The increased reliance on the Internet and the corresponding surge in connectivity demand has led to a significant growth in Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. The continued deployment of IoT devices has in turn led to an increase in network attacks due to the larger number of potential attack surfaces as illustrated by the recent reports that IoT malware attacks increased by 215.7% from 10.3 million in 2017 to 32.7 million in 2018. This illustrates the increased vulnerability and susceptibility of IoT devices and networks. Therefore, there is a need for proper effective and efficient attack detection and mitigation techniques in such environments. Machine learning (ML) has emerged as one potential solution due to the abundance of data generated and available for IoT devices and networks. Hence, they have significant potential to be adopted for intrusion detection for IoT environments. To that end, this paper proposes an optimized ML-based framework consisting of a combination of Bayesian optimization Gaussian Process (BO-GP) algorithm and decision tree (DT) classification model to detect attacks on IoT devices in an effective and efficient manner. The performance of the proposed framework is evaluated using the Bot-IoT-2018 dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed optimized framework has a high detection accuracy, precision, recall, and F-score, highlighting its effectiveness and robustness for the detection of botnet attacks in IoT environments.
The aim of this paper is to explore the performance of two well-known wave energy converters (WECs) namely Floating Buoy Point Absorber (FBPA) and Oscillating Surge (OS) in onshore and offshore locations. To achieve clean energy targets by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, integration of renewable energy resources is continuously increasing all around the world. In addition to widespread renewable energy source such as wind and solar photovoltaic (PV), wave energy extracted from ocean is becoming more tangible day by day. In the literature, a number of WEC devices are reported. However, further investigations are still needed to better understand the behaviors of FBPA WEC and OS WEC under irregular wave conditions in onshore and offshore locations. Note that being surrounded by Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh has huge scope of utilizing wave power. To this end, FBPA WEC and OS WEC are simulated using the typical onshore and offshore wave height and wave period of the coastal area of Bangladesh. Afterwards, performances of the aforementioned two WECs are compared by analyzing their power output.