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Bartz, Hannes, Puchinger, Sven.  2021.  Decoding of Interleaved Linearized Reed-Solomon Codes with Applications to Network Coding. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :160–165.
Recently, Martínez-Peñas and Kschischang (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 2019) showed that lifted linearized Reed-Solomon codes are suitable codes for error control in multishot network coding. We show how to construct and decode lifted interleaved linearized Reed-Solomon codes. Compared to the construction by Martínez-Peñas-Kschischang, interleaving allows to increase the decoding region significantly (especially w.r.t. the number of insertions) and decreases the overhead due to the lifting (i.e., increases the code rate), at the cost of an increased packet size. The proposed decoder is a list decoder that can also be interpreted as a probabilistic unique decoder. Although our best upper bound on the list size is exponential, we present a heuristic argument and simulation results that indicate that the list size is in fact one for most channel realizations up to the maximal decoding radius.
Martínez-Peñas, Umberto, Kschischang, Frank R..  2018.  Reliable and Secure Multishot Network Coding using Linearized Reed-Solomon Codes. 2018 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton). :702–709.
Multishot network coding is considered in a worst-case adversarial setting in which an omniscient adversary with unbounded computational resources may inject erroneous packets in up to t links, erase up to ρ packets, and wire-tap up to μ links, all throughout ℓ shots of a (random) linearly-coded network. Assuming no knowledge of the underlying linear network code (in particular, the network topology and underlying linear code may change with time), a coding scheme achieving zero-error communication and perfect secrecy is obtained based on linearized Reed-Solomon codes. The scheme achieves the maximum possible secret message size of ℓn'-2t-ρ-μ packets, where n' is the number of outgoing links at the source, for any packet length m ≥ n' (largest possible range), with only the restriction that ℓ\textbackslashtextless;q (size of the base field). By lifting this construction, coding schemes for non-coherent communication are obtained with information rates close to optimal for practical instances. A Welch-Berlekamp sum-rank decoding algorithm for linearized Reed-Solomon codes is provided, having quadratic complexity in the total length n = ℓn', and which can be adapted to handle not only errors, but also erasures, wire-tap observations and non-coherent communication.