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Overview Of Vanet Network Security. 2022 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). :1–6.
2022. This article provides an overview of the security of VANET, which is a vehicle network. When reviewing this topic, publications of various researchers were considered. The article provides information security requirements for VANET, an overview of security research, an overview of existing attacks, methods for detecting attacks and appropriate countermeasures against such threats.
The Impact of Sybil Attacks on Vehicular Fog Networks. 2021 International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Informatics (ICRAMI). :1—6.
2021. The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a network that considers vehicles as intelligent machines. They interact and communicate with each other to improve the performance and safety of traffic. IoV solves certain problems, but it has some issues such as response time, which prompted researchers to propose the integration of Fog Computing into vehicular networks. In Vehicular Fog Computing (VFC), the services are provided at the edge of the network to increase data rate and reduce response time. However, in order to satisfy network users, the security and privacy of sensitive data should be guaranteed. Using pseudonyms instead of real identities is one of the techniques considered to preserve the privacy of users, however, this can push malicious vehicles to exploit such a process and launch the Sybil attack by creating several pseudonyms in order to perform various malicious activities. In this paper, we describe the Sybil attack effects on VFC networks and compare them to those in conventional networks, as well as identify the various existing methods for detecting this attack and determine if they are applicable to VFC networks.
Asynchronous Coded Caching Strategy With Nonuniform Demands for IoV Networks. 2021 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :352—357.
2021. The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) can offer safe and comfortable driving experiences with the cooperation communications between central servers and cache-enabled road side units (RSUs) as edge severs, which also can provide high-speed, high-quality and high-stability communication access for vehicle users (VUs). However, due to the huge popular traffic volume, the burden of backhaul link will be seriously enlarged, which will greatly degrade the service experience of the IoV. In order to alleviate the backhaul load of IoV network, in this paper, we propose an asynchronous coded caching strategy composed of two phases, i.e., content placement and asynchronous coded transmission. The asynchronous request and request deadline are closely considered to design our asynchronous coded transmission algorithm. Also, we derive the close-form expression of average backhaul load under the nonuniform demands of IoV users. Finally, we formulate an optimization problem of minimizing average backhaul load and obtain the optimized content placement vector. Simulation results verify the feasibility of our proposed strategy under the asynchronous situation.
A Scalable Blockchain-based Approach for Authentication and Access Control in Software Defined Vehicular Networks. 2020 29th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN). :1—11.
2020. Software Defined Vehicular Networking (SDVN) could be the future of the vehicular networks, enabling interoperability between heterogeneous networks and mobility management. Thus, the deployment of large SDVN is considered. However, SDVN is facing major security issues, in particular, authentication and access control issues. Indeed, an unauthorized SDN controller could modify the behavior of switches (packet redirection, packet drops) and an unauthorized switch could disrupt the operation of the network (reconnaissance attack, malicious feedback). Due to the SDVN features (decentralization, mobility) and the SDVN requirements (flexibility, scalability), the Blockchain technology appears to be an efficient way to solve these authentication and access control issues. Therefore, many Blockchain-based approaches have already been proposed. However, two key challenges have not been addressed: authentication and access control for SDN controllers and high scalability for the underlying Blockchain network. That is why in this paper we propose an innovative and scalable architecture, based on a set of interconnected Blockchain sub-networks. Moreover, an efficient access control mechanism and a cross-sub-networks authentication/revocation mechanism are proposed for all SDVN devices (vehicles, roadside equipment, SDN controllers). To demonstrate the benefits of our approach, its performances are compared with existing solutions in terms of throughput, latency, CPU usage and read/write access to the Blockchain ledger. In addition, we determine an optimal number of Blockchain sub-networks according to different parameters such as the number of certificates to store and the number of requests to process.
An Efficient Secured Routing Protocol for Software Defined Internet of Vehicles. 2019 International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Science (ICCIDS). :1–4.
2019. Vehicular ad hoc network is one of most recent research areas to deploy intelligent Transport System. Due to their highly dynamic topology, energy constrained and no central point coordination, routing with minimal delay, minimal energy and maximize throughput is a big challenge. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is new paradigm to improve overall network lifetime. It incorporates dynamic changes with minimal end-end delay, and enhances network intelligence. Along with this, intelligence secure routing is also a major constraint. This paper proposes a novel approach to Energy efficient secured routing protocol for Software Defined Internet of vehicles using Restricted Boltzmann Algorithm. This algorithm is to detect hostile routes with minimum delay, minimum energy and maximum throughput compared with traditional routing protocols.
Blockchain-Based Internet of Vehicles (IoV): An Efficient Secure Ad Hoc Vehicular Networking Architecture. 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF). :452–457.
2019. With the transformation of connected vehicles into the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), the time is now ripe for paving the way for the next generation of connected vehicles with novel applications and innovative security measures. The connected vehicles are experiencing prenominal growth in the auto industry, but are still studded with many security and privacy vulnerabilities. Today's IoV applications are part of cyber physical communication systems that collect useful information from thousands of smart sensors associated with the connected vehicles. The technology advancement has paved the way for connected vehicles to share significant information among drivers, auto manufacturers, auto insurance companies and operational and maintenance service providers for various applications. The critical issues in engineering the IoV applications are effective to use of the available spectrum and effective allocation of good channels an opportunistic manner to establish connectivity among vehicles, and the effective utilization of the infrastructure under various traffic conditions. Security and privacy in information sharing are the main concerns in a connected vehicle communication network. Blockchain technology facilitates secured communication among users in a connected vehicles network. Originally, blockchain technology was developed and employed with the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, to provide increased trust, reliability, and security among users based on peer-to-peer networks for transaction sharing. In this paper, we propose to integrate blockchain technology into ad hoc vehicular networking so that the vehicles can share network resources with increased trust, reliability, and security using distributed access control system and can benefit a wider scope of scalable IoV applications scenarios for decision making. The proposed architecture is the faithful environment for information sharing among connected vehicles. Blockchain technology allows multiple copies of data storage at the distribution cloud. Distributed access control system is significantly more secure than a traditional centralized system. This paper also describes how important of ad hoc vehicular networking in human life, possibilities in real-world implementation and its future trends. The ad hoc vehicular networking may become one of the most trendy networking concepts in the future that has the perspective to bring out much ease human beneficial and secured applications.
Two-Factor Authentication Protocol Using Physical Unclonable Function for IoV. 2019 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :195–200.
2019. As an extension of Internet of Things (IoT) in transportation sector, the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) can greatly facilitate vehicle management and route planning. With ever-increasing penetration of IoV, the security and privacy of driving data should be guaranteed. Moreover, since vehicles are often left unattended with minimum human interventions, the onboard sensors are vulnerable to physical attacks. Therefore, the physically secure authentication and key agreement (AKA) protocol is urgently needed for IoV to implement access control and information protection. In this paper, physical unclonable function (PUF) is introduced in the AKA protocol to ensure that the system is secure even if the user devices or sensors are compromised. Specifically, PUF, as a hardware fingerprint generator, eliminates the storage of any secret information in user devices or vehicle sensors. By combining password with PUF, the user device cannot be used by someone else to be successfully authenticated as the user. By resorting to public key cryptography, the proposed protocol can provide anonymity and desynchronization resilience. Finally, the elaborate security analysis demonstrates that the proposed protocol is free from the influence of known attacks and can achieve expected security properties, and the performance evaluation indicates the efficiency of our protocol.