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Privacy Preserving Cyberbullying Prevention with AI Methods in 5G Networks. 2019 25th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT). :265—271.
2019. Children and teenagers that have been a victim of bullying can possibly suffer its psychological effects for a lifetime. With the increase of online social media, cyberbullying incidents have been increased as well. In this paper we discuss how we can detect cyberbullying with AI techniques, using term frequency-inverse document frequency. We label messages as benign or bully. We want our method of cyberbullying detection to be privacy-preserving, such that the subscribers' benign messages should not be revealed to the operator. Moreover, the operator labels subscribers as normal, bully and victim. The operator utilizes policy control in 5G networks, to protect victims of cyberbullying from harmful traffic.
An Empirical Study on the Data Security and Privacy Awareness to Use Health Care Wearable Devices. 2019 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM). :1–6.
2019. Recently, several health care wearable devices which can intervene in health and collect personal health data have emerged in the medical market. Although health care wearable devices promote the integration of multi-layer medical resources and bring new ways of health applications for users, it is inevitable that some problems will be brought. This is mainly manifested in the safety protection of medical and health data and the protection of user's privacy. From the users' point of view, the irrational use of medical and health data may bring psychological and physical negative effects to users. From the government's perspective, it may be sold by private businesses in the international arena and threaten national security. The most direct precaution against the problem is users' initiative. For better understanding, a research model is designed by the following five aspects: Security knowledge (SK), Security attitude (SAT), Security practice (SP), Security awareness (SAW) and Security conduct (SC). To verify the model, structural equation analysis which is an empirical approach was applied to examine the validity and all the results showed that SK, SAT, SP, SAW and SC are important factors affecting users' data security and privacy protection awareness.