fundamental differences and demonstrate the BDB's superior computational efficiency.

Zhu, L., Zhou, X., Zhang, X..  2020.  A Reversible Meaningful Image Encryption Scheme Based on Block Compressive Sensing. 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP). :326–330.
An efficient and reversible meaningful image encryption scheme is proposed in this paper. The plain image is first compressed and encrypted simultaneously by Adaptive Block Compressive Sensing (ABCS) framework to create a noise-like secret image. Next, Least Significant Bit (LSB) embedding is employed to embed the secret image into a carrier image to generate the final meaningful cipher image. In this scheme, ABCS improves the compression and efficiency performance, and the embedding and extraction operations are absolutely reversible. The simulation results and security analyses are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness, compression, secrecy of the proposed scheme.
Cheng, D., Zhou, X., Ding, Z., Wang, Y., Ji, M..  2019.  Heterogeneity Aware Workload Management in Distributed Sustainable Datacenters. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 30:375–387.
The tremendous growth of cloud computing and large-scale data analytics highlight the importance of reducing datacenter power consumption and environmental impact of brown energy. While many Internet service operators have at least partially powered their datacenters by green energy, it is challenging to effectively utilize green energy due to the intermittency of renewable sources, such as solar or wind. We find that the geographical diversity of internet-scale services can be carefully scheduled to improve the efficiency of applying green energy in datacenters. In this paper, we propose a holistic heterogeneity-aware cloud workload management approach, sCloud, that aims to maximize the system goodput in distributed self-sustainable datacenters. sCloud adaptively places the transactional workload to distributed datacenters, allocates the available resource to heterogeneous workloads in each datacenter, and migrates batch jobs across datacenters, while taking into account the green power availability and QoS requirements. We formulate the transactional workload placement as a constrained optimization problem that can be solved by nonlinear programming. Then, we propose a batch job migration algorithm to further improve the system goodput when the green power supply varies widely at different locations. Finally, we extend sCloud by integrating a flexible batch job manager to dynamically control the job execution progress without violating the deadlines. We have implemented sCloud in a university cloud testbed with real-world weather conditions and workload traces. Experimental results demonstrate sCloud can achieve near-to-optimal system performance while being resilient to dynamic power availability. sCloud with the flexible batch job management approach outperforms a heterogeneity-oblivious approach by 37 percent in improving system goodput and 33 percent in reducing QoS violations.
Li, W., Zhu, H., Zhou, X., Shimizu, S., Xin, M., Jin, Q..  2018.  A Novel Personalized Recommendation Algorithm Based on Trust Relevancy Degree. 2018 IEEE 16th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 16th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 4th Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress(DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech). :418–422.
The rapid development of the Internet and ecommerce has brought a lot of convenience to people's life. Personalized recommendation technology provides users with services that they may be interested according to users' information such as personal characteristics and historical behaviors. The research of personalized recommendation has been a hot point of data mining and social networks. In this paper, we focus on resolving the problem of data sparsity based on users' rating data and social network information, introduce a set of new measures for social trust and propose a novel personalized recommendation algorithm based on matrix factorization combining trust relevancy. Our experiments were performed on the Dianping datasets. The results show that our algorithm outperforms traditional approaches in terms of accuracy and stability.
Lu, X., Guan, Z., Zhou, X., Du, X., Wu, L., Guizani, M..  2019.  A Secure and Efficient Renewable Energy Trading Scheme Based on Blockchain in Smart Grid. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :1839—1844.
Nowadays, with the diversification and decentralization of energy systems, the energy Internet makes it possible to interconnect distributed energy sources and consumers. In the energy trading market, the traditional centralized model relies entirely on trusted third parties. However, as the number of entities involved in the transactions grows and the forms of transactions diversify, the centralized model gradually exposes problems such as insufficient scalability, High energy consumption, and low processing efficiency. To address these challenges, we propose a secure and efficient energy renewable trading scheme based on blockchain. In our scheme, the electricity market trading model is divided into two levels, which can not only protect the privacy, but also achieve a green computing. In addition, in order to adapt to the relatively weak computing power of the underlying equipment in smart grid, we design a credibility-based equity proof mechanism to greatly improve the system availability. Compared with other similar distributed energy trading schemes, we prove the advantages of our scheme in terms of high operational efficiency and low computational overhead through experimental evaluations. Additionally, we conduct a detailed security analysis to demonstrate that our solution meets the security requirements.
Zhou, X., Lu, Y., Wang, Y., Yan, X..  2018.  Overview on Moving Target Network Defense. 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC). :821–827.
Moving Target Defense (MTD) is a research hotspot in the field of network security. Moving Target Network Defense (MTND) is the implementation of MTD at network level. Numerous related works have been proposed in the field of MTND. In this paper, we focus on the scope and area of MTND, systematically present the recent representative progress from four aspects, including IP address and port mutation, route mutation, fingerprint mutation and multiple mutation, and put forward the future development directions. Several new perspectives and elucidations on MTND are rendered.
Yao, Y., Xiao, B., Wu, G., Liu, X., Yu, Z., Zhang, K., Zhou, X..  2017.  Voiceprint: A Novel Sybil Attack Detection Method Based on RSSI for VANETs. 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :591–602.

Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) enable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications that bring many benefits and conveniences to improve the road safety and drive comfort in future transportation systems. Sybil attack is considered one of the most risky threats in VANETs since a Sybil attacker can generate multiple fake identities with false messages to severely impair the normal functions of safety-related applications. In this paper, we propose a novel Sybil attack detection method based on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), Voiceprint, to conduct a widely applicable, lightweight and full-distributed detection for VANETs. To avoid the inaccurate position estimation according to predefined radio propagation models in previous RSSI-based detection methods, Voiceprint adopts the RSSI time series as the vehicular speech and compares the similarity among all received time series. Voiceprint does not rely on any predefined radio propagation model, and conducts independent detection without the support of the centralized infrastructure. It has more accurate detection rate in different dynamic environments. Extensive simulations and real-world experiments demonstrate that the proposed Voiceprint is an effective method considering the cost, complexity and performance.

Zheng, P., Chen, B., Lu, X., Zhou, X..  2017.  Privacy-utility trade-off for smart meter data considering tracing household power usage. 2017 IEEE 2nd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). :939–943.

As the key component of the smart grid, smart meters fill in the gap between electrical utilities and household users. Todays smart meters are capable of collecting household power information in real-time, providing precise power dispatching control services for electrical utilities and informing real-time power price for users, which significantly improve the user experiences. However, the use of data also brings a concern about privacy leakage and the trade-off between data usability and user privacy becomes an vital problem. Existing works propose privacy-utility trade-off frameworks against statistical inference attack. However, these algorithms are basing on distorted data, and will produce cumulative errors when tracing household power usage and lead to false power state estimation, mislead dispatching control, and become an obstacle for practical application. Furthermore, previous works consider power usage as discrete variables in their optimization problems while realistic smart meter data is continuous variable. In this paper, we propose a mechanism to estimate the trade-off between utility and privacy on a continuous time-series distorted dataset, where we extend previous optimization problems to continuous variables version. Experiments results on smart meter dataset reveal that the proposed mechanism is able to prevent inference to sensitive appliances, preserve insensitive appliances, as well as permit electrical utilities to trace household power usage periodically efficiently.

Zhou, X., Yao, X., Li, H., Ma, J..  2017.  A bisectional multivariate quadratic equation system for RFID anti-counterfeiting. 2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA). :19–23.

This paper proposes a novel scheme for RFID anti-counterfeiting by applying bisectional multivariate quadratic equations (BMQE) system into an RF tag data encryption. In the key generation process, arbitrarily choose two matrix sets (denoted as A and B) and a base Rab such that [AB] = λRABT, and generate 2n BMQ polynomials (denoted as p) over finite field Fq. Therefore, (Fq, p) is taken as a public key and (A, B, λ) as a private key. In the encryption process, the EPC code is hashed into a message digest dm. Then dm is padded to d'm which is a non-zero 2n×2n matrix over Fq. With (A, B, λ) and d'm, Sm is formed as an n-vector over F2. Unlike the existing anti-counterfeit scheme, the one we proposed is based on quantum cryptography, thus it is robust enough to resist the existing attacks and has high security.

Shahzad, K., Zhou, X., Yan, S..  2017.  Covert Communication in Fading Channels under Channel Uncertainty. 2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring). :1–5.

A covert communication system under block fading channels is considered, where users experience uncertainty about their channel knowledge. The transmitter seeks to hide the covert communication to a private user by exploiting a legitimate public communication link, while the warden tries to detect this covert communication by using a radiometer. We derive the exact expression for the radiometer's optimal threshold, which determines the performance limit of the warden's detector. Furthermore, for given transmission outage constraints, the achievable rates for legitimate and covert users are analyzed, while maintaining a specific level of covertness. Our numerical results illustrate how the achievable performance is affected by the channel uncertainty and required level of covertness.

Yao, X., Zhou, X., Ma, J..  2015.  Object event visibility for anti-counterfeiting in RFID-enabled product supply chains. 2015 Science and Information Conference (SAI). :141–150.

RFID-enabled product supply chain visibility is usually implemented by building up a view of the product history of its activities starting from manufacturing or even earlier with a dynamically updated e-pedigree for track-and-trace, which is examined and authenticated at each node of the supply chain for data consistence with the pre-defined one. However, while effectively reducing the risk of fakes, this visibility can't guarantee that the product is authentic without taking further security measures. To the best of our knowledge, this requires deeper understandings on associations of object events with the counterfeiting activities, which is unfortunately left blank. In this paper, the taxonomy of counterfeiting possibilities is initially developed and analyzed, the structure of EPC-based events is then re-examined, and an object-centric coding mechanism is proposed to construct the object-based event “pedigree” for such event exception detection and inference. On this basis, the system architecture framework to achieve the objectivity of object event visibility for anti-counterfeiting is presented, which is also applicable to other aspects of supply chain management.