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Towards A Distributed Ledger Based Verifiable Trusted Protocol For VANET. 2021 International Conference on Digital Futures and Transformative Technologies (ICoDT2). :1—6.
2021. To ensure traffic safety and proper operation of vehicular networks, safety messages or beacons are periodically broadcasted in Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) to neighboring nodes and road side units (RSU). Thus, authenticity and integrity of received messages along with the trust in source nodes is crucial and highly required in applications where a failure can result in life-threatening situations. Several digital signature based approaches have been described in literature to achieve the authenticity of these messages. In these schemes, scenarios having high level of vehicle density are handled by RSU where aggregated signature verification is done. However, most of these schemes are centralized and PKI based where our goal is to develop a decentralized dynamic system. Along with authenticity and integrity, trust management plays an important role in VANETs which enables ways for secure and verified communication. A number of trust management models have been proposed but it is still an ongoing matter of interest, similarly authentication which is a vital security service to have during communication is not mostly present in the literature work related to trust management systems. This paper proposes a secure and publicly verifiable communication scheme for VANET which achieves source authentication, message authentication, non repudiation, integrity and public verifiability. All of these are achieved through digital signatures, Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) technique and logging mechanism which is aided by blockchain technology.
ANFIS based Trust Management Model to Enhance Location Privacy in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE). :1–6.
2019. Trust management is a promising alternative solution to different complex security algorithms for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN) applications due to its several resource constraint behaviour. In this work, we have proposed a trust management model to improve location privacy of the UWSN. Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) has been exploited to evaluate trustworthiness of a sensor node. Also Markov Decision Process (MDP) has been considered. At each state of the MDP, a sensor node evaluates trust behaviour of forwarding node utilizing the FIS learning rules and selects a trusted node. Simulation has been conducted in MATLAB and simulation results show that the detection accuracy of trustworthiness is 91.2% which is greater than Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) 99 intrusion detection based dataset. So, in our model 91.2% trustworthiness is necessary to be a trusted node otherwise it will be treated as a malicious or compromised node. Our proposed model can successfully eliminate the possibility of occurring any compromised or malicious node in the network.