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Hutto, Kevin, Mooney, Vincent J..  2021.  Sensing with Random Encoding for Enhanced Security in Embedded Systems. 2021 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO). :1–6.
Embedded systems in physically insecure environments are subject to additional security risk via capture by an adversary. A captured microchip device can be reverse engineered to recover internal buffer data that would otherwise be inaccessible through standard IO mechanisms. We consider an adversary who has sufficient ability to gain all internal bits and logic from a device at the time of capture as an unsolved threat. In this paper we present a novel sensing architecture that enhances embedded system security by randomly encoding sensed values. We randomly encode data at the time of sensing to minimize the amount of plaintext data present on a device in buffer memory. We encode using techniques that are unintelligible to an adversary even with full internal bit knowledge. The encoding is decipherable by a trusted home server, and we have provided an architecture to perform this decoding. Our experimental results show the proposed architecture meets timing requirements needed to perform communications with a satellite utilizing short-burst data, such as in remote sensing telemetry and tracking applications.
Nougnanke, Kokouvi Benoit, Labit, Yann, Bruyere, Marc, Ferlin, Simone, Aïvodji, Ulrich.  2021.  Learning-based Incast Performance Inference in Software-Defined Data Centers. 2021 24th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops (ICIN). :118–125.
Incast traffic is a many-to-one communication pattern used in many applications, including distributed storage, web-search with partition/aggregation design pattern, and MapReduce, commonly in data centers. It is generally composed of short-lived flows that may be queued behind large flows' packets in congested switches where performance degradation is observed. Smart buffering at the switch level is sensed to mitigate this issue by automatically and dynamically adapting to traffic conditions changes in the highly dynamic data center environment. But for this dynamic and smart buffer management to become effectively beneficial for all the traffic, and especially for incast the most critical one, incast performance models that provide insights on how various factors affect it are needed. The literature lacks these types of models. The existing ones are analytical models, which are either tightly coupled with a particular protocol version or specific to certain empirical data. Motivated by this observation, we propose a machine-learning-based incast performance inference. With this prediction capability, smart buffering scheme or other QoS optimization algorithms could anticipate and efficiently optimize system parameters adjustment to achieve optimal performance. Since applying machine learning to networks managed in a distributed fashion is hard, the prediction mechanism will be deployed on an SDN control plane. We could then take advantage of SDN's centralized global view, its telemetry capabilities, and its management flexibility.
Cavalcanti, David, Carvalho, Ranieri, Rosa, Nelson.  2021.  Adaptive Middleware of Things. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :1—6.
Middleware for IoT (Internet of Things) helps application developers face challenges, such as device heterogeneity, service interoperability, security and scalability. While extensively adopted nowadays, IoT middleware systems are static because, after deployment, updates are only possible by stopping the thing. Therefore, adaptive capabilities can improve existing solutions by allowing their dynamic adaptation to changes in the environmental conditions, evolve provided functionalities, or fix bugs. This paper presents AMoT, an adaptive publish/subscribe middleware for IoT whose design and implementation adopt software architecture principles and evolutive adaptation mechanisms. The experimental evaluation of AMoT helps to measure the impact of the proposed adaptation mechanisms while also comparing the performance of AMoT with a widely adopted MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) based middleware. In the end, adaptation has an acceptable performance cost and the advantage of tunning the middleware functionality at runtime.
Pan, Xiaoqin, Tang, Shaofei, Zhu, Zuqing.  2020.  Privacy-Preserving Multilayer In-Band Network Telemetry and Data Analytics. 2020 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :142—147.
As a new paradigm for the monitoring and troubleshooting of backbone networks, the multilayer in-band network telemetry (ML-INT) with deep learning (DL) based data analytics (DA) has recently been proven to be effective on realtime visualization and fine-grained monitoring. However, the existing studies on ML-INT&DA systems have overlooked the privacy and security issues, i.e., a malicious party can apply tapping in the data reporting channels between the data and control planes to illegally obtain plaintext ML-INT data in them. In this paper, we discuss a privacy-preserving DL-based ML-INT&DA system for realizing AI-assisted network automation in backbone networks in the form of IP-over-Optical. We first show a lightweight encryption scheme based on integer vector homomorphic encryption (IVHE), which is used to encrypt plaintext ML-INT data. Then, we architect a DL model for anomaly detection, which can directly analyze the ciphertext ML-INT data. Finally, we present the implementation and experimental demonstrations of the proposed system. The privacy-preserving DL-based ML-INT&DA system is realized in a real IP over elastic optical network (IP-over-EON) testbed, and the experimental results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of our proposal.
Shahkar, S., Khorasani, K..  2020.  A Resilient Control Against Time-Delay Switch and Denial of Service Cyber Attacks on Load Frequency Control of Distributed Power Systems. 2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). :718—725.

