Model explanations based on pure observational data cannot compute the effects of features reliably, due to their inability to estimate how each factor alteration could affect the rest. We argue that explanations should be based on the causal model of the data and the derived intervened causal models, that represent the data distribution subject to interventions. With these models, we can compute counterfactuals, new samples that will inform us how the model reacts to feature changes on our input. We propose a novel explanation methodology based on Causal Counterfactuals and identify the limitations of current Image Generative Models in their application to counterfactual creation.
Withgrowing times and technology, and the data related to it is increasing on daily basis and so is the daunting task to manage it. The present solution to this problem i.e our present databases, are not the long-term solutions. These data volumes need to be stored safely and retrieved safely to use. This paper presents an overview of security issues for big data. Big Data encompasses data configuration, distribution and analysis of the data that overcome the drawbacks of traditional data processing technology. Big data manages, stores and acquires data in a speedy and cost-effective manner with the help of tools, technologies and frameworks.