A time-delay switch (TDS) cyber attack is a deliberate attempt by malicious adversaries aiming at destabilizing a power system by impeding the communication signals to/from the centralized controller from/to the network sensors and generating stations that participate in the load frequency control (LFC). A TDS cyber attack can be targeting the sensing loops (transmitting network measurements to the centralized controller) or the control signals dispatched from the centralized controller to the governor valves of the generating stations. A resilient TDS control strategy is proposed and developed in this work that thwarts network instabilities that are caused by delays in the sensing loops, and control commands, and guarantees normal operation of the LFC mechanism. This will be achieved by augmenting the telemetered control commands with locally generated feedback control laws (i.e., “decentralized” control commands) taking measurements that are available and accessible at the power generating stations (locally) independent from all the telemetered signals to/from the centralized controller. Our objective is to devise a controller that is capable of circumventing all types of TDS and DoS (Denial of Service) cyber attacks as well as a broad class of False Data Injection (FDI) cyber attacks.

Mukhandi, M., Portugal, D., Pereira, S., Couceiro, M. S..  2019.  A novel solution for securing robot communications based on the MQTT protocol and ROS. 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII). :608—613.

With the growing use of the Robot Operating System (ROS), it can be argued that it has become a de-facto framework for developing robotic solutions. ROS is used to build robotic applications for industrial automation, home automation, medical and even automatic robotic surveillance. However, whenever ROS is utilized, security is one of the main concerns that needs to be addressed in order to ensure a secure network communication of robots. Cyber-attacks may hinder evolution and adaptation of most ROS-enabled robotic systems for real-world use over the Internet. Thus, it is important to address and prevent security threats associated with the use of ROS-enabled applications. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for securing ROS-enabled robotic system by integrating ROS with the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. We manage to secure robots' network communications by providing authentication and data encryption, therefore preventing man-in-the-middle and hijacking attacks. We also perform real-world experiments to assess how the performance of a ROS-enabled robotic surveillance system is affected by the proposed approach.

Pan, T., Xu, C., Lv, J., Shi, Q., Li, Q., Jia, C., Huang, T., Lin, X..  2019.  LD-ICN: Towards Latency Deterministic Information-Centric Networking. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :973–980.
Deterministic latency is the key challenge that must be addressed in numerous 5G applications such as AR/VR. However, it is difficult to make customized end-to-end resource reservation across multiple ISPs using IP-based QoS mechanisms. Information-Centric Networking (ICN) provides scalable and efficient content distribution at the Internet scale due to its in-network caching and native multicast capabilities, and the deterministic latency can promisingly be guaranteed by caching the relevant content objects in appropriate locations. Existing proposals formulate the ICN cache placement problem into numerous theoretical models. However, the underlying mechanisms to support such cache coordination are not discussed in detail. Especially, how to efficiently make cache reservation, how to avoid route oscillation when content cache is updated and how to conduct the real-time latency measurement? In this work, we propose Latency Deterministic Information-Centric Networking (LD-ICN). LD-ICN relies on source routing-based latency telemetry and leverages an on-path caching technique to avoid frequent route oscillation while still achieve the optimal cache placement under the SDN architecture. Extensive evaluation shows that under LD-ICN, 90.04% of the content requests are satisfied within the hard latency requirements.
Chertchom, Prajak, Tanimoto, Shigeaki, Konosu, Tsutomu, Iwashita, Motoi, Kobayashi, Toru, Sato, Hiroyuki, Kanai, Atsushi.  2019.  Data Management Portfolio for Improvement of Privacy in Fog-to-cloud Computing Systems. 2019 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI). :884–889.
With the challenge of the vast amount of data generated by devices at the edge of networks, new architecture needs a well-established data service model that accounts for privacy concerns. This paper presents an architecture of data transmission and a data portfolio with privacy for fog-to-cloud (DPPforF2C). We would like to propose a practical data model with privacy from a digitalized information perspective at fog nodes. In addition, we also propose an architecture for implicating the privacy of DPPforF2C used in fog computing. Technically, we design a data portfolio based on the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). We aim to propose sample data models with privacy architecture because there are some differences in the data obtained from IoT devices and sensors. Thus, we propose an architecture with the privacy of DPPforF2C for publishing data from edge devices to fog and to cloud servers that could be applied to fog architecture in the future.
Su, Wei-Tsung, Chen, Wei-Cheng, Chen, Chao-Chun.  2019.  An Extensible and Transparent Thing-to-Thing Security Enhancement for MQTT Protocol in IoT Environment. 2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS). :1—4.

Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is widely accepted as a data exchange protocol in Internet of Things (IoT) environment. For security, MQTT supports Transport Layer Security (MQTT-TLS). However, MQTT-TLS provides thing-to-broker channel encryption only because data can still be exposed after MQTT broker. In addition, ACL becomes impractical due to the increasing number of rules for authorizing massive IoT devices. For solving these problems, we propose MQTT Thing-to-Thing Security (MQTT-TTS) which provides thing-to-thing security which prevents data leak. MQTT-TTS also provides the extensibility to include demanded security mechanisms for various security requirements. Moreover, the transparency of MQTT-TTS lets IoT application developers implementing secure data exchange with less programming efforts. Our MQTT-TTS implementation is available on for evaluation.

Tran, Geoffrey Phi, Walters, John Paul, Crago, Stephen.  2019.  Increased Fault-Tolerance and Real-Time Performance Resiliency for Stream Processing Workloads through Redundancy. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC). :51–55.

Data analytics and telemetry have become paramount to monitoring and maintaining quality-of-service in addition to business analytics. Stream processing-a model where a network of operators receives and processes continuously arriving discrete elements-is well-suited for these needs. Current and previous studies and frameworks have focused on continuity of operations and aggregate performance metrics. However, real-time performance and tail latency are also important. Timing errors caused by either performance or failed communication faults also affect real-time performance more drastically than aggregate metrics. In this paper, we introduce redundancy in the stream data to improve the real-time performance and resiliency to timing errors caused by either performance or failed communication faults. We also address limitations in previous solutions using a fine-grained acknowledgment tracking scheme to both increase the effectiveness for resiliency to performance faults and enable effectiveness for failed communication faults. Our results show that fine-grained acknowledgment schemes can improve the tail and mean latencies by approximately 30%. We also show that these schemes can improve resiliency to performance faults compared to existing work. Our improvements result in 47.4% to 92.9% fewer missed deadlines compared to 17.3% to 50.6% for comparable topologies and redundancy levels in the state of the art. Finally, we show that redundancies of 25% to 100% can reduce the number of data elements that miss their deadline constraints by 0.76% to 14.04% for applications with high fan-out and by 7.45% up to 50% for applications with no fan-out.

Han, Danyang, Yu, Jinsong, Song, Yue, Tang, Diyin, Dai, Jing.  2019.  A Distributed Autonomic Logistics System with Parallel-Computing Diagnostic Algorithm for Aircrafts. 2019 IEEE AUTOTESTCON. :1–8.
The autonomic logistic system (ALS), first used by the U.S. military JSF, is a new conceptional system which supports prognostic and health management system of aircrafts, including such as real-time failure monitoring, remaining useful life prediction and maintenance decisions-making. However, the development of ALS faces some challenges. Firstly, current ALS is mainly based on client/server architecture, which is very complex in a large-scale aircraft control center and software is required to be reconfigured for every accessed node, which will increase the cost and decrease the expandability of deployment for large scale aircraft control centers. Secondly, interpretation of telemetry parameters from the aircraft is a tough task considering various real-time flight conditions, including instructions from controllers, work statements of single machines or machine groups, and intrinsic physical meaning of telemetry parameters. It is troublesome to meet the expectation of full representing the relationship between faults and tests without a standard model. Finally, typical diagnostic algorithms based on dependency matrix are inefficient, especially the temporal waste when dealing with thousands of test points and fault modes, for the reason that the time complexity will increase exponentially as dependency matrix expansion. Under this situation, this paper proposed a distributed ALS under complex operating conditions, which has the following contributions 1) introducing a distributed system based on browser/server architecture, which is divided overall system into primary control system and diagnostic and health assessment platform; 2) designing a novel interface for modelling the interpretation rules of telemetry parameters and the relationship between faults and tests in consideration of multiple elements of aircraft conditions; 3) proposing a promoted diagnostic algorithm under parallel computing in order to decrease the computing time complexity. what's more, this paper develops a construction with 3D viewer of aircraft for user to locate fault points and presents repairment instructions for maintenance personnels based on Interactive Electronic Technical Manual, which supports both online and offline. A practice in a certain aircraft demonstrated the efficiency of improved diagnostic algorithm and proposed ALS.
Potrino, Giuseppe, de Rango, Floriano, Santamaria, Amilcare Francesco.  2019.  Modeling and evaluation of a new IoT security system for mitigating DoS attacks to the MQTT broker. 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). :1–6.
In recent years, technology use has assumed an important role in the support of human activities. Intellectual work has become the main preferred human activity, while structured activities are going to become ever more automatized for increasing their efficiency. For this reason, we assist to the diffusion of ever more innovative devices able to face new emergent problems. These devices can interact with the environment and each other autonomously, taking decisions even without human control. This is the Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon, favored by low cost, high mobility, high interaction and low power devices. This spread of devices has become uncontrolled, but security in this context continues to increase slowly. The purpose of this work is to model and evaluate a new IoT security system. The context is based on a generic IoT system in the presence of lightweight actuator and sensor nodes exchanging messages through Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. This work aims to increase the security of this protocol at application level, particularly mitigating Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. The system is based on the use of a host Intrusion Detection System (IDS) which applies a threshold based packet discarding policy to the different topics defined through MQTT.